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Everything posted by Fleezoid

  1. I selected winning Super Bowl. I'll always be a fan, and it's about winning. But I'm having doubts it'll ever happen. Here's why.... I came up with these numbers several months ago, so If I'm off, please pass it on. Of the 57 Super Bowls 30 of them have been won by just 6 teams. So more than half of the Super Bowls have been won by less than 20% of the league. There are 12 teams that still have not won one. In the previous 10 years 2 teams came of that list starting at 14 dropping to the current 12. Philly and Seattle. You could say LA Rams, but LA got a win previously as the LA Raiders. In the next 10 years, how many of those winless teams will come off that list? My guess; probably 2 again, maybe 3. Might not mean much to some of you, but for the older folks, it's something to think about. It doesn't change me as a fan, but it certainly changes my expectations. So to the point of the OP, I haven't thought much about players not giving their all. I feel it's more like the Bills aren't winning one as a Cinderella team, or a team that catches just enough breaks to pull one out. They'll have to be so dominant to be able to overcome the breaks that go the other way just to eek one out.
  2. A lot of folks talking about the penalties, and it's obviously a concern. But this is what the Bills have done in the preseason the last couple of years. Maybe not the 13 level, but there's usually 1 or 2 games that spike. Last year's penalties by game: 11 for 90 yds 8 for 68 yds 3 for 20 yds. 2021 first game was 9 for 112 yds. The last 2 games dropped significantly. It just seems they go through this in preseason and sometimes in to the regular season, then things tend to settle down. I'm hopeful. Or perhaps it's just something I'm using to feel better.
  3. They're just going to download everything he knows about the Jets, play him in the last preseason game, then the proverbial axe.
  4. I was hopefully for Dorsey early on, but now my concern factor is elevating. His play designs and the offense looking very unprepared are the 2 things that stick out to me. There was one particular play in the 1st series where Allen hands off to Cook to his left. He had to take 2 to 3 steps to get the ball to him. What the heck is that? Allen was in the shotgun, but it didn't look like a draw. Why are you taking an extra second or 2 to hand the ball off. It just gives the defense that much more time to get penetration. The regular seasons games are the real barometer, but the doubts are creeping in.
  5. I've been plucking nose hairs out since yesterday. I'm preparing myself in the event I'm stuck watching the game again.
  6. That's me hanging on the bumper. I'm just going to let go.....
  7. I usually listen every day. I may take a pass. I have enough misery in my life.
  8. What happens when it doesn't make it? And if he shows up to camp, does he just pocket what's in the account and throw a big party?
  9. Stadium's in the NFL are like Logans Run. Except 50 is the new 30. Highmark is going to "Carousel".
  10. Nice write-up on NHL.com https://www.nhl.com/news/rick-jeanneret-longtime-buffalo-sabres-announcer-dies-at-81/c-345619774
  11. I'm not sure that would even be legal. Or at least, violates some contractual rules. They would have to put a pile of cash in a suitcase and covertly deliver it to him at hotel or something. Of course, that's probably been done before.
  12. I remember a long time ago, RJ mentioned in an interview that he's been asked many times to go National. He turned them down and when asked why, he said something to the affect, 'I told them I'm too much of a homer'. Buffalo through and through!
  13. I think she's a bit narcissistic. Maybe they're taking picures of Josh too. Might be a women/guy thing......
  14. Heard it on WGR this morning. One of a kind play-by-play guy. A buddy of mine sent me a highlight DVD of RJ many years ago. On it, there's a clip of RJ calling the plays with the camera showing him in the booth. It was back when Jim Lorentz was his color guy. The play was heating up and RJ is leaning over the edge of the booth, his face is turning red and you could see Lorentz looking at him giggling. Classic moment. His voice and intensity is unmatched! Wished he could have seen Sabres win a Cup RIP RJ!
  15. I'm not buying it. I think they have him on a hoist while they wheel it forward as he walks with his feet barely touching the floor. It explains why they're conveniently not recording his upper body.
  16. https://www.buffalorumblings.com/2010/12/2/1848736/december-2-1990-bills-unveil-no-huddle-offense
  17. Funny, I don't remember saying it's happened before. I'm sure something similar has happened. Maybe not to "star" QB, but there's a first for everything and anything is possible in football.
  18. I can't wait for the first guy that dies because he purposely took a nap on a road trip.
  19. I believe him only as far as the situation dictates. If Josh takes a big hit late 1st quarter or early 2nd, I don't think we'll see him the next series. And I don't worry about him simply playing football. What I worry about, is some bubble guy trying to make a statement.
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