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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. While people are offering opinions - what are thoughts on the bones. From the defense standpoint - is the theory that the body was burned at the quarry, then the barrel from the compound was taken to the quarry (by someone framing Avery) and used to transport the bones to the fire pit ? From the prosecution side - what was their theory - that he burned the body in the barrel, dumped some of the bones in the firepit, then went and dumped the rest in the quarry??? (or I guess another theory would be burned first in the firepit, then used the barrel to move the remains from the firepit to the quarry?) I thought I remember someone from prosecution mentioning burning the body in the barrel at some point but I could be wrong.
  2. Yeah, my point was how/why Brendan got it into his head to implicate himself at all prior to the later interviews where they really helped him "spell it all out". It wasn't clear to me how much he initially admitted to - but just seems crazy to 1) initially admit your involvement in something so heinous if you weren't involved and 2) admit to even more heinous details if they weren't true (even if you were of low IQ). I never really understood how the Brendan story evolved - what he told them initially and how much was "filled in" by the cops. And why would the cops think it was a reasonable story to pursue that they slit her throat on the bed when there was no blood? Even when Kratz does the PC and they go into all the horrifying details - why wasn't there someone saying beforehand "Oh - wait, before you say that, there's no blood on the mattress FYI"
  3. Yeah but I thought he told some other people before he was actually arrested (the one girl at the party, who then recanted on the stand, for one). Also, the O'Kelley interview was after he had already gone through the initial interview at the school and was already arrested - I thought the arrest itself was based on him confessing or at least telling other people he was involved in what happened (way prior to O'Kelly). And even if the confession story was 100% created by the cops - why in the hell would they create such a crazy gruesome story when they knew there wouldn't be plausible physical evidence to back it up (no pools of blood in the bedroom, garage, etc) My impression was Brendan came up with pieces of the story first, then the cops 'guided' him into laying it all out in detail.
  4. I read an article that outlined cases for two of his brothers as suspects as well as either of his nephew and brother in law that lived next door (who's alibis just happened to be them passing each other on the road even though his nephew's timeline had all kinds of holes in it). One brother beat his wife, the other sexually abused his daughters. It seems the family really did have its share of lowlifes. One thing I can't reconcile for the life of me is how Brendan comes up with that story out of the blue. Even if he was retarded and was coerced, it is such a crazy story to just make up, and go along with. There is no doubt in my mind the evidence was planted. And the timing for it to happen when it did, when the town and some cops had so much to lose, and Avery so much to gain with his imminent payoff. Seems crazy he would take any chance throw all that away, and he goes and commits a gruesome murder? Doesn't make sense to me.
  5. And if the Bills DL played their passive 2 gap schemes against those crappy tackles, they still would not have gotten hits on Brady. It's about the attitude to kill the QB. If you don't go after the QB, it doesn't matter if the OL sucks.
  6. Denver's win should put to bed the whole "two second" excuse for not being able to rush the passer. You don't have to sack Brady within 2 seconds - you just have to hit him ever GD chance you get and beat the crap out of him - even if you get there at 2 secs + 1. The constant unrelenting hits come from the combined mass of the DL moving forward with immediacy and purpose all trying to take his head off - not from schemes and blitzes where DLmen either drop and impotently lumber around in no mans land or dance at the LOS while a single blitzer comes from 10 yds off the line (more often than not getting there a second too late) while they vacate areas where short passes get completed and most important don't get a hit on the QB. Even if you don't sack Brady you need to hit him!!!! If you have 4 fat guys all moving forward every play trying to kill him you will get more hits! The most important thing the Bills needed to do to change their fortunes was to figure out a way to beat NE**. The Giants showed the blueprint in the first SB win. Then when the Bills get stacked with the All-pro DL talent to implement the blueprint, that talent is wasted by Rex with his beloved scheme. Now Rex and his brother are all in with that scheme, one All pro DL will be gone (I understand he quit on the team, and that is inexcusable, but I still believe the root cause and much of the blame goes to Rex for mismanaging how he used the talent he had), and next year it will be Dareus who may be frustrated to the point of quitting as he does the dancing bear impression at the LOS that the scheme requires of him. Now we are supposed to be content and be patient with Rex so he can bring his cronies in so everyone can "buy into" his dismantling of a defense that was already built to beat the Patriots** for one that is exposed by exactly what the Patriots offense is built to do. God it pisses me off.
  7. This still drives me crazy that they were handed that SB based on a moron's coaching decision. Same as when Martz handed them one by deciding not feed Marshall Faulk. Idiots.
  8. Totally agree. Hated all the "but he gets rid of it so fast" excuses this year. You don't need to get a sack every time, but at least make your presence felt and get shots in. The sacks are great, but the constant hits are also what will win you the game.
