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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. Nice to see these judges seem to possess common sense and can clearly see what any other reasonable person does
  2. I have a feeling that in some way they are eventually going to expand more and more of the present day arc. Maybe more flash forwards, and by the last season they spend some more time in present day and it shows him eventually saying F it, and he goes into a slipping Jimmy mode despite the consequences of his witness protection (which might turn out tragic, but it's all relative given the tragedy of his life now anyway)
  3. One thing I find unfortunate is the specialization that kids have today. Sometimes I think parents feel they need to force a kid to play one sport from the time they are 5 years old. I played 3 sports all 4 yrs in HS (my wife 4), and one thing we did with our kids was get them involved in multiple sports and purposely try to not have them specialize in one. My daughter was always a good athlete, and an especially gifted basketball player when she was younger. She decided when she entered HS she was going to play 3 sports, even though some people told her she should just focus on basketball, and it wouldn't be possible to actually play three sports at the HS we go to (which is a very large, competitive school and has won the state award for the top sports program in the state for the last six straight years). Before she got to HS I also had parents and coaches telling me she needed to focus just on basketball - but that's not what my daughter wanted to do - and honestly it's not what I wanted her to do. What she loves most is just playing the different games and especially the camaraderie and friendships she gets on the different teams. It is extremely difficult to play three sports nowadays (much more so than when I did it over 30 yrs ago) - especially at a high level. Pretty much all the top girls she plays with and against play one sport year-round. Add to that, all three of the sports she plays involve skills and mastery with a ball (Volleyball, Basketball, Lacrosse). Many top HS teams have essentially year-round training now - her summers have been spent with countless camps, clinics, leagues, practices, and workouts for all three sports - sometimes for multiple sports in the same day. My LAMP is that in the age of specialization, my daughter will have played three sports all four years in HS (at and against the largest school classification / highest competition), and will have earned 10 varsity letters across the three sports with a couple all-conference honors along the way (extra LAMP that she's an honor student with a 4.8 weighted GPA - oh and just an overall great kid ). There is no doubt that if she specialized in one sport she would have stood out more in that particular sport and gotten more accolades - but that's not what she is interested in at all. She just wanted to play the games and have fun with her teammates. She won't get any special recognition for what she did, but as someone who has been around youth sports for a long time, I can tell you there aren't very many high school athletes who could have accomplished what she did in her situation. On the subject of parents, like most I've met some incredible a-holes along the way. The one situation that sticks out to me was when I was helping coach one of my daughter's AAU teams when she was younger. There was this mother-daughter pair who were always conspiring in ways to make the girl look better and promote her. They especially hated me, because I would call her out when she would routinely cheat in drills in practice to try to make herself look better (and it drove them insane that my daughter started at point guard over her). They actually started this little (unsuccessful) campaign to spread lies about me so that I would be removed as a coach. Just not good people. And I've watched this girl (and her mother) play the system over the years. Now she is a 'star' HS player in the area (in that she gets a lot of points) but her teams always suck because all she does is shoot and could care less about anything but her stats. Every time I have a discussion with a parent that has crossed this girl's path let's just say they have nothing positive to say. But her and her witch Mom got what they wanted because now she's a 'star'.
  4. It kind of surprised me that they went in the direction of him taking the job at Davis & Main after all, when it looked like initially the narrative was going to be turning it down was going to be his start 'down the other path'. The tragedy there would have been him never taking the shot and seeing what that opportunity could have turned into. But now that he is there, it will be interesting to see what pushes him out. My bet is on Chuck sabotaging him (again) in some way - Chuck could turn out to be the biggest POS in the entire Saul/Bad universe.
  5. It's bizarre how big his forehead is - like an alien. Some of it is receding hairline but still, it's crazy. It's like when you see Bruschi's huge HGH head, or Evander Holyfield's huge HGH jaw
  6. Talking Saul has a long way to go to catch up with Talking Dead. There was some interesting discussion, but a lot of it was based on the entire series so far - I kept thinking to myself they are going to struggle to come up with an interesting hour every week after every episode. Can't wait for Banks to be on though.
  7. This. It sucks that Mario got so frustrated that he basically quit on the field, and yes that points to flaw in his character, BUT if the coaching staff was competent and understood what they had and were able to coach up the talent they had to make the best use of their talents HE WOULDN'T HAVE QUIT. People who want to point out specific plays where Mario don't dominate when he was 1-1 !) don't know if on that play he was not supposed to be rushing and was just supposed to be taking up space as part of the unholy scheme and 2) have to account for for the possibility where the coaching had basically destroyed his will to play due to their incompetence in making use of the talent they had. Professional or not - it's simply human nature. There's no doubt in my mind Mario would have played at a high level last season if the coaching staff was competent in making use of the talent they had, It's cause and effect. Incompetent coaching caused Mario's lost year. It's the coaches job to put the players in the best position to win, and get them to play at a high level. They failed.
  8. If and when it happens, I just hope he goes to a team outside the AFC East
  9. That's a really interesting bit of information. And if it is in fact what started everything, all that the cops/club have to say is the mis-charge was an honest mistake
  10. It's only a matter of time til the burnt bone fragments are found behind Shady's house in his firepit and the key 'magically' appears in his bedroom
  11. That was my favorite part of the super bowl
  12. Wtf. Papa john. Did Peyton just get a nice check for that?
  13. There used to be an awesome video on youtube from Dear that went (persuadingly) into all the details which implicated the son, but it has been taken down. If you start watching this video at 36 minutes it gets into the son theory (not as well as the original link I mentioned) and also the possible drug connection theory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG5CPhGoT3M I think at some point he was at the murder scene, but I think Jason did it. My kids think it's funny that I would even consider him being not guilty. They also do concede though, it would be tougher to them accept someone being guilty if the guy was your biggest idol growing up. I always say when I think of OJ I always think of him running the football first (thanks for the video above). Pretty much a whole generation has little knowledge/respect for how great a player he was - only know him as an alleged double murderer
  14. I've never heard anyone say this about Rex's D. The complaints from players were so many possible different individual option/responsibilities from the same set that make it hard (impossible in some cases) for everyone to be on the same page, including last minute substitutions and changes in assignments just before the snap. This is why it has been exposed by fast-paced offenses as not being an effective scheme.
  15. Totally agree with this. And pressure doesn't have to be sacks - the Broncos hit Brady almost 20 times and pressured him into being uncomfortable and bad throws numerous other times. The Broncos won because people got to Brady and got in his face and hit him, even when they didn't sack him.
  16. A great defensive mind coaches up the players he has to play great defensive as a unit. Period. Rex did not do this, regardless of reasons blaming the locker room, not enough Jets rejects, etc. etc. If the players can't smell what the coach is cooking, and you know you don't have locker room buy-in, and it's not working, then figure out something to play good defensive with the All-Pro players you have. A defensive genius doesn't slavishly stick to a scheme that isn't working (regardless of what the reason/excuses are) so that the defense isn't good - that is what a defensive idiot does.
  17. Wow that's crazy. Seems like we may be hearing a lot more of this guy since Avery's new attorney knows all about him
  18. 7th grade. Can remember climbing around on drifts that were as high as two story houses and running around on the rooftops. There was an area a few blocks from my neighborhood that was open and the drifts were as high as telephone poles. At the time I didn't fully appreciate it - looking back it seems insane.
  19. lol "Asking tough questions" is not what left an impression on me
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