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Everything posted by zow2

  1. That's not really big news. Usually this time of year, local affiliates would rather show ANY playoff caliber team than two clubs that are jockeying for draft position. Unless the stations are in NE Ohio or WNY, they have no obligation to show the Bills and Albany is way out of the Bills footprint imo.
  2. That's good if true. Seems like an intelligent guy and Fitz needs someone to QB the line calls while he QB's the rest of the field.
  3. Relax, i understand your point about Spiller. As i said, most people including me are disappointed. Don't get too crazy about Best though. He looks decent but i have him on my fantasy team and have followed him closely. There was about 6 consecutive games recently where he did next to nothing in terms of production. He has had 3 or 4 games though where he looks better than CJ has ever looked so you can see his potential.
  4. It's ridiculous to label Spiller a "bust" but I'd be lying if I said i wasn't disappointed. Obviously if he were better, and the coaches trusted him more, he'd be playing more. I'll say the same thing about CJ that i said about Lynch for 3 years...stop running east/west and stutter stepping. You are not going to beat NFL defenders bouncing outside too often. Get the ball, eye the seam, and make one cut at most ala Freddie...and take what you can get GOING FORWARD. If that's 3 yards so be it. If you bust it into the second layer, then use the juke move if you want but be decisive and hit it hard! there is rarely a hole...just a small seam and he has to realize what it takes to make yardage in the NFL. Once he "gets it" he will be darn good.
  5. I think if the Bills or Panthers were playing teams like Auburn, Oregon (Alabama from last season), etc... they would string together some first downs and score a few points. I agree that the college teams would not win but you have to take into account....football is a team game and chemistry between players matters. Those high performing college teams have great chemistry and systems in place. So i disagree that it would be 100-0 against great college teams. I'm guessing somewhere around 48-13, 55-17, something like that. That's against the lowest NFL teams.. The best NFL teams would beat them worse.
  6. Cleveland's defense is no joke. I'd be surprised if the Bills moved the ball easily even if the O-line was intact. I like to see Fitz do well so I'll root for him to have big days down the stretch. He's gonna have to use every brain cell in that big head because i don't think the patchwork linemen are gonna be calling out plays and picking up stunts like they could with Hangartner. Whatever they get out of the passing game will be all Fitz probably.
  7. I live in the DC area too and have season tix. I only make about 2 maybe 3 games a year tops. I do have family up in WNY so it's a little easier to go up for multiple reasons (not just the game). Still, the re-sale market on Bills tix is awful these days so if you buy them...plan on losing money on the proposition (if that even matter to you). Otherwise enjoy the games...it's probably a decent time to buy seasons because their will be lots of locations available.
  8. I like Spiller and think he will learn how to be a very good NFL RB. You can't help but wonder though. You see a guy like James Starks yesterday. The UB kid was a 6th round pick by Green Bay (a horrible running football team),,,and he goes for 18 carries 73 yards after not having touched a football in a real game for 23 months. I mean are RB's really a dime a dozen in the NFL? Maybe.. i dunno.
  9. I'm pretty sure he was talking about Carolina taking 3 QB's recently. I know last draft they took Clausen and Tony Pike. Not sure about the year before?
  10. I totally did not understand the outcome of this play? I do get that a "tie" in possession goes to the offense..fine. But the guys shoulder pads landed out of bounds? I thought on a reception, the receiver has to land with some part of his body in-bounds first? Seemed like a gift to Minnesota to award them a TD on that one. We've seen some weird crap happen to the Bills this year. Like Reggie Corner's non-interception vs. Baltimore b/c his foot was on Boldin's foot when they landed. Then the very next week in a random NFL game, I watched the same play get awarded as an interception. Just weird man.
  11. I don't think you can discount how major is was that our center got knocked out of the game. That pretty much kills the chemistry between Fitz and the Oline not to mention how it messes up the Oline in general. I think that was a huge reason the O looked disjointed for large chunks.
  12. Can't blame the loss on Steve's drop but it was big at the time. He's had drops all year and hopefully it doesn't plague him his whole career
  13. Those guys try way too hard to come up with a counterpoint opinion. They really are a turn off when they spew drivel about not being better on offense. Between that and Bulldog rooting for them to lose, it's absurd. Also, the two seem to agree with each other way too often which is annoying. AT least have debates with differing opinions.
