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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. This thread needs to get back on point and discuss further what a cheating scumbag Brady is
  2. PatsFan MB - "Bad news for every single employee in America."
  3. And can't wait to see Kraft's tears of unfathomable sadness
  4. On Talking Saul - the first letters of all the episode titles can be arranged to spell 'Fring's back'
  5. Called the ending to my wife as soon as Jimmy started to confess. Told her that was what he got in the garage
  6. My favorite Howard acting scene in the whole series was one he didn't even speak. When he and Kim go to meet Mesa Verde there is this long unspoken scene where they walk down the hall and then just stand there waiting for them to show. The way he comports himself and on command snaps and freezes into his regal pose is just amazing.
  7. At the end of the first season I thought that Chuck's character was going to evolve to reveal one of the most cold hearted, despicable villains in TV history. But lo and behold he was made much more nuanced - with both sympathetic and disagreeable traits as you say. Similar to the way Howard can seamlessly go from doosh to decent guy (I think they guy who plays Howard is brilliant). Heck, even Nacho is likable at times.
  8. Thought the scene in Chuck's house where Kim does realize what Jimmy did but at that moment chooses to defend him and tear Chuck a new a hole was awesome
  9. Anyone else notice Smylie's caddie was wearing a Sabres shirt underneath his overalls?
  10. Like I said above - if you replace the kickoff with a punt, a fake punt (kickoff) just replaces the onside kick. If the team advances 10 yds on a punt kickoff they keep the ball. That is much more interesting (and better test of skill) than an nside kick IMO
  11. I heard this last night and while it initially sounds crazy, after I thought about it makes a lot of sense. Kickoffs are more dangerous because of guys running full speed into each other from a distance, where as a punt everyone is lined up at LOS. He also cited there were twice as many punt returns for TD last year compared to kickoffs. The thing I think he missed on was you don't need an onside kick anymore. Now a team on kickoff can just run a fake punt play for 10 yards if they want to. An actual offensive play is a much better way for a team to maintain the ball vs a stupid onside kick which is 99% luck and executed well 1% of the time. Coaches would dream up all kinds of crazy fake punt plays, and teams would be more likely to do it on the 'kickoff' to get the ball back during the course of the game if they are down. I think it would be awesome.
  12. Used to love that show - can't believe it was only on for 3 years. Salami and Coolidge are mourning today..
  13. This - they should be minimizing the impact of kickers, not having the outcomes of games determined more by 'idiot kickers'
  14. With current Kim story line it's interesting that they are starting to paint Chuck as having a soul and not being a total complete doosh. And then they seem to be going back to Howard being more of a doosh after humanizing him a bit earlier (just the body language and way Howard is standing there as the car with the Mesa Verde folks drives off is priceless). Will be interesting to see what happened to Chuck and his wife, and if Jimmy had anything to do with it. I think the little arc with the assistant shadowing Jimmy is hilarious. Best line of the show was when Jimmy gave Mike the "Don't tell me - the first rule of Fight Club..." line. I laughed out loud Not sure if we should not like Mike's daughter-in-law as taking advantage of his guilt for her personal gain, or if she just really felt trapped in her situation and was doing what she felt necessary as best for her daughter
  15. Bah - you're right. Crazy I thought I remembered him in BB for sure. Guess that's a testament to how in sync the BCS/BB universe is right now
  16. Might explain why I was having so much trouble finding the answer
  17. How did Nacho die in Breaking Bad again? I googled but couldn't find it easily
  18. Nice to see these judges seem to possess common sense and can clearly see what any other reasonable person does
  19. I have a feeling that in some way they are eventually going to expand more and more of the present day arc. Maybe more flash forwards, and by the last season they spend some more time in present day and it shows him eventually saying F it, and he goes into a slipping Jimmy mode despite the consequences of his witness protection (which might turn out tragic, but it's all relative given the tragedy of his life now anyway)
  20. One thing I find unfortunate is the specialization that kids have today. Sometimes I think parents feel they need to force a kid to play one sport from the time they are 5 years old. I played 3 sports all 4 yrs in HS (my wife 4), and one thing we did with our kids was get them involved in multiple sports and purposely try to not have them specialize in one. My daughter was always a good athlete, and an especially gifted basketball player when she was younger. She decided when she entered HS she was going to play 3 sports, even though some people told her she should just focus on basketball, and it wouldn't be possible to actually play three sports at the HS we go to (which is a very large, competitive school and has won the state award for the top sports program in the state for the last six straight years). Before she got to HS I also had parents and coaches telling me she needed to focus just on basketball - but that's not what my daughter wanted to do - and honestly it's not what I wanted her to do. What she loves most is just playing the different games and especially the camaraderie and friendships she gets on the different teams. It is extremely difficult to play three sports nowadays (much more so than when I did it over 30 yrs ago) - especially at a high level. Pretty much all the top girls she plays with and against play one sport year-round. Add to that, all three of the sports she plays involve skills and mastery with a ball (Volleyball, Basketball, Lacrosse). Many top HS teams have essentially year-round training now - her summers have been spent with countless camps, clinics, leagues, practices, and workouts for all three sports - sometimes for multiple sports in the same day. My LAMP is that in the age of specialization, my daughter will have played three sports all four years in HS (at and against the largest school classification / highest competition), and will have earned 10 varsity letters across the three sports with a couple all-conference honors along the way (extra LAMP that she's an honor student with a 4.8 weighted GPA - oh and just an overall great kid ). There is no doubt that if she specialized in one sport she would have stood out more in that particular sport and gotten more accolades - but that's not what she is interested in at all. She just wanted to play the games and have fun with her teammates. She won't get any special recognition for what she did, but as someone who has been around youth sports for a long time, I can tell you there aren't very many high school athletes who could have accomplished what she did in her situation. On the subject of parents, like most I've met some incredible a-holes along the way. The one situation that sticks out to me was when I was helping coach one of my daughter's AAU teams when she was younger. There was this mother-daughter pair who were always conspiring in ways to make the girl look better and promote her. They especially hated me, because I would call her out when she would routinely cheat in drills in practice to try to make herself look better (and it drove them insane that my daughter started at point guard over her). They actually started this little (unsuccessful) campaign to spread lies about me so that I would be removed as a coach. Just not good people. And I've watched this girl (and her mother) play the system over the years. Now she is a 'star' HS player in the area (in that she gets a lot of points) but her teams always suck because all she does is shoot and could care less about anything but her stats. Every time I have a discussion with a parent that has crossed this girl's path let's just say they have nothing positive to say. But her and her witch Mom got what they wanted because now she's a 'star'.
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