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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. This. I think McD will order the running game go through Lenny/Latavius. Even Allen still has a tendency to lay the ball down, so I don’t expect him to be featured. If he runs, it will be his decision.
  2. It would, but the players would have to work around those huge support columns in the field every 20 yards.
  3. I imagine Steelers fans are pissed that the money they spent on tickets may be lost because it will be so difficult to get into town this weekend. However, I think they are also feeling like the weather is doing them a huge favor in the game. Can probably find the same confidence in their ground game vs ours, as we have with our QB passing in this crap vs theirs. This will be a really amazing game to watch; could set some remarkable records.
  4. We used to play ball in this weather all the time as a kid. Never stopped our passing game. Buncha poosays!
  5. Honestly, I think that article Dunne wrote about McDermott caused McD to look at himself and how he manages games. I think he’s taken on a more aggressive approach since all that happened. Or maybe I’m just wishing that’s the case. 🙏
  6. Push the game back a few days. Trickle down effect - Super Bowl played on a Wednesday at 6am.
  7. Unless it’s the Bills in that game, in which case the odds are against them 90-10. You’ll read about it here. 🤣
  8. Seriously? Have you ever read the things said on this board about Brady, Tua, Rodgers or any of our rivals? That stuff is written all the time here and elsewhere. If I only had a nickel for every time some player was called a douche here. It goes with being fanatics. Miami fans hate the Bills and especially Allen because he owns them and they are jealous we have him.
  9. I could see Flutie having tried this. Probably would have been a great punt, falling dead inside the 5. 🤣
  10. Apparently the wind was blowing the Bills defenders into the secondary. Got it.
  11. Good article about Buffalo-Pittsburgh sports history. May lead to flashbacks, so beware: https://www.post-gazette.com/sports/joe-starkey/2024/01/10/afc-playoffs-steelers-bills-sabres-penguins/stories/202401080134
  12. I agree fans will blame the weather. But the fact is, if the Bills lose, it will be because Pittsburgh made more plays. Just like with the New England wind game, if the Bills could stop the run in that game, they would have won. As it is, they could not and lost.
  13. And the Steelers aren’t playing on the same field? Couldn’t those things you cited be plays by the Bills also?
  14. The guy who is always cracking wise does not have much of a sense of humor or feel for sarcasm.
  15. Having flashbacks to home games in Toronto. This franchise has been through some “stuff”.
  16. It’s too late to move the location and I seriously doubt the NFL would ever move a playoff game unless it was a natural disaster. I could see them delaying the game a day or so however. I don’t think there’s enough of an indication of extreme conditions making travel unsafe like happened last year. The travel ban was a big reason why that game was moved.
  17. I had a counselor tell me this when I was in rehab, albeit in a more compassionate way. Some people get on what’s called a “pink cloud” and find their sobriety is such a relief and so wonderful they want to tell the world about it. Sometimes they want credit for being sober too. This often rubs loved ones the wrong way because: 1) they do not understand addiction, and/or 2) they have been so damaged by the addict/alcoholic that they are hurt, resentful and not willing to celebrate someone that harmed them. This was my experience and when I got push back from my family when I tried to take credit for my recovery, my counselor basically said “No one is going to pat you on the back for what you are doing. Do it for yourself and eventually your family will see the changes and then they may or may not be happy for you”. My brother, who was a social worker, told me the same thing. That was hard to hear but was sound advice. Celebrities that are active on social media want and need attention from their audience for various reasons. Von may just be celebrating his early sobriety and “coming out” to encourage others. Or he may be looking for empathy to deflect negative attention about his on field performance. Only Von can say which it is.
  18. The Bills got a break playing Pittsburgh. I don’t care if it’s a friggin hurricane, if they can’t beat the Steelers, they would have never won the Super Bowl anyway. Just beat them.
  19. This looks remarkably like my response to a little blue pill.
  20. I would definitely tell them. Honesty and dealing with reality are in short supply these days.
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