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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Agree, 7 years seems a bit much but he will certainly have enough time now to do a full rebuild if he wants.
  2. I get your point with Harold Reynolds but Baseball HOF is a bit better because there is no requirement that a certain amount need to go in every year like Football. Some years there are only 1 or 2 inductions. Football isn't there 5 or 6 minimum every year? That compromises the process right there.
  3. Check out the stats from the 2017 ALCS when they played the yankees. The difference in stats are eye popping at home compared to at Yankee Stadium. If I am a Yankee fan, I feel very cheated as they were the best team in baseball that year & got cheated out of another WS. Your missing the point. Yeah teams steal signs, it is a part of baseball, Houston & Boston stole signs using technology.
  4. To be honest with you, he is not really my ideal coach but to his credit he did turn a horrible Temple program around & made them winners then went to a situation that was so toxic at Baylor that some analysts said it could be career suicide for him & in three short years turned that program around too. How does this translate to the NFL? Who know, but the man knows how to turn a program around at the college level.
  5. You make some good points OP, but a few things, I wouldn't read too much into the schedule. On paper, we played 5 teams that made the playoffs this year & we will play 6 next year. Teams change a ton from year to year. Like for instance I could see the Arizona game being a tougher game than when Seattle comes to the cap. Hopefully we could split with NE next year. I could see Pitt being a dumpster fire. & I think Tenn is playing way over their heads right now & could see them coming back down next year. San Diego should be horrible, Denver is winnable, Raiders are winnable, Rams, Jets, Dolphins all winnable games. I think KC coming up here should be winnable. They are talking about giving mahomes a $200 million contract in the offseason, their team could be depleted in other areas with that contract(think Rams with Geoff) A lot depends on Allen, if he continues to imprve I think we are fine. if he has a Trubisky set back in year 3 we won't make the playoffs. The other thing is we need to get the stadium back to the intimidating days of the late 80s/early 90s. The Bills need to do better than 4-4 like they did this year at home. Hopefully there will be a lot of excitement at the stadium & it will be an intimidating place for the visiting team to play at.
  6. Agreed, I look back at the stuff we used to pull in my younger days & it would never fly in today's world. When I was in my 20's, their was an older lady who used to have these potted plants all over the office. She used to spend half her day watering them. They kind of looked like Cactus without the arms or the prickles. Well the one day me & and couple of my buddies got into work early & put condoms over all of them. We thought it was funny but she broke down in tears right in the office. Our Manager knew it was me & a few of my friends, called us in the office & said "knock the crap off." & that was that, if I did that now my guess is it wouldn't end well.
  7. if it was such a lazer it would of got there before Vaccaro had a chance to break it up. The Edelman drop was bad, but it wasn't a tough throw that any half way decent JV QB in high school could make. Brady just doesn't have the arm strength anymore & it amazes how many people(including a ton of media personal) refuse to acknowledge this.
  8. Yeah he was so great he put up 13 points. Usually you are spot on in your takes, but your way off on this one imo. Brady was horrible Saturday. It is very clear he can't make a tough throw anymore outside the hashes.
  9. Your missing the point. 3 bad calls went against the Bills in OT that any one of them would of changed the game. Not one offense last weekend in the 4 games played put up more than 20 points in regulation. Do they all deserve to lose? The Bills made mistakes but played well enough to win if the refs did their jobs.
  10. This is a horrible argument. So we blew a 16 point lead. That excuses the refs from 3 absolutely game altering horrible calls against the Bills in OT where any one of them would of changed the outcome of the game. - The helmet to helmet hit on Allen would of setup the Bills 1st & 10 at the Houston 27 - The no call on delay of game which would of put the titans at 3rd & 23 inside their 10 yard line - The phantom call on Ford would of put the Bills 4th & 6 at the Houston 37. Get the hell out of here with your BS. Bills fans are sick of getting screwed & for people that keep saying every team gets blown calls against them, that maybe true but it sure seems that it happens to the Bills a lot.
  11. I doubt that, once the Patriots start out 1-3 next season you will be dusting off your old Phil Simms jersey from the back of your closet & will turn your allegiance back to Big Blue.
  12. It was just the opposite for me. Watched it the first time, wasn't crazy about. I should state I watched it the first time Saturday night around 3am when I couldn't fall asleep. I was dozing in & out of it. Decided to give it another chance the next weekend coincidently in the middle of the night when I couldn't fall asleep again & payed more attention to it & liked it much more. I am not saying I am going to put it up there with GF or Casino but I thought it was decent.
