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  1. I don't think anyone we have will be a top pass rusher in the NFL this season. But i also look at that list and see dollar signs and 0 super bowls. I wa Shaq barrett had 19 sacks in 2019, followed by 8 and then 10 - after never having more than 6 in his first 4 years. Harold Landry didn't crack double digit sacks until year 4 in the league. Zadarius Smith didn't hit double digits until year 5 after leaving baltimore for GB. I guess what i'm saying is... i don't expect anyone on our roster to take the jump to being some kind of feared player. But the possibility of adding a few additional pressures, and several pressures turning into sacks, isn't unheard of to see a jump from like 6 to 12 sacks.
  2. I only ever had the chance to watch him play one time; he was utterly confused and flat out scared because of it. I don't know if he played with that kind of fear regularly but it was bad enough in the one game I saw that he would have been so far down my draft board that he might as well have been off it.
  3. JIM GERAGHTY: What Did the President Know, and How Long Did He Remember It? On the menu today: Way back in June 2022, I wrote, “I think the single most predictable ‘bombshell’ of the coming years is that sometime in 2025, someone like Bob Woodward or Robert Costa will publish a book with a title like Perpetual Crisis: Inside the Biden White House, and we will ‘learn’ something like, ‘the president’s official health report said he was in fine shape for his age. But behind the scenes, Jill Biden, Ron Klain, and Susan Rice were deeply concerned the president’s health was rapidly declining, and that he would soon be unable to perform his duties.’” This morning, the Wall Street Journal takes us another half-step toward that minimally shocking revelation, interviewing more than 45 sources and offering a grim portrait of President Biden behind the scenes: forgetful, mumbling, increasingly reliant on notes to remember basic facts, and seemingly oblivious to his own administration’s policies and decisions. The assessment from some sources that Biden has some good days and some not-so-good days reminds our Luther Ray Abel of visits to family in nursing homes throughout his childhood and early adulthood. It’s as bad as you fear, Americans, because all of us with experience with elderly relatives know that over time, the good days become rarer, and the bad days become more frequent. Put another way, Biden’s never going to be as young and sharp-minded as he was yesterday. https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/what-did-the-president-know-and-how-long-did-he-remember/ https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/the-taboo-lifts-on-discussing-bidens-age/ If the Journal is shocked by how Biden behaves behind the scenes:
  4. Not in NC. Anyone could get the vaccine by early-ish March here. I remember waiting to get mine only because I was traveling for work. Even with the delay I had my IM immunogen by the third week of March. A little anecdote from that time that I may have shared before. I went to a drive in vaccine site. While waiting in line I struck up a conversation with one of the paramedics. I asked him if he was seeing many adverse reactions to the vaccine. He listed off a few incidents, mostly people fainting because of needle phobia. Then he told me about a guy who lied on his consent form. He knew he was allergic to some of the vaccine excipients but took the shot anyway because he was so afraid of covid. An otherwise healthy young man nearly died because he was made to fear a virus that ultimately killed at most 1% of his age group. Fauci and his minions are pure evil.
  5. Some random thoughts: -- After 2 years in the league, Cook does not have a lot of mileage on him. So I would be less fearful of signing him to a 2nd contract than I would be if he were a true workhorse style RB. -- Davis profiles to be more of a "every-down" back than Cook does. Obviously he has not played a down in the NFL yet, so we will have to see. -- The Davis/Cook combo could be lethal, if Davis proves to be the 4th-round steal I hope he proves to be and Brady comes up with some quality schemes. -- The market the last couple of years has not been a great one for RBs, as teams have realized the short lifespan they have and the typical poor investment in giving a workhorse RB a huge 2nd contract All of this is to say that if Cook continues to improve and evolves into a mainstay "lightning" in a proverbial thunder-and-lightning running game, then he could very well be worth re-signing, provided that the contract is a modest one. Conversely, if Davis does turn out to be a workhorse, it would not be difficult finding a 3rd-down back to replace Cook and compliment Davis. So many factors at play here, some of which we will find out this year: Does Cook continue to improve? How good is Davis? Regardless, if Cook is looking for a contract that pays him north of, say, $4M per season, then that money would be better invested elsewhere.
  6. https://www.yahoo.com/news/3rd-strike-trans-rape-suspect-080011578.html Tremaine "Tremayne" Deon Carroll, 51, is an incarcerated biological male who identifies as a woman and faces two charges of forcible rape and one of "dissuading a witness from testifying" in Madera County, according to a criminal complaint first obtained by the website 4W, and later reported by Reduxx. Carroll is one of several female-identifying biological males represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, Transgender Law Center and Lambda Legal who intervened to oppose WoLF's lawsuit in August 2023. In sworn testimony, Carroll stated, "I know what it feels like to live in fear and to carry the weight of the past abuse by men. But I am not a threat." Less than a year later, Carroll would be accused of rape.
