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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. Has there ever been a return without a flag for blocking in the back
  2. Karol's hit the hole so fast fast at first I thought it was a direct snap
  3. Everyone going to the game make sure to download the air horn app on your phone before you leave
  4. This doesn't address the scumbag cheating coach, owner and overall organization. I like the simple CHEAT-ERS. CHEAT-ERS chant myself
  5. Air horn apps for phones, tutorials on whistling, this is seriously the most fun ramp up to a game I can hardly remember
  6. Ha - I educated my son on the Miracle at the Meadowlands after the fumble https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlmUw2zcc8Q
  7. This. As soon as they see a lineman trying to knock him at the LOS they will just split him out wide - where he can just have his way in open space (and also create a big hole on that side of the D line to exploit)
  8. Curious - was the stadium itself more closed in? Imagine the stadium design has a lot to do with it in a lot of places - the Ralph is so open
  9. The fact that both teams exit takes absolutely nothing away from the sign. Everyone knows it's referring to the Patriots - it's just a goof
  10. When I was a (very) small child, I thought the Pats logo was a clown
  11. Man this feels like the leadup to a playoff game (for those old enough to remember what that's like) Let's Go!!!!
  12. I care more about a good strong Cheater chant throughout the game than peak decibel
  13. Fits in perfectly with Miss America saying Disgraced QB Tom Brady is a Cheater earlier this week...
  14. Please please please keep the Cheater chant going long and often - I want to hear it on my TV so loud the announcers will be visibly uncomfortable trying to ignore it
  15. This is what I was thinking. Regardless of what he tried to transfer before his suspension started, the fact is we currently have an assistant line coach as our line coach. I'm wondering if Roman will also be spending some extra time with the OL.
  16. The dink and dunk Colt drives in the second half when the Bills kept blitzing but Luck got the ball out quick before they got to him is what Disgraced QB Tom Brady will do all day if the Bills don't make some adjustment
  17. I was not one of the fans that complained when they cut Fred, but nice try, I thought at the time it was stupid to butt in to keep a player to appease a portion of the fan base. When you start making personnel decisions based on fan reaction it is not good business
  18. I Love Pegs, but this is why owners should stay out of football matters they have no business meddling with
  19. Rex said in his presses that Sammy was upbeat and just excited about the win, players are about the team. This game he didn't get the stats, but other games he will and someone else won't
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