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Everything posted by BuffalothruMyVeins

  1. I don't want to imply or start whispers that Mario has been disappearing or ineffective, I haven't been able to see any of the preseason games, and only could go by the radio broadcasts, so I couldn't see him collapsing the pocket and forcing a throw, which might not get him mentioned but he has an effect on the game, or setting an edge on the D and pushing the run back inside, for the tackle to be made and talked about. Thanks for being the eyes for me, and letting me know he's still as effective as ever.
  2. I think, given the size of the contract he signed, and the strong production he has since put forth, it is fair to say that Mario Williams has been a safe investment as far as the "post-contract malaise" syndrome is concerned. That said, I haven't heard his name a ton this preseason, I hope this new defense take advantage of him like the Wannestedt defense did most of the year, because I believe he has some big cap hit seasons ahead, and if memory serves, I believe they can even cut him after this season for next to nothing, kind of a "mid-contract safety out" clause. If he has a down year, it becomes too easy for the FO to cut him, and claim they needed the money to re-sign guys. Speaking if contract years, and what I just brought up, would you rather keep Mario, at his age or re-sign Hughes? Hmm.
  3. I remember listening to him on The John Murphy Show a couple months ago, and I remember it to be a painful interview, but I cannot remember specifically why. I think perhaps his speech is slurred because of false teeth, if I remember right. Interesting hire as a broadcaster, if that's true, since he was so difficult to listen to.
  4. Seeing how you only get 1 such designation per year, I doubt they wasted it on a guy who has contributed nothing and cannot stay on the field. You keep that incase a top player breaks an arm, or the like, that they will need 6 weeks off, not so you can potentially return to action your 3rd string TE for week 8, only so he can go back out on full IR on week 11.
  5. That one's easy, I'll do it for him. #1: Every other team. Hall of fame caliber guards, Pro Bowl caliber backups, all selected after our draft picks, making our selections terrible #32: Us. Starters belong on minor league arena football league 2nd string, backups are both incontinant and aided the rise of The Third Reicht.
  6. Moorman will definitely be missed, but I think the production of him won't quite be, as I think this guy we got from SF should produce. I' indifferent towards TJ, because as a 5th, 6th, or 7th WR, I think the production was adequate. Not as a #2,though, which he wasn't this year.
  7. I noticed a particular physical trait that Preston Brown has, during his post-game press conference... http://www.buffalobills.com/video/videos/Preston-Brown-It-was-fun-being-out-there/56b1c38a-99e4-4b86-bbbb-e61f3d02fe15 KEEP YOUR HANDS DOWN, PRESTON!!!
  8. It must be the sale is close, they're running up the power bills and then selling all assets and debts to Pegs.
  9. I really see both sides of this, and I was really frustrated with that performance, as I am sure we ALL were. No, it's not fair to attach 14 years of failure to a 20 year old who just got drafted, but at the same time, here is where I am coming from as a fan who, if I were at the game, likely would have boo'd that performance at halftime: Every year, we are sold this new koolaid for the whole offseason of the team is now taking it serious, redoubling their efforts to win now, firing coaches or letting go of players who were seen as negative towards that ultimate goal, and bringing in players who are difference makers and genius coaches who are geniuses and only accept winning... And most of us buy it, because we love the team, so we are forced to be optimists about it. Because what choice do we have? So when a game like this happens, it is the proof of the lies slapping us in the face like the lies of infidelity. We have been told them over and over and over, and we want so badly to believe them, but when we see this ugliness, it just gives us the feeling that no, nothing will be different. No, that QB coach we brought in that was supposed to fix EJ made no difference. No, the former Super Bowl winning assistant who is now an offensive assistant isn't going to improve the offense. The coaching changes, the player changes, they are just newer versions of Jerry Grey, Turk Schonert, Josh Reed, JP Losman, and Keith Ellison. Just promises that we now see are broken, again. I'm not necessarily saying that this year is lost (maybe our offense is sorry it cheated, maybe it didn't mean it!), the season hasn't even started yet, but the reason for the boo's is grounded, because we have been lied to for more than a decade, and that's what it felt like that first half was, that revelation moment that we're going to be losers again, despite the reported stockpile of talent. I'm hoping I am wrong. All Bills fans are. Nobody wants to root for losers. It God Damn wears on you.
