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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Just got back last week from visiting my friend who moved to LA two years ago. He told me some of the seats in the new LA Stadium for the Rams at least have PSL tag of $16 grand per year for the next five years. I don't care how much disposable income you have; you have got to be out of your mind to pay that. He did tell me that when the Super Bowl is in LA within the next five years your guaranteed two tickets & that there is an open bar & free buffet after every home game for these ticket holders. That must be one hell of a buffet!
  2. Ko Simpson was worth millions though. Just ask him & he will tell you. The funny thing was they stated later on they wanted to stay away from Gronk because of concerns with his back & Troupe had his career ended with back problems. Honestly you can't make this stuff up.
  3. Catholics Vs Convicts was really interesting, especially the part when the kid finally made it as a walk on for the basketball team & Digger Phelps had to dismiss him because of the business he was running & told him "you threw your life's dream away for a couple thousand bucks." The 30/30 are excellent, I wish they would make more of them. The 4 falls of Buffalo was good I guess since it hit home, but I thought it was one of the fluffier 30 for 30s that ESPN ran. I thought they should of been a bit harder on the Bills & dig into the parting & stuff like that but they went for the angle this team never gave up.
  4. I still love the quote Polian said one time. I think he was referring to Art Wander who was very critical of the Bills at the time(89 or so) but the way he said it and the manner he said it in sounded like he was talking to the whole community when he said "Jim Kelly is our Quarterback, Marv Levy is our head coach & if you don't like it you could get out of town." Classic quote. You would never hear a GM say something like that nowadays.
  5. 19 year former season ticket holder & after a 5 year hiatus I decided this spring to purchase 3 season tickets. Last year was the first year since the 80's I didn't go to one game. I miss the tailgating & my son turned 16 this year & will have his driver's license this summer so he could drive my drunk ass home from the games! I feel like the god father. "Everytime I think I am out they pull me back in!"
  6. Haha, good question. Buffalo is a small town & anybody that was inside the organization at the time knew about. Word was that he said that right in front of everybody at a team meeting. He wasn't going to win that fight. Not when it was Wilson's daughter.
  7. This didn't remind me of the Atlanta game at all. Atlanta should of went into shut down mode on offense at least, the one series I think they threw 3 incompletions and it took a whopping 28 seconds off the clock when 3 runs & a 1st down would of iced the game. Jimmy G needed to hit that pass down the middle. Poor overthrow
  8. Gruden isn't going anywhere, doesn't he have like a 10 year contract? On a side note, I was in Vegas this past weekend, saw the Stadium, is it me or does that stadium look like a sh&t hole? I mean I am sure it is awesome inside but from the outside it is downright ugly. All black, no character, I thought it would be a lot more glitzier than that. Anyhow, this is going to be fascinating how this plays out. On one hand, you know Kraft would give his left nut to keep Brady one or two more years. On the other, signing Brady to an extension is everything against the Patriot way & how Bill likes to operate over the years. His thought process has always been it is better to get rid of him a year too early than a year too late. I keep hearing the Pats if they sign Brady are going to reload but where are they going to find the room under the cap if they give Brady say a 2 year $60 mil dollar extension? I think he is as good as gone if BB has his way.
  9. Thank you sir, I could use it after the absolute pounding I have taken in the NFL playoffs.
  10. On second thought, the Bonnies better win that tournament if they want to go dancing this year. is he expected to play Saturday against GM? The only reason I ask is I am going to Vegas this weekend, plan on spending about 15 hours in the Harrahs sports book Saturday & may put some money on GM if he is out of the lineup.
