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  1. If you agree with what she said you are a racist. What a mess.
  2. I shouldn't bother asking, but what is the commie whining about now? More RACISTS!?
  3. Oh I definitely hate everyone equally. All races, religions, beliefs.
  4. liberalism and communism are economic systems?
  5. 1) Nationalism and Xenophobia: Immigration Policies: Trump's "Muslim Ban," barring entry from several predominantly Muslim countries, has drawn comparisons to the racial exclusions of Nazi Germany. Family Separations: The "zero tolerance" policy at the U.S.-Mexico border, resulting in family separations, drew criticism for its inhumane treatment of migrants. Zero-Tolerance: The Trump Administration’s Human Rights Violations Against Migrants Forcible separation of families and the prolonged detention of children in harsh conditions without due process or adequate resources. Family separations 2) Socialism is okay when bailing out farmers because of Trump's failed tariffs: 3) Trump tried to cut funding for Special Olympics and Autism assistance programs The Murder of People with Disabilities | Holocaust Encyclopedia Nazis saw people with disabilities as an obstacle in their attempts to create an idealized "German race." In 1939, the Nazi regime began a systematic program to murder them. It’s not just Special Olympics. Trump’s budget cuts other disabilities programs 4) Abortion and Contraception “The answer is that there has to be some form of punishment,” Trump told a MSNBC town hall after being asked: “Do you believe in punishment for abortion, yes or no, as a principle?” After his response, the host then sought a clarification on his use of the word punishment: “For the woman?” And Trump said, “Yeah, there has to be some form.” "A Pregnancy Must not be Terminated!" (1933) The Nazi regime-controlled access to abortion and contraception in accordance with its philosophy of racial hygiene. “Pure-race," hereditarily healthy women were supposed to be completely denied access to abortion
  6. You are assuming because he's black that he is crooked? That's racist
  7. I lived in New Mexico for 6 years. The Mexicans believed illegal immigration is a problem. Are they racist? And if so, how?
  8. No. That's not what they mean. The whole "diversity statement" thing is a huge overreach by the DEI establishment. It requires not just a pledge that if hired I will not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, LGBTQ status, etc. I would have no problem with that. No. It usually requires a statement that racial, gender, LGBTQ status diversity in the organization is always a good thing, even if that would imply some kind of discrimination in hiring. I think that is a bridge too far.
  9. Why would you assume everyone on a jury is racist? I don’t think Teddy would approve pardoning a racist who was convicted by a jury for shooting an Air Force veteran. After three years in prison; his lawyers found a way to get him out. And guess what? Trump can appeal and have the same luck. Next deflection?
  10. You are a clown, Richmond is a diverse city, totally against the racist idea of the Southern Confederacy
  11. We are witnessing a multi faceted system of racist/sexist being pushed. Hey @BillStime this is where the systemic oppression is happening
  12. NFL will be a racist as the next guy when reviewing CBs.
  13. Apparently comprehension is too difficult for you. Being "CALLED" racist means nothing to him. It means nothing to anyone who knows that they are not racists, and the automatic calling conservatives racists doesn't bother those with an IQ. It just demonstrates how bereft of facts libs are. .
  14. stealing it back from the hypocrite evil baby killing racist nazi lefties? good.
  15. “Too male, too pale, too stale…” I’m not a very smart man, but this sure sounds like anti-white racism to me…👍 And unlike the radical Left, I don’t have to create fake racism, because they just serve it up on a platter all the time…The radical Left is actually PROUD of their racism…😉
  16. They are desperate. They are shameless. They crave validation and people like Butkner justify their hatred, racism, homophobia, misogyny, and that means everything to them. Remember how quickly they dropped Oliver Anthony?
  17. I'm sorry you have to post anything for a reply. It has to be lonely I'm sorry your racist and show everyone in threads like this I'm sorry you have to deal with the mental deficiencies of yours. You intended to make it about race and racism. You are what you are. But it's never to late to look in the mirror, and better yourself.
  18. People can create "studies" to fit whatever narrative they want. Nothing against black people because white jurors do it too , it's called racial bias. I'm not saying everyone, but if you think there isn't racial bias then you're sadly mistaken. Having that many minorities as jurors certainly wasn't a bad thing.
  19. Roundy racing up the Tibs < JFR < 4th&lng scale today!
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