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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. Um, that was with the cheater Brady. Now he has the cheap shot artist at QB, mckorkle
  2. How far we have come from the debacle in Green Bay 4 years ago. Josh's worst game. Packers fans all mocking how we chose the wrong Josh. I can't wait till we are back in Lambeau in 4 years. I'll be in the same seats asking who the wrong Josh is at the top of my lungs!
  3. agreed, there is always a whipping boy-even on a 5-1 team that blows the doors off the rest of the league most games. 4 games ago it was G Davis getting run out of town, Knox took a turn on the post as well. All 3 were not in top form either physically, mentally or emotionally during this season. They are not robots. I am sure we are all perfect every minutes of the day at our jobs (as I post this on a work break). Why can't we enjoy this season as another poster stated earlier this week. There are far, far, far more good than bad things on this team so don't let perfect get in the way of enjoying very good. Lastly: To quote the great philosopher Aaron Rodgers who will be spitting black turf pellets out of his mouth most of the night Sunday: 'R-E-L-A-X '
  4. once they went back to pin and pull schemes from outside zone they started looking average to good. wide zone blocking is not our strength
  5. I am most happy that Mahomes has been able to keep his brother and wife quiet this year. he is less dislikable when they are out of the picture.
  6. It could well be a keep him off the other teams move as well as long as he realizes he is #3 behind Diggs and the Archangel Gabriel
  7. WTF Virgil? Bills 31-Yinzers 6 We will not be denied and we will take no one lightly this year
  8. i think alternates by postion in standings 1,2,3,4. 2022 AFC West 1,3 home AFC west 2,4 Away 2023 it is the opposite so it matters where we finsih
  9. we don't know how much pain he is in or how much medication he is on so he can play-could easily affect his ability to concentrate/feel the ball in etc.
  10. AJ/Boogie combo Fins will go all out to stop 40 and 50 leaving these 2 to eat Lil dirty on offense doing his best tyreeeek hill impersonation
  11. agreed, time to believe in 2 players that have been in the system 3+ years each and would probably be starting safeties if it wasn't 21 and 23 in front of them. this isn't the old Bills where half our starters wouldn't make the roster on most good teams.
  12. thank you! I will be in Galway, Ireland for the game. been emailing the Bartender at McGettigan's -he said he will have the Sky sport game on but he didn't know what game it would be. half block from our hotel-first night with 20 of my wife's relatives -all from buffalo on a week long bus tour- they won't know what hit em
  13. and if josh could have floated it a little higher TDJ would have walked it in- nothing but green in front of him
  14. If we do do it this year, this off-season will be a reset opportunity as it is so hard to repeat and there will be so much good will. It is the perfect time to get a bit younger, reset the cap and retool
  15. In the moment that is a tough decision especially because he is most likely not thinking but reacting Beat me to it. Same thought
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