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Ya Digg?

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Everything posted by Ya Digg?

  1. On the flip side of that, is picking up an extra third really worth dropping 15 spots (just as an example)?
  2. Dallas would be foolish to make that deal-they get no future picks to trade back 20 spots and, as you said, are getting a linebacker that they are going to have to pay a lot of money to soon
  3. There’s really no downside for the 49ers here...they most likely keep Jimmy G with that salary for 1 more year-he starts the year then eventually gets benched for the rookie then they release him after the season, or they somehow finagle him into a first or second round pick
  4. Let’s not forget that the deal would actually be Allen at 40+ per year + a happy Diggs + a happy locker room + a happy fan base - the rookie growing pains - having to play against Josh this season
  5. I’m guessing you weren’t watching football back when they switched from 14 to 16 games, but have you been putting up this fight when someone sets a current record? This one extra game is not going to help set a ton more single season records...yes obviously it helps, but not even close to the rate you are thinking
  6. That’s fair-And now that I’m thinking about it, I’m not sure I have ever really called the stadium by it’s name. It’s always “I’m going to the Bills game”
  7. So to flip it around, why will you only call it Rich Stadium or Ralph Wilson Stadium if the name doesn’t matter to you?
  8. For a QB no, but I think teams have given up too much to get guys other than QB. The Saints trading up to draft Davenport comes to mind. I think you do what you can to get the QB who you think gets you where you want to be, but teams need to be more prudent when they are trading for non-QB prospects
  9. Sorry but are you really comparing QB to linebackers?? You do thunder stand the difference? If a QB takes a huge discount, there’s no way that anyone else on that team is going to get paid what they are worth. The front office can just go to the next guy and say “Josh took a discount, so you should too.” I’ve stated this over and over, it’s not Josh’s job to make the salary cap work, that’s up to the front office. So let the front office earn their money, just like Josh had earned his
  10. I don't see how the Bills got worse. They are still missing an edge rusher and I don't see one coming, but other than that I find it hard to believe that someone can look at this roster and say they got worse. To be honest I don't get all the love Flores gets in Miami either. Yes, he had a much better than expected first season, but that team had absolutely no fight in them at all the last game of the season when they were playing for the playoffs and the Bills had nothing to play for. None of those other teams in the division have a QB, they all have marginal talent at WR, I don't believe there is a running back to be afraid of...not sure what makes any of those teams a division winner. Sure, the Pats spent a lot of money, but did they get any better on offense? OP, I appreciate you having the balls to put this thread out there, I just don't see how you came to the conclusion you did
  11. Nobody would offer a future first round pick to get into the very end of the first round
  12. I think that’s probably around what it will be, but I think his guaranteed money will be above 100 million
  13. Come on guys, Josh is a team player, he should be happy with $20 million a year...I mean, that’s what Brady did all those years, right? If Josh takes anything over $22 million he is selfish and it’s probably time to trade him! Added bonus, we now have his replacement on the team!!!
  14. Then people complain that he took away targets from Davis and Knox and why did they only sign him fir one year and blah blah blah
  15. I think you meant to say “he had a really good game against the Bills, should’ve had multiple interceptions, and got beat on an incredible throw and catch by Allen and Diggs”
  16. Because the same people who were complaining that the Bills wouldn't have enough money to sign anyone are now complaining that the Bills aren't signing anyone
  17. Tampa and KC had similar if not worse cap situations than the Bills and they had no problem handing out huge contracts-in Tampa’s case several-so I’m not really understanding why you would be concerned about the Bills pushing money down the line. and as far as paying rookies, they are picking at the end of every round, that’s not going to cost them a whole lot. your post just seems a little too doom and gloom
  18. I don’t like this respectful discussion from 2 people on opposing sides, it’s really throwing me off!!
  19. EXACTLY! Tampa was in a similar cap situation as the Bills and they just handed out huge contracts to Brady, Godwin, David, and Barrett...the Bills can sign Smith or any guy they want
  20. WRT #4-theres ALWAYS more money. I definitely agree that they need to make sure their scouting is on point, but teams can always find more money if they have a guy they really want to sign
  21. It gets said on here all the time-there’s always ways to find money to sign guys...look at what the Saints did just today!
  22. Trading down isn't up to them though - they need a team that wants to move into their spot. There's always trades right at the end of the first round, but if I'm the Bills I'm not calling other teams to trade down
  23. I would be on board with Ertz in Buffalo - the problem is is sounds like the asking price is a 4th or a 5th and Buffalo doesn't have a 4th and I can't imagine a team can't come up with something better than a late round 5th
  24. The Bills finally have a quarterback worth paying and the amount of people on this board who want the Bills to give him a low ball offer is astounding. It’s not Josh’s job to make the salary cap work, that’s up to the front office. Make the GM earn his money. I can’t wait to read the comments of how selfish Josh is or how he’s not a team player or someone used to be a fan of his but now he has ruined the Bills shot at winning a super bowl because he signs a big contract. If you thought Josh was going to take less than $40 mil per year you are wrong and this deal proves it. Let Josh get paid what he is worth, if they need money for the cap later then let the front office restructure his deal, but stop convincing yourself that Josh should take less than what the current market dictates he should get
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