  9. I remember crawling around on the rocks, but not sure I fully appreciated what was going on at the time (5 yrs old). There are pictures of it somewhere in my Dad's house.
  10. The bottom line is it doesn't matter if the OL sucks if you play passive and don't go after the QB. It drives me crazy that people have known for years you need to get in Brady's face, hit him and make him move in the pocket - but time and time again teams outsmart themselves trying to drop people into coverage to take away the short throws. And forget about the whole "he gets it away in 2 seconds so we can't rush" BS which was such a popular excuse this year - total BS. You don't have to sack him every time within 2 secs, just let him know you are trying to rip his head off in 2 seconds - and give him a shot at 2 secs + 1. The Broncos only had 4 sacks but 20 hits - how effective was that? Especially now with NE*'s weak running game, OL issues, and Brady getting older, all teams in the NFL should sign a binding pact to all swear to GO AFTER him and try to BEAT THE CRAP out of him EVERY GAME. And not to hijack the thread - but realize also the bueprint above to beat NE* is pressure from the DL with straight up coverage - not gap responsibilities for the DL (or zone blitzing) for LBs to come from all angles (did you see it Rex?)
  11. Good thing you weren't watching at the airport.... Mass murder aside - I still hate them
  12. Oh and don't forget the blood (Phil Simms: "The blood!") oozing from the boo boo on his elbow
  13. Holy Crap. I had to leave for the 2nd half and DVR'ed it, made sure I didn't know the outcome. I come home, watching the 2nd half - going crazy watching the last 5 minutes unfold - almost lose my mind when the Patriots** score the TD, then..........the recording ends just before the 2 pt conversion (and by then it's 7:00). My mind didn't know what to do - I'm jumping up and down going OMIGOGOMIGODOMIGOD. I knew the game was over one way or the other - the moments before checking the final outcome were among the most stressful in my life. Have to agree with many of the comments here. It is truly a gift to be able to watch the Superbowl stress free and be able to enjoy it. I honestly don't believe anyone can hate the Patriots** more than I do. For real. My hatred honestly borders on irrational (or my wife would probably say is irrational). God I hate them. Even watching the recording - I get so stressed when the Pats** are driving I fast forward and just look at the down marker to see what happened, then rewind and watch in real time. And even then I'm freaking out the whole last 5 minutes.. The most important factor going into this game for me was the fact that NE** lost the home field advantage. There is absolutely no way if this game was played in Gillette that NE** does not get some calls that determine the game in their favor. There's no way. Oh, and their tablets would have worked the whole game HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - how great is that. That backwards pass was ridiculous. How is it the stupid Pats** always benefit from some stupid turnover other teams make in their own territory. God it drives me crazy. 1) WTF are refs doing helping up Brady (again) 2) What does it take for Brady to get a grounding call 3) WHY THE HELL don't all teams try to pressure and beat up Brady ALL THE TIME.. When will teams in the league finally just get it and stop outsmarting themselves God I hate the Patriots**. It is like a huge weight has been lifted. Ha and its easy to forget the friggin cheaters lost their first pick, and hopefully a Brady suspension is in the making this offseason. Go to hell mother f'ers - go straight to hell.
  14. 1) Bills announce first woman QB in league history. Marketing slogan is "She can't be worse than EJ" 2) The genius of Russ results in another record for season ticket sales despite now 20 years with no playoffs when in a splashy PR move that renews fan base excitement he brings back Chuck Lester 3) In a Very Special sold out event at Ted's Hot Dogs Stadium, Billy the Buffalo and the guy who came up with the idea for the Train Horn are executed at midfield (Billy bleeds blue, who knew?). Hope springs eternal.
  15. Have i missed something since moving from the area 30 years ago that Fredonia is now a weeknight party road trip destination?
  16. When we moved to where we are in Cary (off Davis Drive) 20 years ago we had to go prob 5 miles to the nearest grocery store - now there are at least 7 within a two mile radius
  17. Just finished rewatching History of the Eagles Part I and Ii on Netflix after hearing the news. Crazy to have a certain picture of someone like that always seeming like in their prime, then they're gone
  18. Just another opportunity to say I hate the friggin Patriots**
  19. Was thinking the same thing. So depressing. I at least want them to have to travel to Denver so I don't have to endure seeing and hearing the m a s s h o l e fan base all game
  20. One thing I don't think is discussed enough is with Rex seemingly wanting to go all in with his scheme next year we are going to have one of most talented and highest paid linemen in the game in dareus being told to do an impression of a big fat load just eating up space every week. He is not going to be utilized to do what he does best, and he is going to be unhappy about it and it likely will effect his attitude, morale, and play (sound familiar?)
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