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The top thing that annoys me the most::


1. When the waiter comes over with the pepper mill or grated cheese thingy. I usually like a lot of one or the other. He or She gives me a couple turns, and then asks if I want more. Then proceeds to give me another little turn. I'm so tempted to grab the damn thing, and tell him or her to "F" off. So now because I am irritated, I settle for the little amount he gives me.

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The top thing that annoys me the most::


1. When the waiter comes over with the pepper mill or grated cheese thingy. I usually like a lot of one or the other. He or She gives me a couple turns, and then asks if I want more. Then proceeds to give me another little turn. I'm so tempted to grab the damn thing, and tell him or her to "F" off. So now because I am irritated, I settle for the little amount he gives me.


Just say "I want a lot, I will tell you when to stop".

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Just say "I want a lot, I will tell you when to stop".



One could make many an inappropriate joke with that line .... anyway to the point of the post ..


I find it anoying when wait staff start the ordering process by asking the table "are there any questions about the menu?" then when asked a simple (not even some obscure issue) starightforward question they just stand there and say "I don't know." IMO they would be better off not asking the question.

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This isn't a restaurant complaint but I have to vent anyway.


I work for myself and the majority of my work is done in residential homes. Most days when lunch time hits, I like to get away from the job for a break. If I'm by myself, I usually find a secluded parking lot and eat my lunch, read a book, make a couple phone calls, and do whatever.


I generally pick a large parking lot like a mall or movie theatre and park in the most remote area. Sometimes I'm the only vehicle in the parking lot, especially if it's a closed business lot.


My complaint is the jackass that needs to park right next to me and look at me while he talks on the phone. An entire empty parking lot, as far as the eye can see, and this jerk has to pick that spot. I know it sounds stupid but it drives me crazy. That 30-45 minute window is my only window of relaxation and I usually don't have a chance to step away while working.


I despise that sweaty pig that sits there staring at me eat my lunch, in an empty parking lot. I'd say he finds me about 60 percent of the time. 500 hundred spots available and thats the one dip **** always wants.

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This isn't a restaurant complaint but I have to vent anyway.


I work for myself and the majority of my work is done in residential homes. Most days when lunch time hits, I like to get away from the job for a break. If I'm by myself, I usually find a secluded parking lot and eat my lunch, read a book, make a couple phone calls, and do whatever.


I generally pick a large parking lot like a mall or movie theatre and park in the most remote area. Sometimes I'm the only vehicle in the parking lot, especially if it's a closed business lot.


My complaint is the jackass that needs to park right next to me and look at me while he talks on the phone. An entire empty parking lot, as far as the eye can see, and this jerk has to pick that spot. I know it sounds stupid but it drives me crazy. That 30-45 minute window is my only window of relaxation and I usually don't have a chance to step away while working.


I despise that sweaty pig that sits there staring at me eat my lunch, in an empty parking lot. I'd say he finds me about 60 percent of the time. 500 hundred spots available and thats the one dip **** always wants.



Maybe he has man love for you ..... that would be sick

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The top thing that annoys me the most::


1. When the waiter comes over with the pepper mill or grated cheese thingy. I usually like a lot of one or the other. He or She gives me a couple turns, and then asks if I want more. Then proceeds to give me another little turn. I'm so tempted to grab the damn thing, and tell him or her to "F" off. So now because I am irritated, I settle for the little amount he gives me.

Come to My Yami. That little ditty you mentioned wouldn't even be on your radar after a meal down here.


It starts with,

There is no parking within 15 miles. All the parking spots are big enough to hold.... perhaps a shopping cart.

This must explain why there are 65 shopping carts in the parking lot.


I have to wait 45 minutes? There are 6 tables open over there.

Six Tables. Six. Over there. There. RIGHT OVER THERE.

Do you speak anything remotely close to a known language?


Am I at the only table to which there is NO service person is assigned?

I am ready to order now after only sitting here only and hour and 35 minutes with no drink, at a table wiped with a filthy, rancid rag and a menu covered in what looks like baboon vomit.

This is not what I ordered. And the item I DID order was supposed to be rare, not set on fire. And what the hell is this anyway, the baboon vomit that you scraped up with the menu?

I am ready for the bill now, after sending my meal back 8 times and finally giving up on actually getting anything even remotely in the same color spectrum as what I ordered.


My car is completely blocked in because the parking lot now looks like a rental car storage lot. There isn't 3 inches between any two vehicles. If I could actually unlock my door, I couldn't open it up far enough to slide a vomit encrusted menu inside.

Ready for a movie?

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For me it's not even close:


Wait staff person: "Would you like your water flat or sparkling?"


Me: "Tap, please. I know you're required to ask that, but another one like that and it will cut into your tip."


Jeebus, at least a mugger works to rob me. :thumbsup:

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My complaint is the jackass that needs to park right next to me and look at me while he talks on the phone. An entire empty parking lot, as far as the eye can see, and this jerk has to pick that spot. I know it sounds stupid but it drives me crazy. That 30-45 minute window is my only window of relaxation and I usually don't have a chance to step away while working.

I've had that happen. I just move a few aisles away. If they follow, which hasn't happened yet, I leave that parking lot and go find another.

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You'd be surprised.

I've had times when I worked as a dishwasher when it was busy the kitchen staff was waiting on me to get them clean plates/bowls, basically throwing the food on them as soon as I ran them over. No time to even let them cool down from the hot water.

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I've had times when I worked as a dishwasher when it was busy the kitchen staff was waiting on me to get them clean plates/bowls, basically throwing the food on them as soon as I ran them over. No time to even let them cool down from the hot water.

Yeah, that's exactly what happens. I understand that it gets busy sometimes, but it still irks me.

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Yeah, that's exactly what happens. I understand that it gets busy sometimes, but it still irks me.



When I worked at Red Lobster, we specifically moved the cold plates to the top of the stack in the fridge used for salad bowls. It's not that hard for people to put forth a little effort to make the dining experience worthwhile.

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This isn't a restaurant complaint but I have to vent anyway.


I work for myself and the majority of my work is done in residential homes. Most days when lunch time hits, I like to get away from the job for a break. If I'm by myself, I usually find a secluded parking lot and eat my lunch, read a book, make a couple phone calls, look at some porn on my cell phone, and do whatever.


I generally pick a large parking lot like a mall or movie theatre and park in the most remote area. Sometimes I'm the only vehicle in the parking lot, especially if it's a closed business lot.


My complaint is the jackass that needs to park right next to me and look at my cell phone porn me while he talks on the phone. An entire empty parking lot, as far as the eye can see, and this jerk has to pick that spot. I know it sounds stupid but it drives me crazy. That 30-45 minute window is my only window of relaxation and I usually don't have a chance to step away while working.


I despise that sweaty pig that sits there staring at me eat my lunch, in an empty parking lot. I'd say he finds me about 60 percent of the time. 500 hundred spots available and thats the one dip **** always wants.





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