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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I’m not sure why people buy this idea that he rolled up the window to hide his identity. It seems pretty clear to me that’s it’s an FU to the cops. I saw video of Campbell. He’s the one who left his car in the middle of the lane and then approached the cops. It cuts off shortly after the initial cop starts demanding his license. Maybe you saw more, I don’t know. I have no issue with what I saw there. -Large man abandons car and approaches the scene. -They order him back to the car and then demand identification. Like I said, I have no issue there. He left his car in the middle of the road and approached a scene. He’s very lucky he didn’t wind up in cuffs too.
  2. The citations will go away after a little wink-wink-nod-nod-hey I think you dropped $20,000 over there. Jill won’t be suing anyone. Neither side is going to want the negative attention it would bring.
  3. The only court this will ever see is the court of public opinion. It’s already shown in here that Hill lied with his initial statements. Will the people care?
  4. There were three cops near Hill’s door. The one doing all the talking is not the one that pulled him out. I’m not so sure that people even realize that.
  5. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/41199485/camera-footage-shows-police-pulled-tyreek-hill-car
  6. So according to a story I read (espn I think), Hill was calling the team’s security guy named Drew. He started that call before the craziness happened. I’m sure every team has that protocol, call so and so if you’re in trouble. I want to know that guy’s deal. That’s the annoying part to me, that all these teams have that shady guy out there who makes speeding tickets go away. What would have happened if you weren’t Tyreek Hill? You would have actually gotten your ticket… well, that and you wouldn’t have been in the super fancy fast car in the first place.
  7. Is Manny even the cop in question here? Based on the radio call I’m assuming he was the guy who was talking to Hill. A second cop is the one that pulled him out. Come on people. Get the right guy with your jokes!
  8. “Don’t knock on my window like that. Don’t knock on my window like that.” Yeah, definitely listen right from the start. But anyway, just out of curiosity, does anyone know the deal on this claimed knee surgery? Did they hide an injury last year? Let’s get down to the real crime here, violating the injury reporting rules. 😄
  9. Does the name Larry Hawk mean something to anyone? Or Professor Q?
  10. I’m get the feeling that the conveniently left out lead up to that video has the biker being a complete dick.
  11. They got rid of green ones at some point? I only remember red going away and coming back. Was it the whole “green m&ms make you horny” thing?
  12. Tough to see a plate at that speed, but not very likely here in NC.
  13. I had an annoying one yesterday. I was in the middle lane of a 3 lane highway going 80. There were no cars anywhere. A Tesla eventually flew up on my ass and then passed me on the right before moving back into the center lane. I’m glad I didn’t try to get out of the way because I would have moved directly into that car’s path.
  14. Yeah, they’re moving the left turns off of the big high speed road. My town for whatever reason decided to put the u-turns ON the high speed road. What could possibly go wrong with that? And the population is increasing like crazy around here. I can’t wait for that point where they realize they need to spend a ton of money to undo this stupidity.
  15. I had to Google this to see if it’s what my town did. They did mention the term when they were modifying the road. But no, we have the idiotic version of it. They eliminated all left turns on the main road, but then added in new lights half way between each intersection for u-turns only. So they have effectively doubled the number of choke points on the busy road. All of the side roads are the same thing, no left turns. You have to turn right onto that busy road and then pretty quickly get over into the left lane for the u-turn lane. Most of those u-turn spots have lights, but a few do not. My street just happens to be one of those. If you want to head to the left from my street at rush hour, it is essentially impossible. There is never a gap big enough to make that u-turn. This whole setup has created the thing that I hate most on the roads right now. Those main intersections where you can’t turn left, people make illegal u-turns through them at pretty much every single light cycle. And they don’t give a ***** that someone on that side street is trying to turn right. I’m am dodging those jackasses every single day.
  16. In hindsight, I really love the design of the demo screens for so many games. They’re moving along pretty well, then out of nowhere die a truly stupid death. Kids watch that and think “hey, I need to play this because I would never do that”.
  17. Along with the turtles and the Simpsons game, I also remember playing an X-Men button masher a lot. I was always hooked on Spy Hunter without actually playing it. You can’t beat that theme song. I was always staring at that machine at the ice rink during my older brother’s games. I was also a pinball fan. No specific ones really stick out to me, but I would play anything I could find.
  18. So it’s not like rain on your wedding day? And I just did a quick skim through here. No one has mentioned “literally” yet?
  19. I feel like it’s harder to find different shows on tv lately. All I ever see while scrolling through the guide is the office or Seinfeld… not that there’s anything wrong with that. The office, to me, can get old quickly. Seinfeld? Never. I feel like I’m still noticing new details each time I watch.
  20. Can’t wait. There are so many little Easter eggs in that trailer.
  21. Don’t they have to be best friends with special handshakes first?
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