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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. This usually works. No sign up crap to deal with. https://www.wired.com/2007/11/internet-celeb-2/
  2. I tip my hat to your astute prediction. Please accept this as a token of my admiration
  3. Who the hell was Boobie Dixon? I have no recollection whatsoever about that guy.
  4. Did a search for PCP. He’s a low-life, but technologically adept.
  5. I’d rather have the Captain’s hat from Dareus’ car crash
  6. Are you and Sherlock dudes or chicks?
  7. If our owner was orange instead of white we wouldn’t be going through this “no fans” BS
  8. I don’t care, just mentioning the first two games gets me pumped. I really thought they would have cancelled the season by now. This is awesome.
  9. OMG. I miss football. That taste of football was like taking a hit off a crack pipe. Reportedly.
  10. That won’t help his drinking problem. He might have to up his drink game if he moved here.
  11. If someone is done, they’re done. Isn’t Vontae Davis the perfect comparison already? If you’re not 100%, you’ll get killed on the field/ice.
  12. An STD reserve list would have made for a more interesting thread.
  13. It’s his website, he can do whatever he wants. Now get off my lawn.
  14. I wear my “All Lives Matter” t-shirt down at the watermelon factory and haven’t had a problem yet.
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