  13. You guys are funny. You think Brady could play forever. Did you watch the game Saturday Night. He can't make throws anymore. Sure he could do screen passes & the crossing patterns over the middle. One play stuck out to me Saturday & it was actually a completion by him. The pocket was shifting to the left he rolled out & threw a pass across his body over the middle. It was a bout a 20 yard pass. Nothing great, the guy was wide open but the ball literally took 6 or 7 seconds to get there. It had nothing on it. This is how it is going to go down. BB is going to have a long conversation with Kraft in the upcoming weeks & he is going to tell him he can not win with Brady anymore. That Brady is done & it would be insane to give this guy 20-25 mil it is going to take to sign him for another year. Whether Kraft listens to him or not is another story, I think this time he listens to him though. There are a ton of good FA QBs out there this year. Don't be surprised if they make a run on a guy like Bridgewater & then draft a QB. They also have that Stidham, I liked him at Auburn. I am not sure how they feel about him. Brady should get out, it is going to end bad for him. Some team will be making a horrible mistake if they sign him. I keep hearing the Chargers but are they really a better team with Brady then Rivers. If anything I think that is a wash at this point of their careers.
  14. That Bills team was shot, they weren't going anywhere that year. I think they actually had to beat KC the final week of the season at home just to make the playoffs. Kelly had nothing left in the tank.
  15. Yeah they really dominated them. The Bills had the lead in the 4th quarter and had a chance to tie it at the end. Go to the Pats board, we don't need your negative crap around here this week.
  16. There are different rules for Brady. You know it & I know it. He should of been called for at least 3 intentional groundings. The attempted trip on Oliver is on YouTube. It was a bush league play by a bush league player. Brady's time is over & NE's dominance is over also even though they will be 13-3 this year. This is the closest any AFC East has been to them in more than a decade. The Bills are close but they are just not quite there yet. The Bill's roster from top to bottom is better than NE's & more importantly they are much younger. They just need to learn how to close games out a bit better. With 90 million in cap room, a full slate of draft picks & owner that is willing to spend with the big boys, as long as Allen keeps trending upward will be the favorite to win the AFC East next year. & all the Masshole fans could cry in their Sam Adams & Chowder as the Razor will be half filled in the upcoming years. It is going to be a lot of fun to watch.
  17. I totally agree, I was telling my son the exact same thing Saturday night. Edelman has taken a pounding over the years. His quality of life is going to be seriously compromised when he gets a bit older. Hope it was worth it moron.
  18. Excellent take. This is why I never liked the EJ Manual pick. If you watched FSU the last year EJ was there they won games, but Fisher really ran a dumb down offense. The year later when Winston took over it was like a totally different offense. My point is JF obviously trusted Winston a hell of a lot more than he trusted EJ. That always concerned me about him.
  19. Excellent point. There has been a lot of past failures for SD during Rivers tenure there. Some of them were his fault, some not so much. It is what it is at this point but some of those teams were flat out loaded & should of got to at least one or two Super Bowls.
  20. great point, I love how he throws past the sticks on third downs. Very few QBS in the league do that anymore.
  21. Good take on this except for the Chris Carter part. When the Eagles released Carter, they knew he had a big time drug problem. When they asked Ryan why they released him, he wanted to protect him & that is why he said "all he catches is TDs." Buddy Ryan was a standup guy with his players & that is why the players loved playing for him. Ridiculous take on Allen. Allen has played well this year & continues to improve. He will be even better next year. I have a feeling with being his third year in the league MCD & Dabol are going to really open up the offense for him.
  22. This does kind of feel like a changing of the guard game. I am not saying we are going to win the division but this would do wonders for the Bills confidence the rest of this season & going into next season if they could steal this game in Foxboro on National TV with the Patriots having something to play for. I am not sure if they win or not, we will see what happens.
  23. BTW, he doesn't own Salvatores anymore, from what I have heard him & his son had a falling out, the son took over Salvatores & to stick it up his son's ass he opened a steak house/hotel a block down the street called Russell's/. I have been to both many times, Russell's is 10x better steak house than Salvatores is.
  24. I will second this post. Well said. I do not know Russ personally & I have heard he is no picnic to work for(most successful business people aren't) but.... his generosity extends no bounds. He did a great thing last Christmas for a beautiful young lady & her family who was dying of cancer. I will never forget that act of kindness.
  25. Agreed, I think he maybe done. He is pretty beat up & really has nothing more to prove.
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