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Everything posted by BuffalothruMyVeins

  1. I'm not trying to sound condescending or sarcastic, because I pretty much feel that Hackett should be back next year, as often there are WRs open, just being missed or QB destroyed before he says "hut", but at what point does Hackett, and to a lesser extent Marrone, become responsible for the things you listed (except for injuries)? Doesn't a good OC put his QB in good situations where his weakness are masked, design blocking schemes and plays to lighten the burden on a struggling OL, and overcome inexperience at WR?
  2. HBO I believe... And no idea if you have HBO in Canada. Probably could catch it on an HBO.com or some type of streaming capacity.
  3. Hold the course, guys... We got Chris Hairston in the pick for him, and after red shirting him for these 3 or 4 years, he's about to TEAR IT UP and get in the conversation as a top 10 OT ever... Another home run by the Bills! Stupid Seahawks...
  4. I don't think some of you are understanding something, the bills have to get someone off of their 53 man roster, not 46 man game day inactives. So in this case, I would say one of the most likely moves is sliding a guy from the roster to the IR, Like Wynn, Gragg, or as someone mentioned, If Gay is injured, he would be a legitimate candidate. It would be a horrible move to RELEASE Bryce Brown, despite is relative ineffectiveness this year, since we spent a 4th rounder on him next year, and he is our likely contingency plan for a leaving Spiller and aging Freddy.
  5. Texans burn me, they were a downright lousy team, except for Watt, and the long pick-6 was at least a 10 point swing and the difference between win and lose. Would have been an easy win with Orton.
  6. Yes, I just re-read the thread, and I think I lost track of the subject and accidently concentrated on Denver. My apologies. I was young during the super bowl era so I really can't draw on anything from then, but I have a hard time imagining a team that never won the Super Bowl beating 3 better QBs late season, with much on the line. I'm optimistic, but I'm not stupid. Anyone who is getting their hopes up is a fool, a win in even half of these last 2 games is quite optimistic.
  7. Well, not THE GREATEST, but it would EASILY be their biggest win in... 20 years? Certainly the last 15.
  8. Yeah, I think this is pretty fair. I'm not certain if it is Crossman, but the "core special teamers" comment was curious, and I was worried it meant we would be making game day inactive guys we need on offense or defense, just to keep a gunner active, but I think the signing of Boobie has really helped bridge both holes. He is not a GOOD RB, but he is an effective Rb#3/ short yardage guy, and stud Special teamer, so we're not shorting the O. And I don't know what Lawson's stats are, and don't care, because I feel that he has been VERY good and VERY VERY underrated on this roster, a glue guy, filling a half dozen needs. If Mario or Hughes go down, it's not good, but we're not dead in the water, because I think Lawson can set the edge well. Not as good a pass rusher/edge bender, but we'll be OK.
  9. If you're from buffalo and know snow, why do you have a Toro one-stage? ;-) Only if you add a neuce to complete the outfit.
  10. EVERYBODY is a pre-draft favorite, here. Every year, we, as fans, pick 250 players in the draft, and then when 3-5 of them that the Bills did not pick start to do well, the Bills get called incompetent for only picking 7 guys. Idiots.
  11. I say he comes out to the coin flip with a roll of quarters, and when the coin is in the air, he just empties all of his on the turf, thus incurring a 15 yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty... And when bending over to shamefully pick them all up, he loses his balance, and falls into our other captain's legs, thus blowing out Fred and Wood's ACLs, dislocating Kyle and Graham's shoulders, and Spikes and Mario knock stooge heads and are out with concussions. After seeing this, Marrone punches Urbik in his fat belly, and cuts Mike Williams. Mike Williams already has a spot on the 53 man roster... That's how he's on... The... Team...
  12. As any longtime bills fan, pessimism is just an extension of a defense mechanism, as they almost always let us down for the last 15 years, but don't lose hope on this one. The defense is really rounding into a TOP defense, in both facets of the game. The run defense has been a sure thing all year, and since the NE game, the pass defense has tightened up, something that concerned me in the first half of the year. The offense absolutely feels much improved the last 4 games, so if you fairly assume that they continue improving at the same rate, by year's end, I think we have a NICE, STRONG team. Not 2 top 5 units, but a top 5 defense is fair to forecast, as they're 6th now... And the offense is improving, so if they can get into the top half there, we are a problem for people to play. Add in the fact that everyone in front of us will play eachother (including us playing a couple of them, taking out own bite out of them), and there are a lot of losses forthcoming to teams that are above us, we are absolutely in charge here. If we have a playoff caliber roster, as I suspect, we should handle business in November, going to 8-4, and be in a good place when our December "so you think you're a playoff team... Prove it" series runs... And I think we will, and go 2-2, and get in.
  13. That last play in KC burns me... Ugh. Hopefully that was Orton's "bad" baseline, and not the norm we shou,d be expecting more of, as he returns back to his normal mean.
  14. I THINK the OP is being sarcastic... I THINK, anyways...
  15. MRSA, geez, god's running out of stuff to throw at JK... And for JK to kick it's butt... Let's give JK Ebola and use his antibodies as a cure for the rest of humanity. KEEP ROCKING IT JIM! I don't mean to make light of this, it IS quite serious. Good luck Jim.
  16. Mongo like tackle football... Mongo do commercial??
  17. Dareus IS signed through next year, but yes, I would like to see another 4 years tacked on for him this coming offseason. I really hope Hughes is able to be resigned, too, but I almost get the feeling he won't be, especially if he puts up some real numbers this year and we make the playoffs. If we make the playoffs, and Orton continues his current production or close to it, and we continue to win games WITH him, not DESPITE him, I wouldn't be against floating an extra year onto his current deal at similar rate, about 5-6 million per year.
  18. I was interested in him, but not for a 4th and a 6th, we already gave up the Stevie 4th in next year's draft and of course the 1st rounder for the Sammy Watkins trade-up, so giving up a 4th and 6th would leave us a 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 7th... And honestly, we would have probably have to give up more than the Rams, because the Rams are likely to pick ahead of the Bills, so Tampa Bay would take the Rams 4th and 6th over the Bills...
  19. I really like to see Lawson mentioned here, I was nervous he might get "odd man out-ed" during training camp as the sch me changed, but I loved last year his ability to set the edge and force the run back into the heavies, but I was unsure if he could get to the QB as a wide-9 rusher, but I have been VERY pleased, and love the signing. I hope we got him for 3 years, because that's how long I want him for.
  20. Inactive list comes out at 11:15-11:30, if he wasn't in the stadium yet, he would have been inactive, reguardless of our body count at WR.
  21. I hear Chandler Jones is out, but not sure for how long. They may or may not be missing 1 or more bodies on defense.
  22. I believe Glenn has struggled off and on this year, and never as bad as in this game, when he allowed 3 sacks. I believe he is not beyond reproach anymore, hopefully he can turn it round and not completely go Matt Kalil on us...
  23. Get Holmgren the hell away from this team. He hasn't done ANYTHING in a decade, and whether it was him or ownership that flubbed up the Cleveland experiment, I am still more comfortable with Whaley as the GM, Brandon as the President, and if in need of seasoned experience, we have Nix. I don't want Holmgren bringing in some 28 year olds to learn on the job, and eventually get handed positions that we already have talented people in, in Brandon and Whaley. It was a good model to do in 2010 when our cub board was bare, and Nix tutored Whaley, and Brandon strengthened the business side, but I think we're ALL SET, just need more at bats at the draft, now.
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