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Everything posted by Fleezoid

  1. Shouldn't the title be "Spain will host an NFL game in Madrid"?
  2. The stadium will need to be like a greenhouse, so a glass ceiling is in order. A sort of metaphor as to what the team is showing us.
  3. To me, it just seems like Allen, and the whole team for that matter, is playing too tight. Trying too hard. like every play, every series is make or break. In 2021, when they went on that win streak to end the season, they looked like they were having fun. Playing hard, but loose. I haven't really seen that since early last year. This, but "football"
  4. How the hell do folks follow these game-day threads? I look up for a replay and 2 pages have gone by. That's why I normally go to the bar. it's a normal exchange. And when I go to the terlet, I don't come back with the topic having been changed 12 times.
  5. I think we need a Matt Milano Hat Trick. I'm probably missing something, but he's got a..... Tackle for a loss Pick Taunting penalty I'm sure there's better, but that's what I see.
  6. The Bills will get their unis all nasty green when they're tackled in the endzone over the freshly painted Jets logo that hasn't dried yet.
  7. 4 out of 5 doctors recommend you don't do this. The 5th walks around in Kleenex boxes mumbling to himself.
  8. Please don't cloud the issue with facts. Just go with it man.....
  9. Ok. Very true. I'm back on the Jones sucks wagon.
  10. I'm gonna backtrack on my comments about Jones. He's go no line. 3 rushers get penetration. And then a pick 6 that's on the receiver. Don't get me wrong, Jones is not worth the money he gets, but his line sucks.
  11. Keep Keep it going. Daniel Jones is a hot mess and Daboll's team is playing like Daniel Jones. Stay away from the media this week folks. It's all about Dallas (premature perhaps) and Miami.
  12. Don't sweat it. Walmart and Target will have decorations up in about 2 weeks.
  13. I realize football is well underway. But this is about the Bills, not every other dork in the league... Twas the night before football, and all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The craft beer was chilling, in the cooler with care, In the hopes that Bills football soon would be there. The players were all nestled, by curfew in bed, while visions of Super Bowls, danced in their heads. Some mama in her G-string, and I in my thong, Drank too much tequila, 'till the night was long gone. When out in the den, there arose such a clatter. I sprang from my bed, to see what was the matter. Away to the couch, I stumbled and tripped, grabbed the remote, and cursed when it slipped. The sun on the blades, of the fresh painted lawn, Gave luster of football, the waiting was gone. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, A crazy good team, against New Jersey, I hear….(where?). With a two hatted coach, who’s been loved from the start (mostly), He better deliver, .....crap, I gotta fart. More seasoned than Jets, his warriors they came, He whistled, clapped, and shouted their names... Now Dawson, now Dalton, Now Josh and Stefon, On Matt, on Micah, on Jordan and Von. To the top of your game, to the top of the league, Now dash away, yada yada yada. Enough! Let’s go men. Get it done!! GO BILLS!!!!
  14. Agreed. I'm tempering expectations. College to NFL is a big jump. Corners/Safetys in the NFL are better. I'm hopeful, but those highlights in college may take awhile to translate to the NFL.
  15. I'm older, but don't recall seing any orginal Twilight episodes. All of them are incredible. The stories are awesome. No special affects, no actions cams......just good writing. Real things that go strangely weird, really weird in some cases. I wonder if Stephen King got his motivation from Mr. Serling. Some of King's stuff was seemingly nornal stuff that went sideways. Just a thought.
  16. Many years ago I was camping with some friends. We were sitting around the camp fire. I was sitting on a picnic table bench leaning against the table. I could see a racoon creeping in from the dark of the night. I paid him no attention to see how far he would come. Next I heard a sharp crinkle sound and turned to see him scurrying back into the woods. The little effer stole a bag of chips that was sitting on the bench.
  17. I really do not like Ref John Hussey. I've seen multiple times last year when he let emotions take over. As a ref, you can't do that. He wasn't bad last night, other than his crew being whistle-less.
  18. If I can narrow it to just the Jets game, I want to see an Aaron Rodgers Butt Fumble.
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