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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. Yes the official may be looking at the QB, but the QB still needs to find where the offical is. So if they added two seconds, then they have 1st down at the 20 with 7 seconds to go. Do they chance running a play and something bad happning and no time for a FG, or do you still kick it, then have to kick off to Seattle with two seconds left?
  2. So what does the Yahoo/NFL Gamepass give you. This is a tough year for me as mopved down to NC this past spring, so no TV games for me on local
  3. Yeah same happening here. I've restarted it a few times
  4. I'm watching on the internet, seen the 3rd down stop by Donte, then it freezes up, next thing I see is Roscoe in the endzone. Finaley did see the replay.
  5. I think he's recoved from the injury, but I'm afraid his rehab may have mostly consisted of 12 oz curls and maybe some Nathan's hot dog eating contests to stay competitive. And maybe instead of playing cup cakes, he was eating them. That is my fear.
  6. At the time I believe the reason the Bills went to Schobel was it was in their best interest as they wanted to immediate cap relief. In Peters case that isn't needed. Peters contract over paid him at the time he signed it, now he's underpaid, so it evens out. Once he signs his new contract he likely will be over paid the next couple of years, then will again become underpaid. You keep stating that the Bills have said all along they will not give him any money at all in 2008. Since you are always digging up articles to show your point, can you produce some articles from Feb, March, or even as recent as May or June that state in no uncertain terms that is their absolute position? I know the Bills have allegedly stated that in the past couple of weeks, which personally if I were running the team, at this point makes perfect sense. I state “allegedly” because even that is subject to interpretation, yes there articles that state that, but unless you were in the room when Brandon told that to Parker, who knows what that really means and also just means that is the Bills position today. It could change once he reports and plays some. After missing some much of camp, sessions in June, etc, Peters is likely to be behind somewhat anyway so it's unlikely he will have a year that benefits the Bills more than he's being paid anyway. There also is a large history of players who miss camp finally show up and quickly have a season ending injury. So makes sense not to pay him more right now. But I never heard the Bills state that had he come into camp in June for the mandatory sessions like Schobel had, they still weren't going to give him more money in 2008. It seems your taking the Bills recent statement and assuming that meant their position was the same back in May. It's very likely there has been talk between Parker and the Bills, but from the Bills side may have been asking when is Peters showing up cause until he does there is no need for further discussion. Now it's to the point that all discussions are about next year. My OPINION is if Peters had come to camp and he showed up in shape, there would have been discussions about a new contract. Would it be worked out by now, probably not. I'd imagine the Bill's would want to see him play some real games first to make sure he is fully removed and maybe by October or November, there would have been a new deal. But that strictly is my OPINION, based on no real facts, and no inside information. I however recognize it as an opinion. Your problem is you think what you're stating is fact. That's what annoys people to no end and causes you and others to call each other morons because you both think your opinion is based on fact. (and you certainly aren't the only one on this board to do this) And if you do a history of my posts you likely will find sometimes where I certainly have traded insults too with others. You as others, show articles to support your position but conveniently forget to post the other side of the article (as you were blasted for yesterday) This is a discussion board where people can post their opinions. And granted there are a few people here that do have some inside info, but ultimately even those with inside info are forming an opinion based on that, but nowhere is it absolutely factual!
  7. Ryan Denney; Bryant Mckinney,, That's close; he's only a few letters off!
  8. Also Byrant Mckinnye is gone for four games. Good thing we didn't draft him or we'd have two guys out. Damm, I'm glad we drafted Mike Williams instead!!
  9. Because it was in the Bill's best interest at the time to re-do the contract, particually I recall for Schobel. The Bill's wanted cap relief so they re-did the contract to push $$ out. Peter's on the other hand has a very manageable cap amount, so no need to re-write the deal. And again neither of those two guys held out with three years left on their contract. In regards to the Bills not willing to re-do the contract in 2008, I don't recall the Bill's stating that until recently. Maybe if he had come to mini camp back in May/June and all of training camp it would have already been re-done. But now as this article points out, it likely will take him some time to get up to pro bowl shape again. So why pay a guy pro-bowl money until he can play like a pro bowler which may take half the year. On top of that throw in the fact that the last thing he did was get injured and the Bills have little knowledge of his recovery, thye'd be nuts to re-do the contract now. They could re-do the contract late in the year too, like around December particually if they have some injuries and need to sign some players and need money. If they already decided they were going to re-do it by March and maybe have had discussions to at least know what the likely number will be, they could move it up a couple of months, again more likely to happen if it benefits the Bills. The one point I really like about this article is how it pointed out that at the time the contract he signed wasa good deal. The Bills took a chance as they had no idea if he even would become a good right tackle. But they paid him the $$ then anyway.
