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One thing I absolutely hate is when I make my order and the waiter doesn't write it down - I'm not sure if it is supposed to impress me, or some way to make a boring job more interesting, but just write my stupid order down so that I will have some confidence it will be right. I can't tell you how many times something has gotten messed with an order in my party when a stupid waiter doesn't write it down and stands there 'memorizing it'. Your primary responsibiity is to take my order correctly - please write it down.

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I hate when an otherwise good restaurant hires 25 year old morons because they look good instead of waiters that know what the hell they are doing.


There are plenty of jobs at Hooters or TGIFs for the bimbos.

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The top thing that annoys me the most::


1. When the waiter comes over with the pepper mill or grated cheese thingy. I usually like a lot of one or the other. He or She gives me a couple turns, and then asks if I want more. Then proceeds to give me another little turn. I'm so tempted to grab the damn thing, and tell him or her to "F" off. So now because I am irritated, I settle for the little amount he gives me.



Two of my bigger pet peeves, too. Among the Dean's rules for restaurants are:


1. A pepper grinder on every table. If the restaurant is worried they will be stolen, use huge grinders, or the cheap disposable ones sold in supermarkets. First of all, they ask if you want pepper BEFORE you've tasted the food. Furthermore, what if I decide I want more pepper after the waitron/busperson leaves the table? I have to find them again?


2. Cheese should also be put on the table. My preference is to have it grated freshly into a bowl on the table. But I will settle for pre-grated if I must.

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One thing I absolutely hate is when I make my order and the waiter doesn't write it down - I'm not sure if it is supposed to impress me, or some way to make a boring job more interesting, but just write my stupid order down so that I will have some confidence it will be right. I can't tell you how many times something has gotten messed with an order in my party when a stupid waiter doesn't write it down and stands there 'memorizing it'. Your primary responsibiity is to take my order correctly - please write it down.

maybe you should have confidence in the professional standing in front of you, more often than not, when your precious order is wrong, its a kitchen issue, the waiter did his/her job correctly, but because you cant go yell at the kitchen, you take it out on the hard working individual who has the daunting task of trying to provide you with a pleasant experience. I'd even go as far to say that your probably one of those !@#$s that will dock whatever tip you may have had in mind for things that are out of the servers control, congratulations, you're an ass that nobody likes to wait on.

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maybe you should have confidence in the professional standing in front of you, more often than not, when your precious order is wrong, its a kitchen issue, the waiter did his/her job correctly, but because you cant go yell at the kitchen, you take it out on the hard working individual who has the daunting task of trying to provide you with a pleasant experience. I'd even go as far to say that your probably one of those !@#$s that will dock whatever tip you may have had in mind for things that are out of the servers control, congratulations, you're an ass that nobody likes to wait on.

Kind of load of crap. Servers get more tips based on things that are out of their control, too. It works both ways and that's all part of the job. The fact that some servers decide not to write down the order gives the customer more reason to believe that the mistake was the servers fault, even if it wasn't. So why do it? Maybe they think it's impressive and will get them a bigger tip? Maybe it does. I know I've never personally thought the service was better because a waiter/waitress didn't write down my order. But if it's worth the gamble to them, fine; they have to take the bad with the good.

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The top thing that annoys me the most::


1. When the waiter comes over with the pepper mill or grated cheese thingy. I usually like a lot of one or the other. He or She gives me a couple turns, and then asks if I want more. Then proceeds to give me another little turn. I'm so tempted to grab the damn thing, and tell him or her to "F" off. So now because I am irritated, I settle for the little amount he gives me.


Getting to the table, and there's no silverware napkins or condiments. So you tell the server. And they take their sweet old time bringing the stuff you ask for. (recently this happened, we had food at table with no silverware. WTF??)

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I hate when an otherwise good restaurant hires 25 year old morons because they look good instead of waiters that know what the hell they are doing.


There are plenty of jobs at Hooters or TGIFs for the bimbos.


A Texas Roadhouse just opened up down the street from our house. So the wife suggests we go try it out, and as with any new restaurant, they're friggin slammed.


My wife is smart enough to call ahead so we get seated right away. As we're walking to our table, I start giving the place the "once over" and notice their staff is surprisingly young, like "High School Seniors" young. I was not amused at all and frankly would have turned right around had we not brought my daughter with us.


