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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. I'd go with offense first as it takes longer for those guys to devleop. In addition as the season wore down Anderson was starting to come on. And if you do bring Adams back, then not in terrible shape there. On offense, you need as many as two new players plus likely to start Preston as a third new starter. Maybe you move Williams to guard, then need one new one. I think this will be answered by who they can sign as a free agent.
  2. At the time I thought I recalled that the Steelers wouldn't give permission to interview Whisenhunt as they planned on making him the OC, which they did. It does indicate though that Pitt viewed Whisnehunt as being better than Clements though.
  3. As much as I'm a Bills fan, I have to admire the Pats. Tehy win with little fanfare. As Milloy stated, Super Bowl rings don't feed your family. Well you see where he is now. They rarly make the police blotter. They just win and whe nsomeone is gone, they replace him with someone else who fills that role.
  4. You have a point there. It was that Onion loaf yesterday at Tony Roma's that did it!
  5. What happened? I went to the bathroom, the score was 17-14 Cinnci, came back and 28-17 Pitt!!
  6. Good to see you didn't say; "This is not Belichick" as he didn't do any better than MM in his first two years at Cleveland, 6-10, 7-9, followed by 7-9, 11-5, 5-11 in years 3-5. 1983 was Parcells first year, and the Giants were 3-12-1 followed by 9-7 in 83. So MM actually has a better two year record than both these guys. Am I saying MM is better than these two? No, but I am saying he could be and no one knows. But I do know that if you keep changing coaches every two to three years, you'll likely never get anyplace!
  7. That really doesn't matter as even if they fire Gray tomorrow, if he gets a job next week paying equal or more, the Bills are off the hook. Or are you suggesting the Bill's aren't going to fire Gray at all and will keep him if he doesn't get a head coach job to avoid paying him?? I think Gray is finished with the Bill's one way or another. I think he's being kept right now as it looks a little better when he's interviewing to list himself as currently employed as the def coord of the Bills as opposed to a recently fired coord. So the Bills are doing him a favor, with the understanding likely that if all of a sudden the person they are looking at is ready to sign, Gray would be immediately let go. That probably won't happen though as right now with all the changes going on, no one like a Caper,s Hasslett, etc will take a coordjob until all the head jobs are filled. So Gray hangs arounda couple more weeks, then is let go. The lower level copaches were let go now probably so they have a better change to find a new job which would save the Bills some money. Plus they aren't currently being interviewed for a head coach position.
  8. Maybe not micromanaged, but I find it more than a coincidence that many people commented how MM began to sound like GW. I think that's due to TD pullling their string on what to say and not say to press, fans, and players. TD seemed to live the 21 century management style very well which tend to be alot of smoke and mirrors. If MM didn't do as TD told him, he got taken out to the woodshed for a talking to. After awhile MM finally got it! I think that will make MM a better coach escaping from under that tstyle of managing. MM was 9 and 7 the year prior. If he's so bad, how do you explain that? It wasn't just due to an easier schedule. I belive anyone can look like a great coach when they have good players. Will Marv get him the good players, don't know, but it can't get much worse. While agree too that TD was a tireless worker, etc, but he wasn't a very good scout. Or at the least was to infatuated with the skill positions. I can'r say for certain that MM will become a great coach, but considering what he was given last year, a 1st year starting QB, an offensive line with two new starters, and a third for over half the year when MW got hurt, a defense that got old in a hurry, I can't say that MM is the problem. You just don't know. And changing course every 2 or 3 years due to impatience gets you know where.
  9. If he were fired by the Jets, at the least the price for him would have gone up due to the competition. And he may have instead signed with another team.
  10. I agree, I'm almost positive what you are saying is correct. NO still is on the hook for the difference.
  11. I doubt any of the prior head coaches will take a coordinators job till all head coaching jobs are gone. They likely are hoping to land one of them instead.