  7. They're going longer every time. That should be obvious. This is the third season for the USFL teams and the XFL only took a break because of McMahon's shenanigans. They've set expectations better than the previous leagues and are following the MLS business model, which has managed to survive and maintain a broadcast presence despite poor national interest. Have no fear, the league will still be here for you to gleefully disparage next year, with FOX even airing games on Friday nights.
  8. In a league where passing is emphasized and in which the rules are set up to encourage its success... The most important thing to do is get a quarterback. The next most important thing to do is protect him so he stays upright and healthy. The third most important thing to do is to get him some good players to throw the ball to. The Bills have indisputably achieved goal #1. They seem quite likely to have achieved goal #2. I am uncertain that they have fully achieved goal #3, but I fear they may not have. Others are optimistic that they have done so. We can argue all day about TEs vs WRs, having one or two elite options vs having a grab bag of different skillsets, etc, but at the end of the day, the proof will be in the pudding. There will once again come a moment in the playoffs where the Bills need offensive players OTHER than Josh Allen to step up. Will anyone be ready to answer the call? Tight end, running back, receiver, I personally don't really care. I just want 2024 not to be "The Solo Josh Allen Show: Remix". I'm sick of that show. Time will tell if Beane has gone about the building of the offense correctly and to sufficient effect. I am less optimistic than others, but we'll all see soon enough. **Edit: And before anyone says it: Yes, it would be REALLY nice if some defensive guys started stepping up, too. All the offensive firepower in the world won't do a thing if our defense can't learn to stop a nosebleed in the playoffs.**
  9. here is what you are missing FC. had the Bills drafted another WR in rounds 2-4 half of the people complaining in this thread of lack of receivers and what not, would withdrawal their complaints. But would have changed? Bills would still not have an elite receiver, TE or WR. But for some reason their fears would subside because we took another chance on a receiver on day two or three. heck, even say we traded into the top 10 and drafted one of the big three. We still don’t have an elite receiver on the roster going into this season in that scenario but again, it would be silent in this thread from those screaming the loudest that we haven’t invested in the position (false) or that we don’t have elite talent on the roster at the receiver position.
  10. People forget...Bills were 3rd in sacks in the entire NFL last year, only 3 behind the top team too. And that is with Tre, Milano, and Jones all out for most the season and Bernard missing the end of the season. Our pass rush isn't as dire as many fear IMHO.
  11. … where some old person who doesn’t understand the concept of a 15-minute city shows how much she’s bought the fear porn? You probably think this is actually Klaus Schwab.
  12. Yeah some of what you say is true. But in the end, we were right not to trust him. Our worst fears were proven true. Well maybe i shouldnt say worst there are loons that spoke about nuclear war but you know what i mean. Shemp isnt a criminal. There's a huge difference to me between well meaning old buffoon and criminal old buffoon who will burn the house down because he has no comprehension of what he's doing. You're defending what? Do you think he didn't pay Stormy off? You really think he's innocent? I truly believe most of you know he's guilty. You just don't like it because he's running for pres.
  13. Out w my Russian colleagues again here on the 90th floor in Hudson Yards. Despite tonight's events involving Trump, they underscored the fragility of democracy and the crucial need to safeguard it. They voiced that Putin's approach has had damaging effects on Russia. They also expressed fear that if Trump were to win, that same approach could harm America. Supporters of MAGA should remember what makes the US unique and never forget it. It's a concerning perspective.
  14. And maybe women who fear Trump's policy positions and rhetoric, which are considered misogynistic and represent a threat to the rights of women. We could say its deja vu all over again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Women's_March
  15. Well this sounds to me like it was an inexperienced Turkish campaign worker/taken out of context/ Deep State AI/ Obamas Birth Certificate/Hillarys Emails. Donald is a blameless, Holy champion of the middle class, God-fearing American.
  16. Yeah and to think many expect the Bills to not have any part of getting a top WR. Like the price will be coming down. Or they're not important. The market is full of comparables now, the amount a DK Metcalf or Aiyuk should get won't be too hard to figure out. These teams could be hurrying to get deals done because they fear the June 1st surge will notch up the level (see Collins and now Waddle). They may be right. It's not out of the realm of possibility that the Bills give J Jefferson a record setting backloaded contract in a huge trade. A 1st, 2nd, and 4th might get it done.