Best damn service I've ever had from any restaurant. Those kids were absolutely fantastic! Food was great, service was ridiculously fast and friendly. The only complaint would be that damned armadillo that walked around and scared all the little kids...

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Easy. I hate restaurants that sing humiliating "birthday songs". Dude or dudette just wanted to have a nice lunch/dinner with her friends or family and now they have to stand at or on their table like an idiot while the humiliated wait staff have to sing some inane song that the entire restaurant finds shameful. All for a lousy piece of free dessert.

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Maybe it is just a personal thing, but, I don't like when a waiter or waitress acts too familiar, even if I have been there a load of times. There is a restaurant near my old job, that I used to go to about once a week...there was a certain waitress that would "guess" what I was going to get, every time I came in... for some reason, it made me kind of uncomfortable (I hate small talk, and meaningless chatter...I get enough of that every day), and, eventually, I just stopped going there...


Also, while I appreciate good service, I can't stand being interrupted constantly, to ask me if I need anything else... I guess I got issues...I am always a generous tipper, sometimes when it isn't really deserved.


I live in a crowded college town. Most places, if they are any good, are packed. I can deal with that. But, as the employees and the clientele tend to be younger, loud music, in a restaurant is also a big turn off for me. I work with music, I live in the "live music capital" of the world, I love music, but eating a nice meal in peace is really a pleasure...

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The top thing that annoys me the most::


1. When the waiter comes over with the pepper mill or grated cheese thingy. I usually like a lot of one or the other. He or She gives me a couple turns, and then asks if I want more. Then proceeds to give me another little turn. I'm so tempted to grab the damn thing, and tell him or her to "F" off. So now because I am irritated, I settle for the little amount he gives me.


People talking REALLY LOUD on their cell phones for everyone to hear

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Staff taking our order and then returning with the drink / food and asking who ordered what? What is so hard about coming up with some sort of scheme to "code" who ordered what?!?

there is a system, the order is supposed to be entered in the computer in order( first person on the left and on around), then the order is supposed to be placed on the try in that same order with the ticket on the first item, that way you just take the ticket off and pass everything out clockwise, announcing each item clearly as you place it in front of each guest

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1- "I'm your server tonight. My name is...." then they write their name on the table upside down.


2- "I'll get your order right into the kitchen for you." Um, yes, of course you will.


3- "Have a good one". Don't even know why, but that always bugs the sh*t out of me.

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Come to My Yami. That little ditty you mentioned wouldn't even be on your radar after a meal down here.


It starts with,

There is no parking within 15 miles. All the parking spots are big enough to hold.... perhaps a shopping cart.

This must explain why there are 65 shopping carts in the parking lot.


I have to wait 45 minutes? There are 6 tables open over there.

Six Tables. Six. Over there. There. RIGHT OVER THERE.

Do you speak anything remotely close to a known language?


Am I at the only table to which there is NO service person is assigned?

I am ready to order now after only sitting here only and hour and 35 minutes with no drink, at a table wiped with a filthy, rancid rag and a menu covered in what looks like baboon vomit.

This is not what I ordered. And the item I DID order was supposed to be rare, not set on fire. And what the hell is this anyway, the baboon vomit that you scraped up with the menu?

I am ready for the bill now, after sending my meal back 8 times and finally giving up on actually getting anything even remotely in the same color spectrum as what I ordered.


My car is completely blocked in because the parking lot now looks like a rental car storage lot. There isn't 3 inches between any two vehicles. If I could actually unlock my door, I couldn't open it up far enough to slide a vomit encrusted menu inside.

Ready for a movie?


You order a Weineken with that meal? Geez, step 1, move out of Miami. I have lived in Broward County for over 20 years and go to MIA maybe once a year, maybe...and that does not include the Bills/Fish game.

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Don't bring me my GD entree until I'm GD ready for it.


If I'm eating my salad I'm not ready for the entree.


If I'm eating an appetizer I'm not ready for the entree.



Bring me my entree before I'm ready for it and I'm going to make you feel lower than a worm on a rainy day.