  11. You might be thinking differently if it was your daughter he did that too. I am not here to bash the guy for past allegations, but the accolades is a bit over the top too. This guy was an accused rapist, I know he got off but...… I am not going any farther. From all accounts, he sounded like a likeable person & a good father to his 4 daughters. Basketball wise, he was one of the all-time greats, I don't think there is any debating that, definitely one of the top 10-15 players to ever play the game. I am with a few of the posters that question whether traveling by chopper is the way to go. I have been to LA a few times, I know the traffic is beyond brutal, it just seems like these things go down all the time. Not sure if the rewards out weigh the risks. RIP Mamba
  12. Haha, the feeling is mutual. Us Mets fans got to stick together.
  13. My best friend(who is a die hard Yankee Fan) & I decided to take the drive down from Blo to watch that doubleheader. If you remember, it was a day/night doubleheader, the afternoon game at Shea & the night game at Yankee. We didn't have tickets for either game but thought how hard would it be to scalp them. We get to Shea & couldn't find a scalper anywhere. Totally shut out. So we go back to Times Square & watch the game from a TGIF. So we take the trek to Yankee, mind you drinking all afternoon & find a scalper with a pair of tickets down the third base line. I think we payed like $110 each for them. Still drinking during the game this happens & I am livid. My friend knew it too. Now the Yankees sweep the Mets & I am hot getting on the subway. My friend tries to justify Clemens actions & we start throwing right in the subway. I ended up with a black eye & he ended up with a split lip. Three guys on the Subway had to break it up. We laughed about on the ride home, but at the time I wanted to kill him, I actually wanted to kill Clemens. I didn't think I could hate Clemens more until he threw the broken bat at Piazza in the WS. I wish Lennie Harris would of charged the mound and taught steroid boy a lesson. Harris was bad ass in his earlier days & said the biggest regret he ever had is not chagrining the mound when this happened.
  14. The difference is SF is going to be able to get pressure on Mahomes by just sending their front 4. Whether that is enough to win the game, not sure. The big question is in this game can Jimmie G make enough plays to out score the KC offense. Not sure about that one.
  15. He didn't pout here because they gave him a fat new contract that made him I believe the second highest paid RB in the league. With that being said I hope he gets that ring I have always liked him. I wouldn't be surprised if he a healthy scratch for the big game.
  16. Yeah that is part of it but there are warmer places than Cali that don't have the homeless problem. The other problem is kids move out there, thinking it is all glamorous & such & the place chews them up & spits them out. The cost of living out there is obscene. Like one of the posters said, it is a great place to live if you make a ton of money, not such a great place to live if your middle class or below.
  17. That Rutgers win was huge. Rutgers has a great chance to go dancing. They are a quality team. Good resume building win especially on the road.
  18. The UB loss wasn't horrible, it is the Canisius, Ohio & Siena loss that kills their profile with or without Osun. If they could of won those games they would of been 15-2, 4-0 in conference & sitting pretty strong for an at large,. I wouldn't count their at large bid dead yet but it is going take beating Dayton & probably VCU once with no other bad losses to get in. The bubble should be pretty soft this year.
  19. Well if Bleacher Report says it, it must be true. Manual was a horrible pick, Buddy Nix boxed himself into a corner that year and was bound and determined to pick a QB, even though by most experts opinion was the worst draft for QBs in over a decade. Anybody that truly watched FSU when Manuel was there could of told you he would be a bust. There are a few FSU grads on this board & they all said Manuel was not the answer. I will take their word over BR.
  20. & yet they took the eventual World Series Champions to 7 games. In that series, the road team didn't win a game. Here were the scores Game 1 2-1 Houston Game 2 2-1 Houston Game 3 8-1 Yanks Game 4 6-4 Yanks Game 5 5-0 Yanks Game 6 7-1 Houston Game 7 4-0 Houston Yankees had probably the best lineup in baseball that. They beat a 102 win Cleveland team to get to the NLCS & probably would of beat a 101 win Astros team if wasn't for the cheating. They may not of had the best record in baseball that year but they were a top team. Dam you, you are making me defend the Yankees
  21. EJ Manuel did not have nowhere near the talent that Allen has. Nice try though.
  22. So what? The Dodgers are paper champions, they have never been able to close the deal with this current roster even though they have had the best record in baseball over that span. Kershaw is the poster boy for this. Great regular season pitcher, horrible post season pitcher. Yankees would of beat them in the WS. & believe me I am no Yankees fan, been a die hard mets fan for the past 40 years.
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