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Everything posted by todd

  1. Save some salary by cutting Jerry Sullivan. He's not very good, and doesn't add much to the BN.
  2. But I also saw it reported that the Giants and Bills had a trade in place? I hate the weeks before the draft. Stupid.
  3. Oh my God, please tell me you are just trolling and don't actually think that the Bills wouldn't draft a jew because McDermott is Christian? Please tell me you are joking, because that just might be the most ignorant statement I've heard all year. And I read the news, so I hear a lot!
  4. Foolish to even think about it. It isn't happening. Dennison will be here next year. Hopefully we'll have a quarterback that can make anticipation throws and not miss wide-open WRs, and take idiotic sacks.
  5. Not sure why this is even a discussion. He's not going anywhere.
  6. Newsweek hasn't published actual news in about 25 years. Sad what a once good news magazine has turned into.
  7. No, McDermott will not be gone. That's insanity to even consider that. And Dennison won't be, either. Posts like this drive me nuts, because it isn't based in any form of reality.
  8. He's retiring after this year and he's inured. Why would we bring him in?
  9. So what is the point? The Bills should have kept Woods and Watkins? I'd love to hear a logical, well-reasoned argument for that one!
  10. Probably the same as others who have been here a while. I think SDS was on the newsgroup in the mid-90s, and I may have seen the link there. So that was that.
  11. Grandson of the greatest golfer of all time.
  12. Queue the total overreaction in the 2nd game of a new staff and offense.
  13. So his priority was to "win now." How did that work out?
  14. Peterman looked like a very average rookie. VERY average.
  15. Garbage. He was an awful quarterback. He wasn't even a competent backup. There's no way to see it otherwise. You seize your own opportunities, they aren't given to you.
  16. No they don't. 3 million is chump change when talking about a difference maker.
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