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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. I mean look at him: https://instagram.com/p/BJVxtPcADzy/ Do we have to do this in EVERY THREAD
  2. Rehab is the very definition of taking these things seriously. It's the best possible sign, not the worst.
  3. It has not been a good offseason. That said - he was a fat backup running back, one concussion away from retirement, with character issues, AND he doesn't excel on specials, And beyond all of that - I keep telling you people - Jonathan Williams is a BEAST.
  4. No one is anointing him. This is why discourse these days is so tiring. Folks just said he's going to be good.
  5. I liked him better than any other QB in the draft... was hoping the Bills would take him.
  6. Little has zero athletic ability - he cannot separate at all, and needs to rely on scheme to get open. Even then, his hands are even worse - he's basically Hankerson without any sharp cutting ability. If he makes the team, we're in serious trouble at the position.
  7. I don't see how Little makes the team. How did they let the WR position get so thin?
  8. So bizarre - must be a power thing, he just really got off on the sport of it. What a horrible human.
  9. Whaley said it not Rex. You've been slipping lately brah.
  10. Again, I'm 40 and I smoke plenty of pot. But if my job livelihood required me to stop, I'd stop in a heartbeat... Dareus just doesn't care about anyone but Dareus.
  11. Sort of. Most of us don't have the choice of either smoking weed or getting millions of dollars (if I did, I might stop smoking weed).
  12. Whether or not Rex is responsible - he is going to lose his job because his team is undisciplined and loses games, and no billionaire owner is going to entrust his billion-dollar franchise to Rex for a long, long time. Again, regardless of whose fault this is - the stain of this team's debacle will follow Rax around for a long time.
  13. Rex Ryan won't be a head coach again for a long, long time.
  14. Honestly it should be one of those Geico commercials at this point: "If you're Goodwin, you come up a little gimpy after running a route. It's what you do."
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