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Everything posted by todd

  1. It is a new regime with new schemes. Temper your expectations with reality, please.
  2. That's the problem, and you illustrated it perfectly. If people don't want to focus on football, they shouldn't be on the team. Work is work. Blow off steam elsewhere. This team hasn't been to the playoffs since forever, and you are complaining about a change meant to focus the players? That's insane.
  3. He threatened to shoot up a place with an AK-47. That's a little worse than needing to grow up, dude. That's mental instability! Grow up? that's the understatement of the year. He should be nowhere near the Bills roster, and should not be drafted. That fact that people are thinking he should be is a total joke.
  4. Interesting. Sounds like a no-brainer. Cost isn't listed, though.
  5. So sorry NG. I can't imagine the pain you've gone through and what you are going through now.
  6. Let me get this straight ... people are advocating us spending draft picks on a guy who is near the end of his career, constantly injured, and with a contract that is very, very expensive? Yeah, no. We shouldn't waste draft picks on a guy who has a 3-4 year shelf life, and will likely be injured for more than a 1/3 of his games given his career history.
  7. The thing to remember is that the Buffalo media is filled with hacks. A few are really good, but most are hacks. They are interested in grinding their ax, not reporting or finding out relevant information. That press conference was crazy - all these idiot "reporters" trying to trap whaley into sounding stupid rather than finding actual valuable information. To me it sounded like the reporters already had their narrative, and were just trying to find quotes to fill out their story. Unprofessional.
  8. I think it is a show of blindness and organizational ineptitude to keep Whaley.
  9. I would love to have a real football coach, but you can't poach a coach that is under contract. Against league rules.
  10. Whaley should be nervous, and it is pretty clear he is in "self protect" mode. He should look at his own body of work, and realize he sucks.
  11. Sometimes the source of an insult makes it feel like a compliment.
  12. I get migraines. They are no joke. Sometimes they hit for no reason. They are a neurological headache, not just a regular headache, and the impact and post-migraine hangover slows your thinking and reduces your ability to perform athletically.
  13. Btw - do you tweet? I'd love to read them. Oh wait, you're Donald trump, aren't you?
  14. You didn't include running stats. Go figure. Of course, why would you? It wouldn't help prove your weak-assed point, so it gets left out. And those INT stats for that mediocre Miami QB - more than double TT's. That's horrid and indefensible. Keep the crusade going, though. It is at least entertaining to laugh at you.
  15. Except for ignoring WRs. Seriously, we went into the season with an oft-injured #1 WR coming off surgery, and #2 WR that should be a #3, and a bunch of scrubs. That's pretty bad.
  16. I respectfully disagree. Watkins went down, and then we pretty much had nothing. Woods is a good 3rd WR. The talent dropoff after Woods is precipitous. Total lack of foresight on Whaley's part, especially considering Watkins' injury and surgery in the offseason. This would be an issue with any QB, so the Taylor issue doesn't apply here. It is a lack of talent issue. Not defending Taylor here at all, but that's a completely different discussion. The WRs are horrible. Even worse, Whaley addresses it this week by adding a practice squad WR to the team? The Bills will be down their top 3 WRs on Sunday, they were down their top two last week, and he waits until now to do something about it? And the answer is a practice squad promotion of a UDFA with zero NFL game experience? Moronic. Comical. Bush league. Sometimes you can offset a bad set of WRs by having multiple pass-catching TEs. Nope, Whaley did nothing there, either. Whaley has certainly done some great things, but the talent debt at WR is a huge issue any idiot could have seen coming.
  17. One of those XPs was blocked, not a miss. Carpenter has been pretty good over the last 4 weeks.
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