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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Exactly, people that are thinking like the op is ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. This thing is going to pass, and it is going to pass a lot sooner than people think. If we are in the fall & still worried about being around each we got way more bigger problems than filling football stadiums on the weekends. What are they going to do, shut down the airline industry too, which would be a national crisis. They have the smartest people in the world working on this, they will get this figured out. The lack of faith in humanity is astounding. & the technology was the same back in 1918 too right. People like you are part of the problem
  2. This is an excellent post. Well done sir. MY wife works in a place where she has access to a lot of medical people. They have told her some interesting things. They have suggested one train of thought is this is going to drop down once summer hits, just like the flu strain does. Hopefully that is the case. They also have suggested that more people have been affected by this in the fall/winter months even though this strain wasn't supposed to hit US until after the New Year. So in other words some people may have had it late last year & not even known it. I look back at my daughter, all of suddent in October she complained about a sore throat and horrible body aches. We took her to the doctor, they told us she has a virus & it needs to work thru her system. My wife got sick a week later with the same symptoms, & my son a few weeks later. All three of them had this for about 2 weeks. I didn't get sick, not sure why. But looking back I think all three of them had it. I think this has been around longer then they are letting on. I get it, it is a scary time both from a health & economic standpoint. The level of anxiety & panic, I have never seen anything like this. It is off the charts & just goes to show you how fragile the people's mind frames are. People are acting like if they do get this it is a death sentence. It is not for most people. What the government is scared of is that they have to turn away people that could be saved from a health care perspective. Back to the original question, I would be surprised if they cancel the season. By the fall hopefully they will have a vaccines as they are fast tracking this. It shouldn't take the usual 12-18 months as these are desperate times. It would shock me right now if they cancelled it, as if this lockdown goes on well into the summer we are all going to have bigger problem then missing our favorite football team as noone will have jobs. An interesting side bit, my wife reads psychics. She said this one psychic, I forget her name has it in her book that was written back in 2007 that there will be a respitory virus that effects the world in 2020, it will hit fast & leave fast. I don't really buy into that crap but nonetheless it is interesting. Have some faith people, better days are ahead.
  3. Miami is going to be a team to be reckon with especially if they get the right QB in place. Flores has done a nice job down there. Cleveland I think is also going to be tough, they improved just by getting rid of Kitchens. Then they made some nice FA signings.
  4. Yeah I hear ya. I usually bleed money in March with the conference tournaments, then NCAA Tournament, the annual tournament party I throw(which would of been tomorrow?) all the pools I get in, this is usually the peak of my gambling season. I have more money than I know what to do with, kind of question why I gamble in the first place. Ah yes, the excitement, I am so bored.
  5. I never been much of a pony player. When we were in College my one friend knew one of the owners that would race at BD and he would tip him off once in awhile & they came in 90% of the time. Paid our spring break trip to Cancun one year with the money we made on horse racing. I told my wife last night, "I never realized how sports and gambling have a hold on my life until it has been taken away." She said, "well maybe this will make you take a hard look at your life & get you to stop." I told her, "it is going to have the exact opposite effect, once business opens up again I am going to go hog wild, I will be like a kid in the candy store." Life without gambling is boring as hell.
  6. Haven't read this whole post, a lot to give up, but the bills just improved their offense greatly. Locker room issues, the one analyst on NFL Network just said "I never seen a locker room as tightly knit & a feeling of togetherness & family like the Bills locker room, McDermott really has created a great atmosphere." Got to pay to play boys. No one likes giving up a 1st rounder, I think part of that is that it makes draft so less exciting but like a few posters said, your not getting a kid in the draft at 22 that is the caliber of Diggs.
  7. My friends & I were there for Super Bowl weekend. When I first started going to Vegas back in the late 90's everything was free/cheap. I could get a flight from Buffalo for a little over $200, my room was free & the food was cheap. It has gotten a lot more expensive over the years. We usually just hang out at the sports book when we go there & we bet enough to get free drinks to cover us but the food is ridiculously priced. Sat afternoon we were watching college hoops at Harrahs, we went to the food court, I bought 3 slices of pizza & some chicken nachos & the bill game to like $45. They have totally catered the strip to the clubbers now. With that being said I still love the place, but like I said I usually just hang out at the book when I am there.
  8. I think Dayton is pretty much locked in as a #2 seed. They are not jumping Kansas or Baylor & I think they would have a tough time jumping the Zags at this point even with their loss Saturday. San Diego ST, not sure about them, one more bad loss should get them off the one line. But I think Duke would get it. Kinda interesting if I'm the Aztecs, I would rather have a 2 seed out west, play an hour from your campus in the regionals & have to go thru Gonzaga in what should be a defacto home game than be a 1 see in the east, & have to run thru Duke or a team like Villanova in what would be a serious home court disadvantage for them. East Regional is in MSG this year. Bonnies really had a few games early in the season that they had no business losing, Siena, Canisius come immediately to mind. Plus they have some decent wins but no signature wins to date.
  9. Hit a nice two game parlay on the Bonnies & the over Saturday. Watched the whole game, the Bonnies played well. Good atmosphere at the RC.
  10. Well good luck in your new adventure wherever it may take you.
  11. yeah, I may be the winner but my bank account isn't. I got a pretty good gig where I am at, get to work from home anytime I want, have a boss that is one of my best friends, get paid pretty well, but it would of been a nice bump in salary. In fact I told my wife if I get this job, she wouldn't have to work anymore. As you could imagine, she was more upset than I was that I didn't get the job, she was in tears when I told her!? I have worked in banking the last 25 years & have carved out a nice career for myself. It is weird there are certain banks that are full of themselves & uptight & certain banking environments that are just the opposite. The bank I was interviewing for is one of the more lenient banks with Proper etiquette & dress code(I know I worked there for 16 years). But I guess showing up like I was playing 18 that day at the Lancaster Country Club wasn't the brightest idea.
