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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. Your right it was leagal, but again how many 21 yo walk around with legal guns. Only in Miami and sports in general.
  2. Now this is what I call a loyal teammate. When you teammate gets shot at, you come out of the house with your gun and return fire. Does anyone know, do they distribute the guns to the players at spring practice, or fall orientation? Or do the graduating seniors just give their's to the incoming recruits? (Can I say graduating seniors and Miami all in one sentence?) Some kids carry cell phones andIpods. At Miami things are different! Miami U
  3. Except Bledsoe does have an arm. Yeah Holcomb avoided the sack, but then got little results for it. Bledsoe also had the experience that you had to respect him. When JP went in, teams didn't respect him and came after him hard. They'd let Holcomb throw and let him try to beat you with his arm. When JP was in there the best defense plan was to rattle him which being a rookie was easy to do. It was kind of similar to when we had Flutie and Johnson. Everyone would argue that they both played behind the same line and Johnson got sacked so much more that it must be his fault. But whe nFlutie was in there the last thing you wanted to do was fluch him out and make him run. Was much better to let him sit back there and throw. If JP starts making the plays, the respect will come. I think if the level between them is anywhere close, start JP as he has the most upside.
  4. I recall it was either Wil Wolford or Kent Hull (Believe it was Hull) had season tickets for the Sabres. In fact after he retired, I recall reading how he made a couple trips back north for games as his son wanted to go see them so bad. His son really was hooked.
  5. I think the Phil Hanson suggestion is valid. Even though was never pro bowl caliper, was a good player for a long time, and played entire career here. Morman with a number of years more, might make it. And as much as I dispise him Bruce Smith.
  6. I kind of agree too. If they can't sign him by July, they likely won't at all. After that they probably wouldn't sign him till next off season, and if they were going to franchise him again next season, it likely would be at a much higher number since the cap probably will increase alot due to new CBA. That also could stop his replacements development for another year. Clements also is taking a risk not signin if he were to get hurt. If you don't sign him by July, then give up, let the new guy learn from him, and move on.
  7. I haven't listened much to him latewly, but is Smerlas promoting Leinart? If so, whatever Fred says Bob believes, so can then understand why he wants him. Fred's another one I turn the radio off when he's on.
  8. It's like someone else stated. They guys come put with predictions in January or even earlier. After combines, Pro days, make some small adjustments, but can't change too much else in the future no one would buy their early season magazines. so they leave their predictions intact, but if teams don't follow their script they get ripped as it would make them look bad. I also have never seen any kind of a draft (for obvious reasons) list that states if Leinart doesn't go by say # 5, then this will happen instead. As was mentioned Oakland kind of messed things up by taking someone unexpected. That caused the Bills to re-evaluate any trades as they would have to worry if the person they wanted would still be there. I'm sure if they traded down they had a couple of options incase someone gets picked, but at that point, to many scenerios could have everyone they were targeting gone. Supposedly Detroit was going to take the guy we took. Was that true, who knows, but DJ coming from Detroit likely had a pretty good idea wha ttheir interests were.
  9. I agree with you completly. I have no idea if Leinnart will be the best of the three in 5 years so I pass! Tthe problem is other than you THINK Leinnart will be the best, you really have no idea either. You mention how QB's would would have been top 10 as juniors and stayed for their seniopr year always suceeded. Can you give a list of names? And unless it's a pretty long list, then statisically it's not valid. Did they als ocome out of such a strong program as USC. With a Reggie Bush in the backfield and some of the receivers he's had over the years, it's not hard to look good. I find your comments about Brady's arm strength surprising as I've rarely heard that comment about him. On the other hand College Qb's with suspect arm strength rarely if ever succeed in the NFL. The success rate of college QB's in the NFl is low to begin with and the sucess rate of ones with suspect arm strength is even worse. I have no idea how good Losman will be, but two things I am confident in, his arm strength won't be his probelm and you can't make a judgement after 8 games. The odds are in your favor of being right about JP as there are many more failures than sucesses at QB.
  10. Well I also wonder how we were supposed to get Fergeson in the first with the 8th pick? Did we trade up? I don't notice any other picks missing that we gave up to get him. To move up that high we would have to have given up alot, likely 1st, 2nd and one of the 3rds. Or maybe he was figuring on trading the Jets or Tenn 1st for our 8th overall and Benny Anderson. That would have done it!