  17. I don't know this for sure but I was under the impression the town of Orchard Park blocked development out of fear their quaint little suburb would change too much.
  18. Because Rams traded for him. They didn't have to give him a contract. Beane should have done it. Many on here were hoping and advocating for it at the time. BBillsbeat KC and Cinci and win SuperBowl if Beane makes that move. Hopefully Miller returns to be at least better than Epenesa. White was awful after his ACL and took forever to heal. Makes me fear a little but for Milano and his timeline to return to form.
  19. Huge pro-Trump crowd in the Bronx shows something profound happening in America by Andrea Widburg Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez admitted the other day that the virtue of the so-called “hush money” trial is that it keeps Trump off the campaign trail. She slammed the fact that Trump would even contemplate making lemonade out of that lemon by campaigning in the Bronx—her turf. That was fear speaking, and AOC was right to be afraid. What’s happening now in the Bronx is monumental. A crowd that was estimated to be a few thousand is currently in the tens of thousands and still growing. Yesterday, when Ocasio-Cortez learned that Trump would be coming to her home turf, she tried to insult him by gloating about the trial hampering https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/05/huge_pro_trump_crowd_in_the_bronx_shows_something_profound_happening_in_america.html Be sure to scroll down to the last video, where an articulate lifetime-Democrat woman explains why she is voting for Trump even though she hates him. (Hint: It's his policies.) .
  20. These are the very same people who told us to shutter businesses, wear useless masks 24/7 and be in constant fear of other humans and for our lives who now when news of a cover up around the friggin origin of the pandemic pathogen that pushed them to engage of all of the above hysteria now say... Meh...that's old news... why do we care now?
  21. Now we know for certain: the diary, like the laptop, is real — and its contents are alarming. So why isn't the media all over this? In 2019, Ashley Biden, the then 37-year-old daughter of President Biden and his wife Jill, wrote in her journal about showering with her father at an inappropriate age as well as her fears that, as a child, she was sexually abused. Explosive stuff. Not that you would have heard about it, thanks to a near-complete, years-long media blackout. After undergoing treatment in rehab, Ashley moved to a halfway house in Florida, where she left the diary under a mattress. The diary, which also contained details of her drug use, was then found in 2020 by a Florida woman who stole it, leaked its contents online, and sold it for $40,000. All that time, the Biden campaign let the left-wing media, of its own volition, cast aspersions on the diary's authenticity, or dismiss it as a right-wing plant of dubious veracity, another Russia hoax. Just as with Hunter Biden's laptop. Turns out both are all too real. {snip} Let's pause here to state the obvious: If this were the diary entry of a Trump daughter, the media would be at DEFCON 1. This would be front-page news, the sole focus of special Rachel Maddow furrowed-brow editions, MSNBC and CNN primetime investigations, the incessant drumbeat of every Sunday show and op-ed from now until election day, the left-wing press demanding answers. But rather than do its job without fear or favor, the vast majority of the media — which has adjudged Donald Trump as everything from a racist to a rapist, and never fails to regurgitate accusations, no matter how old or inconsistent — has conveniently ignored similar allegations against Joe Biden (more on those later). Last month, the New York Times reported that the woman who stole Ashley's diary was sentenced to time in prison. Did the Times cover what was actually in the diary? Not one bit. Not even a hint of its incendiary contents. Instead, they led with the thief's 'brazen scheme to steal the diary of President Biden's daughter and sell it to a right-wing group in the hope of disrupting the 2020 election'. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13448411/joe-biden-daughter-ashley-showers-dad-molested-truth.html
  22. No, they’ll continue to attack the basis for the armed raid, problems with the investigation, leaks/staged photo shoots, the SC’s untruthful testimony before the court, the egregious mishandling of classified documents in their possession, the new question of documents apparently sent to Trump, and the relative hypocrisy on the handling of classified documents by all other players. As additional documents are unsealed, more will come to light that can be attacked procedurally or in the court of public opinion. I understand hatred of Trump. I never understand people like you running around screaming someone else is in a cult while you dismiss issues with the SC. The SC office controlled everything. There are no fears of running out of money, no limitations on experts, personnel to process data, the ability to manage leaks, photo shoots etc…yet here we are. The best outcome would be to end this debacle, acknowledge the government has played extremely fast and loose with classified documents in control of powerful people, and that for too long they all were above the law. That predated Dopey Joe, Crooked Hillary, Evangelical Mike and Cheeto Dust Don.
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