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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. How do you move the pay scale down? Do you think the players are going to vote in favor of doing that? There also is a minimum cap that teams must pay. Again are the players going to vote to lower it? I doubt it. So the logical thing to do would be for all the teams to get together and privately agree to lower the salaries. First off, you'll always have someone out there like a Jerry Jones who at the last minute will say the hell with the $2mil, if I sign this one guy for $5 mil, I can win the Super Bowl. And if the owners all held true, they'd be sued so quickly for Collusion, Restraint of Trade, Price Fixing, and a bunch of other stuff. And IF those players who are worth $20 mil all agree to play for $2 mil and give the remaining $$ to charity. That means they are giving roughly 90% of their worth to charity. So is that English teacher going to donate 90% of what he's worth to charity? In reality the owner is donated $20 mil to charity, why should he? RW already donates many millions more to charities than probably everyone who's ever posted on this board combined. Sounds like you watch football. If you and all your friends want to change the system, then I'd suggest everyone your age stop watching football. Stop going to the movies, watching TV, etc. So then TV will stop paying, hense salries will plummet. That is the only way to drive prices down. I also hope you're don't own a car with AC, power windows, locks etc. The money you paid for those frivelious items easily could (should) have been donated to charity! And you're are right about one thing, it is the American way! And there's a simple way to fix that if you don't like it here. I'll bet teachers in Siberia don't make much more than the Russion movie star? Then again Anna K. seems to have forgot her socialist roots pretty quickly. Gee seems to be a pattern here, the people who think socialism is good all seem to be the people without!
  2. I don't know it could be the other cuts were made to free up enough money to keep EM. So he could get lucky on this one.
  3. Didn't see this posted yet. Jet's announce some players who were cut. Should start to see the floodgates open the next couple of days. Jets story
  4. I think some of the things you're blaiming MM for were related to TD such as: who is injured (or generally forthcoming about anything)
  5. I certainly is easy for Carucci or anyone to say they aren't sold on him. If you state you're not sold on any starting QB in the NFL, you'll likely be right about 75% of the time, and will look real smart. With the low rate of QB's becoming sucesses, it's easy to state the person will be a failure.
  6. I found the website on the Parliament House. Thanks for the suggestion!! Now I know what type of place it is! Would be an interesting place to watch a game. If the suggestion was made at half time to go outside and play a game of tackle, I think I'd run the other way.
  7. Ok now got me curious, what's the Parliament House? A strip club? Other than my wife being with me, wouldn't be the worse place to watch the game I suppose.
  8. If I were a player, I'd be pissed if what year other vets are in their contract can drop the franchise tag by $3mil from one year to the next. Definelty a screwy system, but hey if it helps us tag Clements for $5mil, I think it's great. But I will feel bad for Clements having to scrape by with only $5mil. If he signs here, I'd suggest we take up a collection.
  9. Actually I was at this place last summer when I was down there. Watched the Bill's-Packers scrimmage. Forgot the name of it. Man never saw a bar with so many locations when I looked at their website. My only worry is will it be mobbed?
  10. I'll be in the Orlando Fl area on Sunday, someplace between Altimonte Springs and Disney area. Wondering about a good place to watch the game? I may not be able to get to place till shortly prior to start of game, so am looking for a place that typically isn't jammed with people. Also would like to go someplace that has the game in high def. Yeah, I know I'm being a bit fussy, since can only get there right before start AND want high def, but heh, can try at least. Any suggestions??
  11. I'd rather see them leave Gandy at tackle for the coming year, draft a LT with your second round pick aimed at starting next year. Then sign a high quality guard to replace Anderson. I'd prefer to do it that was as you likely could sign a top level guard for alot less than a tackle. Have Preston as your center, and leave CV and JP on the right side. I'd also comsider resigning TT, but only for low $$ and as a backup for tackle and/or center. I maybe could even go as far as say him and Gandy compete for starting LT spot. But the following year the rookie takes over anyway.