  11. We did sign a center and a guard who both started last year. Our bigest problem last year was in the middle, which we did address. Whether it's sucessful or not, who knows, but you wouldn't know any better by drafting a rookie either. Gandy played decent, so I'm ok with either taking a 4th round OT and grooming him for next year, or pick up a free agent OT next year if Gandy does struggle.
  12. Direct TV channel 627 MSG showed the game, infact just programed the TIVO for Wednesdays game
  13. Well too late now, but the game was on channel 627 on DTV Hell of a game!
  14. Yeah but Junkin was picked prior to the Bill's selection, s oMarv really didn't have a decision trhere and was Reggie Rogers in the 87 draft?
  15. The detail on this picture really amazes me! Arial Shot
  16. It's great from Buffalo's standpoint, but don't see it as an advantage to another team. As the draft is played out, all of sudden, they (other team/trade partner) may be able to get a better deal trading up to lets say # 6 as whomever #6 was targeting gets taken. So they are willing to trade down and take less in return. Or the opposite. Lets assume both Young and Cutler are available at #8. Whomever the Bills trade partner was, could have instead then only needed to trade up to #9 or maybe even #10 and given up less in return to only have to move up to say #10. Or something else happens totally unexpectedly that makes the Bills want to stay at #8, but now are locked into a trade. So from perspective of other team, I doubt anyone would ever make the trade ahead. The Bills may talk with people and agree on deals, but don't see advantages in making even tentative deals prior to draft as too much can change.
  17. Don't think it's ever been carried in the past. WHAM may break in with some updates.
  18. I'll sleep better! My wife thinks the draft is the most incredible stupid thing on TV. Hope she doesn't ever have me make a choice!
  19. So does that mean no ESPN? The day 1 coverage sounds fine, but ESPN I/II had more day two coverage than three hours!
  20. It would take alot more than that to get the 22nd pick. Draft picks a year out are valued one round lower, so assuming you're right and it is a top 10 pick. That would be the equivalent of a top 10 pick in the 2nd round. So essentially you're trading a top 10 2nd rounder for the 22nd pick in the 1st round. Be great if Denver said OK. After looking at the draft pick value chart, you likely would have to throw in this years 3rd rounder to even it out.
  21. When Ralph dies, I'm going to look her up! Rich and pretty hot looking! And I think could out live her, so then when she dies, I could afford a younger and hotter model. And when she kills me, who cares!
  22. Agreed. It also is best for the team too if he doesn't sign it as that allows the Bills to pull it at any time if they wanted to. Once it's signed, the team is stuck. Think that happened a few years back, was it with Orlando Pace? Surprised the team and signed which forced team to cut players to get under that cap. I realize we're not exactly in that situation, as we can afford the $5.7 mil. Players don't like attending all these mini camps either. Even though they are voluntary, if he signs the tender, he's more obligated to attend as there's one less excuse. He also takes a chance signing the tender if he were to get hurt afterwards, goodbye to any huge deals the next year. So doesn't worry me at all, unless behind the scenes, he's still asking for huge numbers. He likley will sign a long term deal, but not before July or so. Bill's front office is probably more focused on draft these days anyway. Don't the Bill's also have a bunch of FA signings for next year? Could be they are stock piling money for then. You may see a few of these guys sign in the fall ahead for next season.
  23. Correction, we'd be trading out first for the equivelant of two of another teams 2nd round picks. However the values shown in my post are correct, so still a terrible trade.
  24. According the draft value experts a pick in the following years draft is valued at one round lower so basically a teams 1st round in 07 has the value of a 2nd rounder. Therefore we'd be trading our 1st and 2nd rounder for another teams 2nd rounder. No way!! Our 8th pick is worth 1400 points. Lets assume the team we trade with is in the middle of the round both years, therefore their 2nd round is worth 440 points. The 07 1st rounder would also then only be worth 440 since it s for a year out. So we're giving up 1400 points for 880 in return! Even if it were Houston with the 1st pick in round 2, it's only worth 580, so still way short. They'd need to throw in much more, about another 500 points worth of picks. I just added it up, if they gave us every pick they had in round 2 thru 7, plus next years 1st rounder, assuming they pick in middle of the round, it still wouldn't add up to 1400 points. The only way it would equal is if it were one of the top six picking teams.
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