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Ya Digg?

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Everything posted by Ya Digg?

  1. So I’m going to nitpick because I agree with everything else, but outside of the fumble, how were the refs against the Bills? I just don’t like this thinking because absolutely every fan base thinks the refs have been told to screw over their team. I’m sure if you looked on a colts discussion board their fans are saying the refs were against them too. Saying the refs are against your team is a weak and lazy argument. Like I said, just nitpicking but I think fans need to be better than that
  2. I wouldn’t say it’s embarrassing but it definitely did look like a fumble
  3. Haha I love how people are already jumping to “oh man, Josh is just too amped up, he needs to settle down” 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  4. People gotta stop saying this, this is absolutely untrue! Will they be able to re-sign everyone they want? No, but that’s always been the case. There are always ways to move around money to pay the guys you want to pay, and that’s what good GM’s do. Look at KC, Seattle, Baltimore, New Orleans, New England-these guys sign their own and all have multiple big contract guys. Let Josh get paid what he is worth and let the front office do their job and make the salary cap work. Paying Josh less than what he is worth makes the organization look cheap and players don’t want to play for a cheap organization.
  5. Why does it matter if this information is released today? Josh and his reps will already know this information, it’s not new to them
  6. I’m having major flashbacks to the whole Doug Flutie/Rob Johnson debacle
  7. What’s I retesting is that they say Josh lost it because of his injury and play during the middle of the year, which is when the Bills arguably played their worst football....so the QB starts playing worse and the team plays worse, then the QB gets much better and the team gets much better. Obviously it’s not a direct correlation, but that sounds like an MVP to me
  8. I don't know, he's not raising his knees as high as everyone else.....trying to decide if they should sit him this week or just cut him entirely....
  9. I think you need to choose a different guy-let me preface this by saying I don’t like Hill, I think he is a piece of crap human being, but to say he wouldn’t make it out of OTA’s is a little too “looking back with rose colored glasses” for me. He is probably the fastest guy in the league-he wouldn’t put up the stats he does now but that dude is making the team and flying right past each corner in the league back then without breaking too much of sweat. i think some of you are forgetting another reason why they started changing the rules is because those guys were getting to a point of not playing football...grabbing the receiver the entire way down the field, taking cheap shot after cheap shot when guys went over the middle (even when they didn’t have the ball) or hitting quarterbacks way late. It’s like the argument with basketball in the 90’s-they changed the rules so guys could actually move and play offense because what those guys were playing then wasn’t defense. Completely different conversation, but no one can honestly say they watched a basketball game in the 90’s and said “man that Charles Oakley plays really good defense”
  10. Wait hold on, you're saying that a team that won 11 games and is in the playoffs has fans that think they will win on Saturday?!?!? That's preposterous!!!
  11. I get the sentiment to vote for Rivera because of what he is going through and that should get him some 2nd or 3rd place votes, but a coach with a losing record should not win coach of the year. Congrats, you took a terrible team and made them slightly less terrible...to me this feels like another situation where they are moving the goal posts to make up reasons not to give to to McDermott
  12. But that’s the great thing about this team-the players don’t have that at all. Besides Hughes, are there any guys left from the Rex years (how long has Ferguson been on the team)? These guys know winning Buffalo Bills football. I’m really excited to see what these guys do next week
  13. Yeah...really Tua’d that one 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  14. The Bills are the 2 seed and currently the most entertaining team in the league-definitely not getting that 1 pm Or 4pm Saturday slot
  15. Stats without context is how good analysis is done these days apparently. It’s more important to get the stats out there to fit your narrative than it is to be thorough. People care about being first, they don’t care about the holes in their argument. Stats are the reason why Mahomes was considered the favorite foe so long this year for MVP. I think Mahomes is an amazing QB and deserves the praise he gets, but pretty much any QB is going to put up amazing numbers with the weapons they have on that offense
  16. Wait hold on-you guys are saying that someone can get better after their second year in the league?!?! I have personally read on this board that is impossible!
  17. You would think of all fan bases that Bills fans would try to avoid just believing the narratives that are put out against quarterbacks. I do believe that Josh is much better than Lamar and I think that Lamar can struggle if he needs to bring a team back, but the guy is a good quarterback
  18. Oh I yelled at the tv just like everyone else did and I know there has been talk about his other plays, I was just making commentary about how there’s just way too much focus on his mistakes. Especially for what he is getting paid and the fact that it’s only his second year, the guy is playing pretty well...definitely gives a dimension to the offense that quite frankly none of the other tight ends give
  19. Imagine how this thread would’ve gone if he caught that ball- 4 catches, roughly 60 yards and a td. Plus Josh would’ve had 5 touchdown passes...so while that drop was terrible, it’s amazing how much focus is given to the drop and not the great catch along the sideline, his catch up the seam, or his 4th down catch. I’ll take what he brings to the table every game
  20. Honestly I think it’s simply fear of the unknown-the Bills have already played the other top AFC teams (and dominated one of them when Josh was at full strength) so this is the one team people are fully sure of how they will stack up. As far as the Titans and Chiefs are concerned, I think most people are of the opinion that with a full week to prepare for just one of them and a fully healthy Josh the Bills March up very well with both of them
  21. You’re right, he’s terrible-the Bills should just cut him right now! What an absolute waste of a 4th round pick-the kid didn’t even make the pro bowl this year, he’s a loser! And on his way out he should take Knox with him, Ford obviously needs to be cut, and just to make things really spicy because I know he’s been great this year, they should also get rid of Allen because of his first 2 years here!!!1
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