  12. Well more than likely, this will mean waiting a couple weeks until all the head coach spots are filled. No one like a Capers, Hasslett, Fassell, etc would be willing to take a coordinators job until they are certain they are not in line for any head coach positions.
  13. But how much of that was due to TD basically taking him to the woodshed every time he did or said anything that TD didn't like. After awhile you figure out what to say and do to keep TD happy. I think it' more than a coincidence that many people this season were saying that MM was begining to sound like GW. Maybe that was cause the same guy was moving their strings. And if they tried to break free, they'd get wacked upside the head qucikly. Td developed robots!
  14. The one thing that I worry a bit about Marv is he was always a "player coach" Will he be too easy in contract talks and before you know it we're in salary cap hell due to overpaying?? I think that was Butler's fault too. He liked all the players too much. Why keep Mularky? Well he did win 9 games last year. Everyone expected more this season, and felt the one off-season thing we needed to do was improve the O-line, but in reality, the line got worse. On the defensive side, we aged very quickly. Are either of those things the coaches fault? On the surface you'd look to the GM to take care of that, although we'll never know if either TD or MM wanted to make changes, but either convinced the other changes weren't needed. Even this year when all was said and done, the players did still seem to like him with a couple of exceptions. As was said, sometimes it's just not your year. That doesn't explain a drop from 9 to 5 wins, but when coupled with the talent getting worse not better, four less wins isn't so shocking. I'd like to see MM coach with decent talent. I'm not totally convinced that will happen, getting better talent, but that's not MM's job to get the talent. But I'm willing to give him another year to find out.
  15. What you say when not employed by the team doesn't mean a whole lot. Remember TD the year prior to working for the Bill's. On ESPN he stated, Flutue would be the starter over Johnson.. And once he was hired, he did the opposite. Based on what's now been seen of Holcomb, it also isn't a stretch to decide that while Holcomb may be a little better, he's not the answer. So it's not such an easy thing to decide. Plus Losman will have another year under his belt too by next summer as opposed to where he was in October.
  16. That's what I'm getting too. Notice the last words is "mularky.rma" Assume it's about him??
  17. There's a link on bullfaobills.com to the live feed starting at 5:15 according to website.
  18. Well if he goes to Buffalo he'd still get $3mil as whatever Ralph pays him, New Orleans pays for $3 mil minus that amount. Say Ralph pays him $300,000 New Orleans pays him $2.7mil. The advantage of coming here (or anywhere) is he keeps his head in the game. If the Bills defense became good, he's likely get another shot like Gregg Williams was being talked about. Or if MM does terrible next year, he could become the next head coach here. You sit out, you beome a Jim Fassell type that no one talks about anymore.
  19. That is likely what's going to happen and have no problem with the Brandon part. My only concern is Modrek certainly had a big hand in putting the Bills roster together, so will there be an improvement? Granted he did do pretty well in Phil, but then again TD did well in Pitt too.
  20. Some of these guys like Feeney are playing on good teams which means they have their team has the lead more often, and the other team is forced to pass. This increases their sack count too I'm sure. For Shobel to have done as well as he has on a team with as poor a record makes him more impressive. Is he the best in the league? No, but as someone else said, he's probably somewhere between the 5th and 10 best end, which is about where he's being paid too.
  21. Thats true, but the Bill's also have Russ Brandon to take care of that. 6 or 7 weeks ago, I would have tended to agree, but now I think TD is gone!
  22. Not to defend MM here but, I can't help but wonder if MM's thinking was that this team is such a mess, playing him now may hurt his confidence more than he is going to learn by playing anyway at this point, so just let him sit to next year when he has time in the off-season to go slowly. I do feel there is a point where playing in a total mess can hurt more than watching and I also think the Bill's were very close to that point if not beyond.
  23. Well that also makes him the best coach in our division as the next closest team is about 250 miles away!!
  24. Interesting how he mentioned he was going to talk with MM, but didn't mention anything about TD. My only fear is the only was MM stays for certain is to promote from within, which means Modrek, and he's responsiple for scouting of most of the players on the team.
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