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Everything posted by Lost

  1. Last season when the topic also came up about Allen throwing too many deep balls, both him and Dorsey basically said, we're not changing. In Josh's presser yesterday, while he once again stated he needs to be smarter with the football, he also said he's going to continue to trust his arm. I don't really expect much change at this point.
  2. Cover1 out with a breakdown of some of Josh's plays from Monday. Film review starts @ 31:00
  3. Somewhere in Buffalo, there is a reporter who would love nothing more than for the organization to implode all just for the opportunity to claim they broke the story of said implosion. Some of these "journalists" are the worst humans imaginable.
  4. Totenheim has lighting trusses they roll out on the field to keep the grass growing. I'd imagine they would implement something similar here. From wikipedia "Grow lights are suspended on six 70-metre trusses to encourage the growth of the grass in the shaded areas of the stadium, and they can be folded away under the North Stand when not in use.[162][163][87] The grass can also be maintained for up to 5 days with artificial lighting, air ventilation, dehumidification and irrigation systems when the pitch is retracted under the south podium"
  5. I thought the hit to the head looked kinda deliberate watching it live. Looked like a Christian Wilkins kind of play.
  6. It's always been planned to have grass turf
  7. I get the feeling we will be trading our 4th rd pick to move up 2 spots in rd 1 yet again. We will also yet again, draft a RB in rd 2 and MLB in rd 3. Beane is stuck in an infinite loop.
  8. Sounds like the guy was demanding a senior management position and they got the sh*ts of it and decided not to renew. I woulda let his contract expire too. People who deserve promotions are almost never the ones demanding them.
  9. Short answer yes. Early on he was making quick reads and checking down often. As the game progressed he started locking on to his deeper targets more. He got bored playing the short game and couldn't control himself.
  10. I'm betting the over on Josh Allen to have an interception in each of these games.
  11. It was brought up during the broadcast of one of the games last year(might have been Vikings game) but prior to the 2022 bye week, Josh Allen had just 3 red zone interceptions in his entire career, but had something like 6 in just the 3 games since the 2022 bye week. Hard to fathom what can change so drastically like that.
  12. In the context of @HappyDays post, if Terry's point was that NFL players can be spoiled brats, then he could have referenced literally any country. Aside from a very small handful of soccer players, US has by far the highest paid athletes in the world and the best athletic programs. Majority of Olympic athletes from nearly every competing country on earth except maybe China come to the US to train. US is still the land of opportunity and biggest destination for most athletes. But we're debating 3rd party hearsay that has already mostly been debunked at this point.
  13. Josh will probably come out and drop 350 and 4td 0int against the Raiders and we'll forget this topic even existed.
  14. I'd be okay with a good team that loses an occasional close hard fought battle in a hostile environment. But these very Billsy losses have a cumulative effect on the psyche. It's hard to endure.
  15. It's highly probable at least some of the people at the meeting were minority. I would think they would have an interest in speaking out against a racial discrimination incident over protecting the NFL.
  16. I never said it wasn't offensive. I'm not part of the older crowd either. I'm just saying it takes some people longer to catch up to modern day norms. Like Josh Allen learning how to protect the football.
  17. Not a very forgiving bunch here. Y'all really want to bankrupt this man and ruin his livelyhood over one off very insensitive/racist comment he made? I reckon most here are under 70 years of age but people of older generations have different thought processes. If he did say this he likely doesn't even realize he was making a racist statement. If he had a history of making these kinds of comments or other sorts of racial discrimination in how he ran his business then that's one thing but by all accounts he's lived the opposite of that. I see violent criminals get less harsh backlash/treatment than an old man making an insensitive comment. Give him a chance to apologize and learn from this mistake.
  18. Well plenty of fans here are calling for McDermott to go back to Carolina where he came from 😂
  19. I'll take a punt vs. backup led offense over my QB being out for season because of something stupid.
  20. When you're 6 yard from first down marker and about to get blasted by not 1 but 2 defenders, you absolutely run it out of bounds..
  21. Hey I'm all for bringing him in at this point. We could sign Kevin and he still wouldn't be the shortest guy on the team.
  22. Hopefully the wakeup call he actually needed to go from just saying he'll try and be better to actually doing it...
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