  14. Yes- and Howard U plays like the Bills too... (well, up until the past few games anyways!) Bucknell used to wear the Bills logo as well but they changed it up a few years ago.
  15. Oh man, how awful. I thought i just heard him recently on the radio too. He always had good takes. Jeez, Ralph is gonna live till he's 120 and others are dying so young.
  16. It's kinda been a weird season. Right now, I don't feel like coaching is the main reason we're losing games. The coaches are actually making some nice adjustments, calling some good plays and putting these players in position to win games (especially in the 2nd half). It's just been mistakes on the field that are costing them wins. Plus the overall talent level is not on par with the better clubs (especially on D). I killed Gailey at the beginning of the season for starting Trent and Lynch but they quickly rectified that situation. I actually think the Bills are in much better shape at head coach and QB than alot of people thought they were a few weeks ago.
  17. I love these threads. I said it when he was Starting here...and I'll say it again. Edwards is nothing but a below average backup QB. He might not even be backup material at this point. I'd be amazed if he ever starts another game in this league (other than an emergency backup).
  18. I do like listening to Gailey speak. He seems like a good, honest man and he knows his football and what it takes to be a winner. Right now I'm very glad he's our coach and he's gonna lead this club back to respectability and hopefully a playoff berth.
  19. I very much dislike when huge decisions are made based on one snapshot in time. Yes- the NFC West blows today and probably next year...but in 3-4 years they could have a couple dominant teams. The league is too fluid to say break up the NFC West now because they stink. In a couple years the AFC East might be much weaker.
  20. It's not just Bills fans that feel this way. I've read a bunch of posts on other NFL message boards about Unis. It's overwhelming that Buffalo's current unis are in the bottom 5 of least liked in nearly every poll....while the Bills throwbacks are in the top 5 of best uniforms.
  21. And the Bills are doing a mighty fine job losing in gut-wrenching fashion in the 1:00pm time slot as well! So true. Unfortunately when Arizona leapfrogs the Bills for draft position, we will have two teams (Panthers and Cards) ahead of us needing franchise QB's. Although I have to say, I am very happy with Fitz now and beyond. No way a rookie comes in and can do what Fitz can do now.
  22. Agreed. Buffalo gets the highest ratings of any US city for random games. Of course, when the Sabres are good...Sabres games can be in the 30's ratings in the WNY market which is sick for hockey. It's a great NHL market and looks fantastic when compared to other US cities like NJ, Atlanta, all Florida, Nashville, Carolina, Phoenix, etc, etc, etc...
  23. The Bills are kind of defying the odds. Usually when you get grossly outrushed, the team loses big. I think it's happened against KC, Pitts and maybe even Baltimore...and the Bills were right in it till the end.
  24. Good points. As i mentioned after the KC game, I truly believe these crazy losses are some kind of divine intervention which will ultimately result in some great- game changing draft picks coming up. These losses hurt now, but there's not much difference in 2-9 or 3-8. It's obvious the Bills can play with the big boys and a couple more difference makers can flip these L's into W's. I'm pretty optimistic about this team and I love Chan's play calling.
  25. I was at the Miami game last year and Indy for that matter....hence i was pounding the lecturn so to speak to have Fitz start the opener this year vs. Miami. Made me ill that Gailey threw Tony SParano a gift by starting Edwards in that game. Sparano would have told you which QB he would rather have faced seeing as Fitz carved up his team in Orchard Park last fall. Anyway, the point is I'm not hanging my hat on 3 Qtrs vs. Baltimore and 2 Qtrs vs. Cinci. Nice try. I actually like his "body of work" since he's been here. If you want to pick apart every teams QB to that level of detail, then I'm sure you can try to convince yourself that Brees, Rivers, Ryan, Flacco etc,,, are very flawed QB's as well. I guess only Mike Vick is off the hook since he hasn't thrown a pick yet this season or an inaccurate pass. So far this season, Fitz's attempts, yards, completion % and TD's are way up. Maybe it's not a coincidence since he is now working under Chan Gailey. Just try not to work so hard to convince yourself that Fitz is not good. It's like some posters are on a crusade against the guy. Jeez!
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