  12. Funny you say that because this past season the wild card round was probably the most entertaining & highly contested of all three weekends of the playoffs.
  13. That is what I thought, & the bank I interviewed at & the old bank I used to work at was one of the first big banks to throw out the suits & go business casual. which was back in 1999 or so. Ah too each their own I guess.
  14. Agreed. Here is my stance on things in my house. I don't want any pet in the house that could kill me or my kids. I read an article one time about this couple in Nevada that had like a 10ft boa constrictor. Of course it got out of it's cage one night & killed the 8 month old baby they had. I mean you got to be stupid to have a pet like that in your house. As far as Pits, I mean the evidence is there. I guess they do get a bad wrap because a lot of them are mixed. The difference between them & other dogs there size is once they start in attack mode they aren't stopping. I have two Pomeranians. A lot of people say they are nippy dogs. My experience with them is they are awesome loving dogs. The big difference with Poms are if they attack you they might give break the skin on your ankle, they are certainly not going to go for the jugular.
  15. I will second this point. About a year ago my friend who was a manager at the bank I used to work for told me they were hiring in his department which was credit risk. He said I would be perfect for the job. Even though I am really happy with my current job I thought what the hell. So I got thru the three rounds of phone interviews that took a few weeks & it was between me & this other guy. We each had to meet with the guy that ran the department. This job would of been about a 30% increase in pay which would of been the biggest bump in pay I ever got. I knew a bunch of people that worked in that department from my old days there & my good friend who told me about it put in a good word for me & told me I pretty much have the job & this interview is just a formality. the day I was supposed to meet the guy, it was really hot that day so I decided "ah screw it, I am just wearing Khakis & a polo shirt." I didn't feel like putting a suit on. I usually dress business casual at the office unless I got to meet clients, even then I rarely wear a tie. Well as soon as the guy came down to the entrance to meet, I saw his look of how I was dressed & knew I was screwed. Sure enough I didn't get the job & my friend said the manager was really put off I didn't dress up more. Sure it would of been more money, but it would of been a lot more work & a lot more travel so I really wasn't that upset about it. I will say I think it is pretty closed minded to just eliminate a guy who would of been a perfect fit just because I didn't feel like sweating my ass off in a suit that day.
  16. Gotcha, wasn't sure about the timing. It would of been interesting if he would of stayed to see who would of won the job Fields or Burrow. Thanks for the correction.
  17. That is a flawed way of thinking. Could we compete with the likes of Dallas, NYC etc... no. But we can compete with some of the other franchises. Like I said someone has to be last in revenues. You know I remember when Fitz had the Bills off to a good start & the year Edwards had the Bills off to a good start the secondary market the Bills had the highest ticket prices for home games of any team in the league for a few particular Sundays in October. I thought to myself that is interesting. I remember that San Diego game when the power went out at the Ralph(probably Edwards best game) I remember I was tailgating in the parking lot & I needed an extra ticket for my wife & you couldn't touch a ticket for under $200 that day.
  18. Agreed, he was terrific last season, but he only did it one year, had to transfer from Ohio State because Fields was going to beat him out. This isn't John Elway or even like you said Luck. The kid has a chance but he is in no way a sure fire prospect.
  19. I keep hearing how revenues will double with a new Stadium but how? You think it is going be an easy sell for lower bowl tickets to be priced well over $200 in the new stadium. That maybe the case for a year or two until the novelty wore off. Like I said, I doubt people would be willing to pay double the price of a ticket just because we have a stadium downtown & I highly doubt corporations around here are going to be willing to pony up double the price for suites. I just don't see it happening. I think it is a really flawed way of thinking. You need to know your market.
  20. The only way building a billion dollar dome downtown would make sense if Buffalo would get a piece of the big events by building such a place like the Super Bowl & the NCAA Final Four. Since those events are highly unlikely to ever consider Buffalo, spending this kind of coin on a new stadium makes little sense. Do a refurb of the Ralph for half the cost. & just for the record I have a friend who does some work for Pegula & he told me two years the stadium is going to be downtown where the Perry Projects are & it is going to be a dome. That is what Pegs want. I haven't talked to him in awhile so maybe plans have changed but he was pretty certain about it.
  21. There is no food for thought here. As Bill Polian once referenced something similar to the great Jim Kelly "Josh Allen is our Quarterback, if you don't like it you could get out of town." Although you live in Tampa so that wouldn't really apply to you.
  22. I keep hearing this but how do you propose they do this. They are I believe $40 + million under the salary cap. if they give Brady the $30 million he is looking for that takes up a big chunk. + they have like 9 or 10 unrestricted FAs. They may keep Brady but I doubt Bill wants to keep him. He knows he is shot & he knows he is not worth the money. Kraft on the other hand, has his head too far up Brady's ass to see clearly.
  23. There is less snow than the southtowns for sure but it is always windier downtown. That is not even debatable.
  24. You make it sound like they are the only two owners in the league. There are 32 owners in this league & most of them are not in the same situation/have the same interests as the Krafts/Jones of the world.
  25. hey someone has to be the least valuable team. Keep the stadium & who cares. Pegulas got deep pockets, what do they care how much revenue create. I am sure they create enough revenue to cover costs(the tv contract alone probably covers that). It is an honest quest. Why should the Pegulas care?
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