  10. Why so I watch this same crappy team year after year after year... I'm overweight and 30, I probably only have another 20 years left, will I ever see the damn playoffs again??? Hah
  11. 2nd stringers. But boy look out when we finally Gameplan for teams, and unveil all of our double-top-secret plays on the league in the regular season... Boy oh boy we'll have the league running scared than...
  12. He's talented, but THE DEFINITION of a red flag. And at some point there could come a tipping point on this roster where our character risks outweigh the great locker room guys, and team chemistry goes bad. I don't think he showed enough in the limited training camp and preseason production for the Bills, a team who refused to draft him, or even sign him as an UDFA, to claim him on waivers and only run a 52 man roster to leave room for him... Which is what they would have to do, right? Or would they be able to claim him and place him on their own IR?
  13. ... I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, but... Graham and Wilson both went to NC State... Maybe they didn't pick Wilson because he went to a "garbage program"? Last time I checked, Kutztown has a garbage program, too...
  14. What does this mean for Seantrel? Maybe a week of split reps to get Glenn back up to conditioning, then try him out at RT? Would start him there after Pitt game? Or start before that and give him 3 games, start now?
  15. In the end of the day, he doesn't "owe" WNY ANYTHING, he put the team here for 55 years, and we all enjoyed it. Stop making it sound like you just supported the Bills because you had a financial stake in it. In the end of the day, the Bills gave back more money than they took, in the form of sales tax, and are about to give back a major chunk more in the form of estate tax, which I believe is nearly 50%. So THE SELFISHNESS of them walking away with 1.2 billion dollars is knocked down by the fact that they're handing over half of that, and "only" grossing $600 million. To sell an NFL team and walk away with that much is much less than if you just sold it outright and just had to deal with sales tax.
  16. Until he puts up real numbers and looks dominant, he doesn't deserve that mantle that Moulds owns. And that's not to trash him, I'm as optimistic and pulling for him as the next guy. But he has to prove it.
  17. I actually don't remember Lawson being anything but impressive vs. the run, but I'm sure had a couple hiccups, as anyone would. My lasting memory of him this last year was him being very strong on the edges, shedding blockers and snuffing out outside runs and RB screens to the flat.
  18. Although I think Darius is a good guy, I think now would be a poor PR time to give someone a long term investment, as it would set a bad prescient that on-the-field production is all that matters in "being a Bill". I do think he will end up well, but now is a bad time to do this deal. Plus, Darius' agent would never let him sign now, with his value at an all-time low. And I don't THINK that Glenn can sign a new contract this close to him being drafted, as I think you have to have 3 full seasons accrued from being drafted for a non-1st rounder, and 4 for a 1st rounder, with the new CBA. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's how it is. I would be all for the extension for him, though. After this season, float him a 5-6 year deal worth 6.5 million per, possibly up to 8.5 million if he plays even better this year. Might sound high, but this is a premium position and top guys are getting north of 11 million, and I don't want to see him walk and we have to rely on our possible LG Hairston or Seantrel to fill in.
  19. I don't know if this is just frustration or what clouding your reality of the situation, but this is completely untrue. I honestly don't even remember Spiller returning a single kick but perhaps he did. However, he never had incedible plays followed by nothing the next week, by design. He was injured for at least half of the season, tried to play through it, and was given a limited work load to help him through it. This is a "grey area" where the coaches were looking for more from Spiller, but it was his injury that limited his production on the field. Don't try to slide it into the easier to understand black and white narrative of "Spiller sucks" and "the coaches are incompetent". The situation was compromised by injury, and we diid not see his full production potential. I'm tired of hearing this major contributing factor being ignored to further a preconceived agenda.
  20. How so? (Unstanding your comment was made in jest, just curious where you were going with that)
  21. Calm down. I think if you look closely, the statement ended with [/s] which is message board speek for "end of sarcasm".
  22. Why is Mularkey "Kevin Costner", and Marrone "Dumbo"?
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