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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. I find it kind of funny that the writer skips the 99 season. Flutie was great the first year here that he started when Johnson got hurt. But the next year, they won inspite of Flutie. I think teams figured him out what to do to stop him, essentially not rush him, and make him beat you with his arm, throwing over the middle. I agree too, not sure if iut really was Phillips decision or Wilson, but wither way, I don't think we could have gone very deep into playoff with Flutie. I didn't think it was such a bad move at the time.
  2. When he says family, is he talking about his three girlfriends and their kids??
  3. Well I could certainly tell you that Butler does have the capabilities to become a good backup, but realistically I have as much knowledge about that as you do, none. So I'll rely on the Bills front office knowing more than we as arm chair fans know. What I 'm conficdent though is, if you look at the roster of every team in the league, you’ll find they all have at least one Brad Butler who is one injury away from proving his worth. In some cases they fail, in others they succeed. Teams can’t afford not to carry a couple of Brad Butlers on the roster in a couple of positions and offensive line is usually one of the first ones you see as that is one position where your starters, barring injury will play the entire game, unless they get pulled for poor play. But you rarely see situational substitution on the O-line or for getting a fresher player in there. So having a Brad Butler there isn’t uncommon. You want to bring in a proven better player than Butler to back up both positions, that’s fine. But bring him in clearly as the backup. Or if you want to bring in a player who clearly is a <b>big</b> step up, that’s OK too, but are there bigger needs that you should be spending any FA money on? Personally my opinion is there are. But the one thing I wouldn’t do is bring in a similar player with similar abilities and let them fight it out to determine the starter. That to me is a waste of resources!
  4. Why would we want to bring in competition?? To me that means bringing another player about equally as good. So why spend FA money on that as compared to using the money elsewhere. If you use our 1st round draft pick on a RT, then he likely will become the next starter, but likely will be a step back initially till he adjusts. I canstill live with that, though feel our first rounder should be spend elsewhere. If we go out and sign a top notch free agent RT, then again that's an ugrade, so OK with that in principle, but again would rather spend it on a RG. However, I don't see much value in bringing in some other player that isn't a clear step up. I'd rather use the money we spend on thie "compitition" to instead sign a better guard to play next to him. I'm all in favor of signing the best right guard out there. As far as left guard goes, again if we can sign somepone clearly better than Gandy great. Otherwise would rather keep the continuity going. There isn't a bottomless pit of money, so you can't keep every year trying to find a better play for each position out there. When you sign someone whether it be a FA or a draft pick, you need to make a committment to that person anf give him enough time or totally give up if you quickly feel it was mistake. Like Reyes, appears to be a mistake, so cut him and move on. Pennington played pretty good for a rookie. If you feel you need an improvement there, then I'd also feel you need to replace both guards, and I doubt we can afford three top notch starters.
  5. Come on, have you ever heard a coach of a current play say anything bad about one of there own guys? For that matter even opposing coaches will tell you how great everyone is. Listening to coaches GM's etc, everyone is great. Weis will tell everyone how great he is, maybe help get him a bigger contract, and if he fails, is anyone five years from now going to say, boy was Charlie Weis stupid for saying he was great. I'll bet you can find quotes from Ryan Leafs college coach prior to the draft predicting greatness too!
  6. Actually it sems I recall PW mentioned how much he liked Marv, so if were to get cut, I think he may come back here given the chance.
  7. Watching the Syracuse game on ESPN and they just reported Art Shell is gone from the Raiders. I don't believe they stated whether he was fired or quit. I looked online, but can't find any article there
  8. So who do you sit out instead? That's the problem? It doesn't make sense to play him and sit someone whop's playing better. The depth and lack on injuries kept him off the field.
  9. Well unless Marv knew his mother was going to die in August and AY would miss three weeks of camp, then I doubt Marv viewed him as a project. And he was breaking into the one position on the team that had a pretty good amount of depth. So missing three weeks of camp and a position with alot of depth and a position that stayed pretty injury free all year with the exception of Vincent and a couple of other nicks, it was hard for him to get into the lineup. That doesn't make him a project though if he's ready to step up next year.
