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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. Stoogetv is working real well for me. No buffering at all.
  2. The Bills deferred to the second half. The rule changed this real to be the same as college
  3. I'ts also possible that Angelo was going to have the scaled back version and come back in 5 weeks or so, but the Bills doctors felt he needed the "works" so their opinion was if he had the scaled back version and came back in five weeks, he still wouldn't be playing a very high level. The fact that after he went on IR, he delayed the surgey, got second. maybe even third opinions, then ends up having the "works" makes me believe that may have more been the case. I definitely think there is more to this and likely he would have bee nout longer and/or returned on a borken wheel. It's real easy for his agent now to claim all he needed and was going to have was the scaled down version. That may have been what he was going to do, but everyone recommended more. It's funny too how his agent claimed Angelo wasn't going to comment on this, but take the "high road" Meanwhile his agent had no trouble blasting the Bills. (not that it's surprising)
  4. So how do these systems work? When you go to a site like Stooge Tv etc, how do I seach for the actual game? In the past couple weeks I've used the link posted to go to the game via Justin TV or XSsports and that worked OK, though at some points the repsonse was terrible. Actually last week the fourth period was the only good period from a response perspective, my guess is that many Bills fans gave up once they fell behind so then the response was good. But I don't have any idea how to search for an actual game myself?
  5. That may be, but how does he compare to the top cover guy on the 31 other teams? Is he in the top 5% as by tagging him, that's the money you're giving him. Considering how fast salarys escalate, overpaying for a year or two may not be the worst thing though.
  6. But was it more of an insurance policy? IF JP doesn't work out, here's our fall back position. And maybe they felt there was a good chance the fall back position might work out better than JP, though I'd be real shocked if anyone thought he'd develop as fast as he has. What's happened with him kind of reminds me of how things started with Brady, except he played entire year, but not many other options as Bledsoe was still out. And he had a much better team around him.
  7. I was listening on the radio tonight to Michael somebody (couldn't catch the last name) from SI. He was asked who his surprise teams are. He named BILL'S, Eagles, and Arizona. He then put Denver right behind them.
  8. I don't disagree, but to the point of being worth top 5 money?? He doesn't have the "pedigree" for it YET.
  9. At that point, JP still looked like he was developing, so taking a QB with 1st round, you have to plan to make him the starter, which I don't think the Bills felt they needed to do. So they took Edwards as a backup. It would be interesting to know if at the time and one in the Bills front office really thought within a year Edwards would be the starter over JP AND look as polished as he does. My gut tells me to some extent, they got lucky, but luck likely makes up over 50% of all the draft picks.
  10. No way. Greers not that good. If the Bills were dumb enough to offer to pay Greer what is it, the top 5% of all CB's in the league, I'd sign that offer sheet before the ink ever dried. That only works if the guy you're tagging is worth top dollar. On the Bill's right now, the only one's I'd tag are JP (and not of the QB kind) and Mormann, maybe Evans and and probaby Edwards. Not that Edwards is worth it today, but QB's are hard to find. In Edwards case, he likely has at least two more years left, so you'll know way before his contract expires whether he's wort htop $$. My gut feel is, he will be. In a couple years you may add POZ, Lynch, and maybe Donte to that list.
  11. Yeah, but because they did stop the clock to review, there was the possibility that Jax could have run another play. If the refs originally ruled down by contact with three seconds to go, Jax never would have had time to line up and run another play since the clock was running. However because the clock was stopped for trhe review then they set the ball down and wind down the clock. Tasker was implying that it would have been possible for Jax to snap the ball in that three seconds. Still would have been tough, but possible.
  12. Well got to see a replay of their TD, greta hopefully it will hold out Thanks!
  13. True, but I guess I don't feel like it makes alot of sense tp invest in the DVR for DTV whe nI still need to use an antenna. Plus CBS (which coincedently would be the feed of AFC games) is known in my area to have a very poor feed. So now I use an antenna and get snow, etc.
  14. Not in HD. I'm in Wilmington NC, and no locals in HD so yeah I could get DTV, which I use ot have before I hada HD TV, watch the games on Sunday Ticket, biut for example last months Olympics, I either watch in Stand def through DTV signal or I use an antenna
  15. So what is the "zone referred to a couple posts above?
  16. Looking at the map. it looks like you'll be seeing the Bills, as Cocoa Beach is about due east/ slightly south of Orlando. Distibution map
  17. I'm gettign the Indy Minn game here too in NC. I was afraid of that.
  18. Gee, I wonder if Stroud may be a little bit fired up next week going back to Jax? Chambers looks like a solid backup lineman. Again have to give Bills FO credit for developing starters last year (can't think of his name the guard from Virgina??), now Chambers looks real solid too. Plus guys like Ellison. Granted only one game, but going up against pro bowler, for first start, he looked very good. That was what made Bills real good in early 90's all the late rounders who became significant players.
  19. Yeah, this is working for me too. Actually I think the picture is a little better than the rack link, less buffering
  20. I lost it too, infact when I click to restart, it redirects to rack111 home page. It drops the xsports part of the link everytime. Someone must have figured this out??
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