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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. The scary part is the last time we signeda QB who was a backup for another team, but in limited exposure looked good was RJ. So how do we know he's not another RJ?
  2. I think they are a dime a dozen in that, If I want to use a first round selection on a position, which position would I likely draft a star in, it would be a running back. I think there are less 1st round failures at running back than other positions. Running backs also tend to develop quicker, thus a higher percentage of 1st year sucesses at running back. I also think the careers of running backs tend to be shorter, so again need to draft more of them as they don't last very long. Without looking up any stats, my perception is that there are more rookie of the year candates who play ruinning backs than other positions. But I do agree in that while it's easy to find a good one, mot of the good ones were drafted high.
  3. That's right, so for every GM that picked Manning and Palmer, another picked Leaf and Smith. The problem is you don't know whish list Quinn will end up on and don't tell me how he's the real deal, cause you really have no idea just like the rest of us. If you really knew, you'd be working for an NFL front office. You got a 50/50 shot at being right, infact probably less than 50/50 as more big name stars seem to fail than sucede. Even Brady NE was lucky on more than anything. If they had any idea he was going to be even half as good as he turned out, they would have drafted him alot earlier rahter thna risk losing him to another team.
  4. Correct! In one draft he has YET to draft a OL in first three rounds. It appears Marv put his priorities in this years draft on defense. I'm sure if he had to do it over again, he would have gone more with OL, had he known it was going to be as bad as it is. On the other hand, he hmay als ohave felt there wasn't the talent on OL that he wanted in the draft, so went with defensive guys instead.
  5. OK, lets assume that the reason that JP is only passing 13 times per game is that the coaches have no confidence in him. Well the fact hat he's playing over Nall and KH tells me they have even less confidence in them. So then why would the game plan change? Instead they'd be throwing 13 times per game JP's not calling the plays, the coaches are. Actually KH probably would warrant a more aggressive offense, but not sure what it proves. Would he be sacked as much probably not as he knows how to dump it off, but again, not sure what that proves other than JP is still raw. Teams love to blitz inexperienced QB's to try and rattle them. Put a poor line in front of him and they will come in waves, knowing the percentages are in their favor either to sack him or create poor decision. That didn't happen in Pitt or NE as their lines were strong enough to hold them off, thus lowering the percentages and making the defense pay for their aggressiveness to often. I do think that the coaches lack confidence in the overall offense, and a combo of poor blocking and JP being still inexperienced. But I doubt that would change with a different QB. There was an article a coule weeks back quoting Fairchild as stating they are on JP's case hard not to take off and scramble as his opinion is the only way a QB develops is sto sit back there and read the defense at the expense of getting sacked. He als oadmitted that it takes a scrambler longer to learn to read defenses as they are use to taking off when they get pressure. I think if the Bills had got behind by 2-3 TD's you would have seen them throwing more.
  6. It appears the coaching staff have reined him in and don't want him running around. It may be to the point, he's thinking to much about not running that' he's losing all instincts.
  7. It may be due to rules in place that since Detroit is on too 1:00, CBS isn't allowed to show a 1:00 game too. There's many wierd rules like that in flagship cites. Kind of shocking how small of an area in Florida both Miami and Jax games are shown in.
  8. The other night here in Rochester on the WHAM Marv Levy show, Marv stated that he likely will be active this coming week. Probably they figure there DB's will all be needing oxyegen by the 2nd quarter so they'll need extras.
  9. I can't find the link but yesterday was reading an article from I think it was the "Chris Brown Blog". Fairchild was asked about why doesn't JP roll out more and according to Fairchild they don't want him to run as it retards development. By standing back there and "taking it like a man" it forces the QB to learn to read defenses better. He also stated that college QB's who aren't mobile tend to develop faster as they are use to standing back in the pocket. So that could explain things that JP is now back there fighting instincts to take off.
  10. Actually I think the one they play during the Sabre's games is even worse for Labatts, where the guy shows up to about 6 parties with a six pack in his hand. Not that the commercial is so bad, but they play that one every break. Am even more sick of that the the Chevy one. Last spring duringthe playoffs, I told my wife the one good thing about the last two rounds not being on MSG was I didn't have to wathc that commercial anymore.
  11. That is the entire problem! There are 32 teams and about a dozen if that many good QB's. So teams are forced to take changes more at the QB position than anywhere else. I think there are four groups of QB's in the league: #1 - The dozen or so actual good ones. #2 - Another bunch such as JP who are still early in their career. Some pan out but many don't. The ones who don't pan out go to group #3 #3 - These are the ones still young who don't work out, get cut, go to another team usually as a #2 now, and maybe get the chance down the road at a shot at #1 again. Some do work out the second time around, but again some don't. The ones who do work out move to group #1. Vinny T falls into tois group. The ones who don't move to group #4. #4 - The ones who never work out and bounce from team to team. They play 15 years in the league wit ha half dozen or so teams, som years wit hmore sucess than others, but for the most part never do much of anything. Some may aregue Vinny T belongs in this group. Kelly Holcomb is another one in this group. Why are there so few good ones?? I think it's due to the speed of the game and size of players. QB's just aren't able to make decisions today in the amount of time needed as the players are so much faster, defenses more complex than 30 years ago. Teams tran 12 months of the year to devise ways to create havoc and confusion. While defensively players and coaches work together to stop the other team, it all pretty much falls on the QB's shoulders for offensive success. So most of the QB's can't compute fast enough and look like failures. You need a QB with a computer in his head to replace his brain.
  12. NFL TV Map Interesting site if you want ot know what games are on where, when and why.
  13. When you punt from the 40, there's a good chance it will end up a touchback anyway, so I'm fine with the fake there as you're not giving up that much field position anyway.
  14. The good news is the weather is real nice. Maybe I'll go out and wash the car.
  15. Bill's tried a fake punt, It appeared Moormon was going to take off to right side and run. However the snap wasn't the best and then he dropped it. I don't totally blame Morrman as the snap wasn't the best. Accroding to Simm's if he got the snap could have easily ran for the first.
  16. The problem is everyone is comparing him to the Pre-Spikes injury. Who knows how good he'll be now? If he loses any speed which is likely, Crowell may be juat as good and alot cheaper.
  17. Yes it was. The thing I don't like about it, maybe 15 seconds prior to the snap I want to know down and distance. With this setup on Fox, I can't.
  18. I don't know, they may be better without him as likely he may slow them down. It's not likely he's as fast as he was prior. It wouldn't ashock me if this hamstring continues on much longer, say beyond the bye, that they put him on IR
  19. The problem though may have been that Denny wasn't a good fit in Grays defense. So if you're TD, you have to know that and not pick him. Marv and DJ lucked out a bit on this one in that TD picked a guy good for their defense.
  20. Hmmmm.... So the Bills are winning because of a Patriots error. And here I thought it was a good play by the Bills!
  21. Just curious, did he sign with anyone?? Don't recall hearing about it??
  22. If there was ever a good time for an upset though this would be it. Everyone is rating the Bills as one of the 4 or 5 worse teams in the league. The Pat's are bound to be over confident. There's essentially no film for the Pats to study on the Bill's as you can't see much from pre-season. Bilichck is best when he can study and disect an opponent. He won't be able to do that this game. While the Pat's usually finish strong, they haven't always started that strong. So not saying the Bills are going to win, but this is a good spot for an upset.
  23. Well if they both have weak arms, at least they won't have ot change their game plan from one to the other.
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