  10. Interesting comment regarding the Giants search for a new GM and about our favorite whipping boy Tom Donahoe, former president of the Bills, is another name but he's been mired in rumors of back-biting his last two stops. Giants GM Search
  11. Wondering how I can view a listing of previos posts that I've made. I use to be able to click on my name at the top, then click another link to see all my old posts. Now it appears to be gone. Anyone know where I can find this?
  12. Just buy a DVR. My wife says it's the best thing I ever bought when I went to DirectTV. If she had to choose between me and the DVR, I'd be gone!
  13. I agree with some however: If Coweler were to "retire", I think he'd want ot sit out a year before taking another job. I hope you're wrong about the Belichick to Giants idea as ginvg up a tone of draft picks to NE to get him would hurt the Bills big time if NE has all these extra picks. On the flip side the Giants gave up too many picks already to get Manning, and are hurting for youth, so I almost think BB is too smart to take that lob as he knows as bare as the stable is now, plus giving up more picks to get him would put the G-Men in a weak spot for years. He'd never win there! I think a more likely one is, if Fox were to get canned, he goes to NY. Agree about Green Also think Saban is gone from Miami. I doubt Mularky would get job, though we can only hope, though you never know how many if he fixes some of his problems in Buffalo. I also think some of his isses were casued by TD lurking in the background. I also think Gibbs will go back to NASCAR. Crennel is safe for another year. Gruden, not sure??
  14. I'm starting to favor taking a running back with our 1st round pick. Or a linebacker. Pick up a right guard as a free agent, WE have two young (last years draft picks tackles) Maybe we pick up one tackle also as a FA To me those are the areas of most need and I'd go either RB or LB. Other needs can be filled vis FA
  15. From what I recall that was the second time the Bills used two time outs on one play. As I recall, the same thing happened either in the MM or GW era. They called TO, then after the TO, challanged and also lost the challange. At least they have experience with this!
  16. That definetly use to be the case. I think they may have given up on that one though as I haven't seen that happen in a long time.
  17. Interesting one of the guys mentioned as a possbiler replacement is Tulsa coach Steve Kragthorpe. He was one of the Bill's coaches was it last year? or two years ago?
  18. Isn't going to matter whether you have Direct TV or not. As was stated, the game is blacked out within 75 miles of Buffalo. That even includes Syracuse as part of there viewing distance is within 75 miles. So you have to pick up Watertown, Utica, Binghamton, etc. However, no guarentee those cities are going to pick up Bills game either. They may show a different game.
  19. I had 5 TV and 4 VCRs. After swithcing to Direct, reduced to 2 receivers and haven't missed the rest. You can push the signal to more than one TV and if watching a local channel, just use rabbit ears on some TV's. I do agree with multiple TV's cable may be cheaper. I will say this, if cable was the same price as Direct, I'd go back to cable as I did enjoy the flexability of watching anything on any TV without messing around. One thing I don't understand with regarding to cable, thye have all these commercials everywhere trying to get people to dome satelite. If they just gave the equipment away like satelite does, or charge camparible prices I'd switch back. I got two DVR's in my house, the first one was free with rebate, second one cost me $100 and I pay $5 extra per month to use both. With cable, they'd charge me $10 per month for each one. I got an ad in the mail recently. They offered, as a promo to only charge me $5 for THREE WHOLE MONTHS!! Wow, what a deal!!
  20. I have DirectTV and pay $35 a month for 2 year committment for Roadrunner. One time they tried to raise my rate to $45. I called up threatened to drop RR, had to talk with three different people, likely his boss and his boss's boss, but they gave me $35 for two years. My daughter has done the same. We're both in Rochester BTW.
  21. Steve Freeman was the safety for the Bills in the early 80's or so.
  22. Anyone catch the name of the official who called the TD: Steve Freeman
  23. Can we just play Housten next season all 16 games. If JP only played agaisnt them he'd be in the HOF!
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