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maybe you should have confidence in the professional standing in front of you, more often than not, when your precious order is wrong, its a kitchen issue, the waiter did his/her job correctly, but because you cant go yell at the kitchen, you take it out on the hard working individual who has the daunting task of trying to provide you with a pleasant experience. I'd even go as far to say that your probably one of those !@#$s that will dock whatever tip you may have had in mind for things that are out of the servers control, congratulations, you're an ass that nobody likes to wait on.

absofrigginlutely I'll cut the tip. and yes, I'll let the waiter/ress know if I'm not satisfied with something. they are my link to the restaurant, they are my conduit. they are the person i'm communicating with. if something is screwed up it is their fault. i don't get my food as ordered they screwed up. perhaps if they had written the order down and then had taken the time to review the order before bringing the food out they would have noticed that the kitchen screwed up. but because they didn't check they (the waiter/ress) screwed up.


congratulations, you're the waiter/ress that nobody wants to have wait on them.

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absofrigginlutely I'll cut the tip. and yes, I'll let the waiter/ress know if I'm not satisfied with something. they are my link to the restaurant, they are my conduit. they are the person i'm communicating with. if something is screwed up it is their fault. i don't get my food as ordered they screwed up. perhaps if they had written the order down and then had taken the time to review the order before bringing the food out they would have noticed that the kitchen screwed up. but because they didn't check they (the waiter/ress) screwed up.


congratulations, you're the waiter/ress that nobody wants to have wait on them.


So when I order my steak medium, and it comes back rare...that's the waiter's fault? If you've ever waited tables at a busy restaurant, you'd know that there's not time to inspect every detail of every plate. Sure, if the person orders the mashed potatoes and they end up with rice pilaf on the plate, you can alert the kitchen...but a lot of stuff slips by.


Let me ask you this; How come in most fields, a certain degree of human error is expected and acceptable, but when it comes to restaurants people get their panties all up in a bunch over simple mistakes as if the employees are supposed to be perfect?

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So when I order my steak medium, and it comes back rare...that's the waiter's fault? If you've ever waited tables at a busy restaurant, you'd know that there's not time to inspect every detail of every plate. Sure, if the person orders the mashed potatoes and they end up with rice pilaf on the plate, you can alert the kitchen...but a lot of stuff slips by.


Let me ask you this; How come in most fields, a certain degree of human error is expected and acceptable, but when it comes to restaurants people get their panties all up in a bunch over simple mistakes as if the employees are supposed to be perfect?

If I order a steak medium please feel free to kill me for ruining a good piece of meat. But for the sage :thumbsup: of argument...


That is an obvious kitchen error. Who am I going to talk to about it? I'm going to tell the waiter. If they want to bring a manager or kitchen staff to the table I'll voice my displeasure to them, but still...they are my conduit.


If the plate is prepared wrong...rice instead of new potatoes...that's the waiter/ress/'s problem. Their job is to get it right and in this case it is my order. I don't care about how busy the place is, I don't care that someone didn't show up. I care that my order is delivered as ordered. My expectations grow based on the cost of the meal. If my rare steak at Texas Roadhouse is delivered MR...that's ok, I'll eat it. But, if I'm dining 'upscale' I do expect everything to be perfect. I am an ass at times, but my expectations are high (on a sliding scale dependent on the price of the meal).


Just as my boss expects that my projects are delivered on time as 'ordered' I expect that my meal be delivered as ordered.

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If I order a steak medium please feel free to kill me for ruining a good piece of meat. But for the sage :thumbsup: of argument...


That is an obvious kitchen error. Who am I going to talk to about it? I'm going to tell the waiter. If they want to bring a manager or kitchen staff to the table I'll voice my displeasure to them, but still...they are my conduit.


If the plate is prepared wrong...rice instead of new potatoes...that's the waiter/ress/'s problem. Their job is to get it right and in this case it is my order. I don't care about how busy the place is, I don't care that someone didn't show up. I care that my order is delivered as ordered. My expectations grow based on the cost of the meal. If my rare steak at Texas Roadhouse is delivered MR...that's ok, I'll eat it. But, if I'm dining 'upscale' I do expect everything to be perfect. I am an ass at times, but my expectations are high (on a sliding scale dependent on the price of the meal).


Just as my boss expects that my projects are delivered on time as 'ordered' I expect that my meal be delivered as ordered.


This is all fair. I was just confused at your previous post where you made it seem that every food error in a restaurant is inherently the wait staff's fault.


Just remember that even those who work at up-scale restaurants are prone to mistakes like all of us. You mention that your boss expects your projects to be delivered on time...he also probably expects that you'll have a bad day every once in a while.

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