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Everything posted by todd

  1. Again. Patriots ALWAYS get rest before playing the Bills. Unreal.
  2. Hope someone can talk some sense into him so he can get his life back together. This is just sad. Not funny any more.
  3. Also - make sure the algorithm ensures the Bills play plenty of teams coming of rest. More than the rest of the league.
  4. I doubt they'll move on Gilmore until after the draft, depending on who they get. If they get a good CB high, I wonder if they will count on that CB to step up next year, and let Gilmore walk.
  5. He's a garbage qb and a garbage person. Best place for his minimal skills are out of the NFL and in rehab, or maybe prison.
  6. Why does it have to be a competition? They both made 10 good moves. Whaley was a scout when Nix was here, so should he get some of the credit for what Nix did? Also, Whaley resigned incognito and Glenn. That's gotta count for something. Seems clear you have some sort of strange axe to grind with whaley.
  7. Why? Why would you trade a guy who has shown something in the NFL? Fine - take a QB in the first round, but the whole "trade Tyrod" thing makes zero sense.
  8. Sounds about right. I admittedly don't follow much college ball, and don't spend any time researching players, nor do I have the capability or time to break down film, so I'm usually pretty quiet about the draft. I rely on people like you to know what is going on with the draft, so thanks!
  9. Bill in NYC you may not want to read this, but this is why you need to draft a CB or Safety pretty high every year.
  10. Gee that's a great post. Love how you downplay beating up women. "Other people do it," ... "But he's young!" ... "It's the Browns fault for not looking into it!" ... "If it was such a big deal, the Browns would have cut him sooner!" ... Any more excuses you'd like to throw out there for a scumbag beating on girls? Not many issues are black & white. This one is. I hope you can decide to be on the right side of it. There's no excuse for smacking women around, yet you keep making them. Any more garbage you'd like to share with the board before I hide your ass?
  11. God do I hate the Cheatriots. So many of their fans are arrogant, ignorant buffoons, too.
  12. No, Manziel's biggest errors were 1) Being violent with women. Not many "errors" bigger than that. Don't try and minimize the significance of domestic violence. It disgusts me, and shames you. 2) Lying and being a bad person. Let's face it, the guy is NOT a good person, and his teammates can't rely on him. That has nothing to do with living up to the hopes of a team. It isn't like he tried real hard but the team sucked so he couldn't do it. He didn't even try most of the time, and showed up to practice hungover. He's an ass, and I can't stand people making excuses for such a waste of space. Anyone who advocates that he join the Bills should have their head examined. Please. Really? Are you serious? Is your crusade that foolish that you STILL feel you have a sliver of an argument for the guy? Should we sign Ryan Leaf as a backup?
  13. Good lord, really? We just got him to take a pay cut. I know it is the offseason, but let's stay in the real world.
  14. Still trying to reach those straws, eh? They're still out of reach apparently.
  15. So the year the Cheatriots were 11-4 and missed the playoffs completely they were *bad*? Really? That makes total sense! Like, wow! Really proves your rock-solid point!
  16. It is more frustrating to try reasoning with foolish people than simply ignoring them.
  17. Wow. Someone from Philly mocking buffalo? Wow. Pot, this is Mr. Kettle.
  18. I'd love to take a draft pick from the cheatriots for hogan. they already don't have a first.
  19. WGR is the station that kept blowhard "Coach" Dickerson around for years, and he was the worst. You hate Sullivan like I do? Dickerson was worse.
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