  12. Wow!! you know more than the NFL and the NCAA's. Don't know what you do for a living, but obviously, you're wasting your time whatever it is. You should be running the NFL since you're so smart. I'm not that smart, but one thing I do feel confident about is, if the NFL could as you think make more money by palying the game on a Saturday night, the game would be played on Saturday. For that matter if they could make more money if the game was played at 2:00 in the afternoon on a Wednesday, they'd move it in a second. So I think the game is played when it's played because it does bring in the biggest audience. Sunday night has always been known for the highest rated TV night. There are many more people who work Saturday afternoons and evenings than Sundays. Remember a Saturday 7:00pm start is 4:00 on the west coast. Not to mention above all the majority of games are played on Sundays which IS likely a large reason that football is the most popular sport to begin with. Would I prefer a 5:00pm start on Sunday, sure. But it starts when it does to give it the best ratings. And it is over by 10:00 on a Sunday which considering you likely slept in Sunday morning to begin with(at least as opposed to a weekday) 10:00 is not too bad
  13. The problem with the ESPN games is that, yes in Buffalo they will show them on a local station usually channel 7 since thats is ABC. But here in Rochester, we're not considered the flag ship market, so local station doesn't pick it up. So if you don't get ESPN, you're out of luck to watch the Bill's game. That is one thing that really pisses me off about the NFL's rules regarding broadcast. When it comes to an ESPN game, we're not the flag ship so we don't count. But if the game doesn't sell out, we're still in the backout zone. As far as I'm concerned, the NFL can't have it both ways. Probably if someone wanted to sue, may be over turned but not likelyt to happen?? One thing I do concider totally unfair though.
  14. I think these days teams put more stock in the combines anyway. The senior bowl has lost alot of it's luster over the years it seems.
  15. If I were a high profile type of defensive coordinator, I don't think I'd want to go to a team with a head coach with a strong defensive background as I'm sure I wouldn''t be a free to run the entire defensive as I choose. Just as it's been reported that DJ is giving Fairchild freedom on the offensive side, it likely would be somewhat the opposite for the DC whomever he is. In that respect, it would make more sense for Bates to go to Houston with Kubiak. More likely the Bill's will pick up a defensive position coach such as Lynn who shows promise as their DC. It would be good for him to learn from a guy like DJ. Thats likely the best you'll do regardless of how much money you throw at him. Conversely, if the Bill's had selected Sherman as HC, then Bates would have been a better fit as Sherman is from the offensive side.
  16. If I were a high profile type of defensive coordinator, I don't think I'd want to go to a team with a head coach with a strong defensive background as I'm sure I wouldn''t be a free to run the entire defensive as I choose. Just as it's been reported that DJ is giving Fairchild freedom on the offensive side, it likely would be somewhat the opposite for the DC whomever he is. In that respect, it would make more sense for Bates to go to Houston with Kubiak. More likely the Bill's will pick up a defensive position coach who shows promise as their DC. It would be good for him to learn from a guy like DJ. Thats likely the best you'll do regardless of how much money you throw at him. Conversely, if the Bill's had selected Sherman as HC, then Bates would have been a better fit. But we'll see.
  17. Yeah, but they always say that, but yet everything ends up coming out. MM was what, four years at $1mill per year, or was it five years? So how come no scoop on DJ
  18. Everyone was so excited regarding the Bill's hiring Jauron, (and not in a good way) never recall reading anything regarding the length of his contract and for how much?? Was that ever mentioned? I recall when MM was hired the Bill's did give the details, or it came through a third party?
  19. Didn't both Marv and Sam come through the Bill Walsh family? I know Sam did in Cinncy, and I though Levy had a connection with Walsh too? When you look at all the coaches, they really all are decendents of about ten or so "patriachs" (sp) Wlsh, Parsells, Gibbs And those guys came from others. There's alot of imbreeding going on in the coaching ranks. If we start referring to the families around here, people might start thinking we're discussing the mob.
  20. I kind of find it refreshing that he uses words like "hope to win" etc. He's realistic. Just as they say QB's get too much credit when they win and too much blame when they lose, that holds true for the coach too. Most of these guys all ride into town telling the owner he better start building a case for the Lombardi trophy, only to be ridden out of town on a rail. And not just referring to MM, GW, and TD, but other teams as well.
  21. Maybe he can call Sullivan an "over editible jerk" Lets have a contest, fill in the blank for what Marv can call Sullivan!!
  22. Yeah, cause the pass was so far off the mark, all the receiver could do was get a hand on it. There are often int's that aren't the QB's fault. Those two DON'T fall in that catagory.
  23. That may be the thing that did Sherman in. Not on the same page as Marv.
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