  10. You know, you may be on to something. That could explain why very little communications. Aren't you only allowed to make phone calls on Sundays? could be that's Russ's day off!!
  11. I've kind of been wondering the same thing. The fact that he didn't re-hab in Bufflo makes you wonder. Or did he spend all season eating himself out of shape and knows he won't get any new contract once they see what kind of shape he's in so was hoping to get one by holding out. If I'm Bufflao at this point I don't give him a new contract until I'm certain he's back to his old playing level, which likely could take all season. From what I've read it sounds like the Bills weren't going to give im more money this season anyway, but thic could be part of their reasoning.
  12. Does WGR's streaming audio work anymore for anyone? Months back I was able to use it, but not lately. I tried following their instructions and downloaded the latest version of Media Player, but when I click on the link on their page, nothing happens. I could understand if it would attempt to run, but my virus protection or something would prevent it, but it doesn't seem like clicking on the link is even attempting to do anything. Is there something I'm missing? Anyone else have same problems??
  13. People don't seem to be able to count around here. As you asked, who are we going to cut? Someone did respond; "I'm sure we can find someone on the roster to cut" Good idea, let's cut Craig Nall. He never even played a down, so why bother with a backup QB. That's a luxury we can't afford. There was a trade suggestion. Can we get a first round pick for McCargo? If so great!. If not, then we are giving up on 1st rounder after one season in which he was hurt and hardly played. To bring Jenkins in, one of the five names mentioned must be cut. The only way I'd even consider it would be if you bring him in real cheap with no signing bonus, and he plays much better in training camp than Triplett. I'd maybe consider cutting him instead. But even then you're then eating Triplett's signing bonus whatever it was, so is he that much better? You can't keep swtiching horses every year. Then you go no where. That's part of the problem we're having with dumping TD and MM, you now somewhat start over, though not as bad as when TD first came in. But to give up on someone after one year, (or even two) just totally wastes whatever resources were used to aquire him. Yes on occasion, if you are certain a mistake was made, then end it quickly i.e. Tuton Reyes. But otherwise you have to give time for development.
  14. Here's a new wireless systme that some people may be interested in and find an improvment New Wireless
  15. If McGahee and Spikes were in the group of our four best players we're in more trouble than I thought! They lost two top players in Clements and Fletcher. However I think the additions on the O-line make up for Clements. In Fletcher's case he was good because no one in front of him tacked anyone. I'll be surpirsed if our 1sr round pick isn't either a middle linebacker or Def tackle which will offest the lose of Fletcher. The Bills are a young team that just got a year more of experience. That too will make them better. The only one of those four I worry at all about replacing Clements and again his loss if offset by gains elesewhere.
  16. That may happen, but I don't think it would have happened had he stayed here as he didn't seem very motivated. Maybe wit ha new team, that will change. Lets see if he goes to mini camp. If he doesn't, same old Willis. If he does, while it may show him to be more dedicated , and may help him have a big year, then to me it makes this a better move cause he wouldn't do that here for us.
  17. Man does Chirs Brown get around alot. Did he post that report after he finished meeting with the Bill's today?
  18. Please, not another one from the U Actually with Marv in charge, I'd be shocked if we take anyone from the U!
  19. I also think the articles he's written for Bill's Digest have been pretty good for a running back!
  20. I find it interesting that every year on the first day of free agency, a number of high name and high $$ value players sign contracts. This year I'd place Clements, Fletcher, and Dockery in that list for starters. Always makes me wonder why would a player visit with only one team and sign without know what other teams may give him? Unless, are their agents and teams all talking pre March 1st (i.e. tampering) as to what the value of these players might be and who will give them how much. So the players then conveniently go and visit the team that told them they'd give him the most and then sign right away? Am I being completely naive in assuming that isn't exactly what is going on?
  21. The bottom line is they do broadcast the Sabres, not the Bills' so it's just smart business to hype the Sabres at the expense of the Bill's
  22. God help them if they did. If the owners even talked about that over cocktails, that's collusion. MLB owners tried that one year and got sued so fast and lost their shirts. It may happen, but doubt the NFL owners would be dumb enough to talk about it.
  23. From what everyone is stating and I agree with too, is we'll be lucky to get a first day pick for Willis. So lets assume we get a 3rd rounder for Willis, but by thgrowing in our 4th rounder, then the value jumps up to a 1st rounder??? Wow, go for it absolutely!! According to the charts, the Giants pick is worth about 800 points. Our 2nd and 3rd is worth close to 700. So maybe our 2, 3 + Willis gets you there. And no way would I do that!
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