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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I asked you to explain how it wouldn't. Who gives a turkey about GG?
  3. The MW has been raised plenty of times with the above argument as a basis for doing so. Please illustrate from the last time the MW went up that the above took place. Thank you in advance.
  4. Im sorry, that "food stamp" number and it being used to show who is really poor and hungry is a complete line of propaganda. I REFUSE to believe its accuracy when the FDA is running COMMERICALS to ENCOURAGE people to get on Food Stamps for nothing else but to "improve" their diet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1nv8G6UFfc
  5. So the solution is higher taxes and suffocating fees for govt services on the middle class, an increased set of regulations that make even your kid opening a lemonade stand impossible, coupled with more and more handouts to people who don't contribute Dime One to the "system?" How does THAT compute?
  6. Not in today's America. EVERYTHING is someone else's fault. Everything.
  7. Drudge is just an aggregator. And if you bothered to actually look, one of the most fair and balanced around. While Drudge himself is a right winger, his website has tons of links to left leaning news sources and columnists. But please....continue.
  8. Dear Army Guy...you don't get to decide where and how and what you want to fight. Signed, Everyone.
  9. The "Obama is satan" meme to discredit the series has about lost all its steam, so now its going to be replaced with "they made Satan black because Mark Burnett is a no good Raaaaaaacist" meme. God, I wish someone would make sausage out of you.
  10. Except for the fact that real racists..or real anybodys for that matter....aren't interested in attending a panel talking about being "sick and tired" of being called something they are. They might attend a panel to maybe change their behavior...or deal with being what they are. But a panel just to talk about being sick and tired of being accused of something then KNOW they are, with no end game or action item to it? Never. Nice try, though.
  11. The guy who voted for Joe Biden is going after Paul Ryan. LOL
  12. I thought SJ was sitting on his couch eating Fritos the whole offseason.
  13. Outstanding!http://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/20130312/ARTICLES/130319887/1033/news?Title=Supervisors-back-cyclist-harassment-law-&tc=ar
  14. Its a good thing nobody on this board wasn't demanding Fitz get signed at the time.
  15. So draft a player, put time into him and then just as soon as he gets good, he can walk. Yay, parity!
  16. Ive spoken to people who actually WORK in the petrochem business and on the finance side and they have said without a doubt the Keystone pipeline would be a huge help to the US energy picture. But please. Continue.
  17. And in the same day approx 3 people were killed by a car hitting a cyclist. Another approx 160 were injured. And in the same day approx 11 people were killed by a car hitting a pedestrian. Another approx 160 were injured. Those figures are Nationwide. Next.
  18. So what did Stevie say to shock and outrage peeps today? That he didnt use Fit Day to count his calories and hit up the BK drive-thru a few times this offseason?
  19. Im naming my upcoming son Salvatore, so that every time he asks for something I can just say "Cant do it, Sally."
  20. Of course they are not huge things but they are indicative of the bigger problem.
  21. The Thunderbirds and Blue Angels have had their schedules cancelled. Here on Long Island, the main attraction to the Jones Beach Air Show will be a tactical demo of a legacy Hornet by the Canadian Air Force. So we rely on the Russians to take us to space and the Canadians to do our air shows.
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