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Ya Digg?

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Everything posted by Ya Digg?

  1. I assumed the players would all get there by 10 at the latest, I’m surprised they are getting there later than that
  2. Maybe I’m not remembering correctly, but it wasn’t the comments about him getting too hyped that people got flames for-it was the assumptions and comments made because he was too hyped that people got flamed for. I think everyone agrees from day 1 Josh gets a little too hyped at the beginning of a game…he was also younger then, had a cannon for an arm, and plays with a lot of emotion. It would be the comments like “perhaps he shouldn’t start home games” or “we won’t win consistently if he can’t calm down” that would make people want to bang their head repeatedly on a wall
  3. It shows how sad the quarterback play has been for this franchise when Frank Reich is listed as a notable cut for the all time team
  4. I can’t tell if this is sarcasm-if so you need to put some sort of emoji or comment at the end. If you were going for sarcasm I can tell you it was a terrible crack at it. If it wasn’t, it’s just a terrible take
  5. No no no I read on here for a while that Kyle2 was Phillips…he can be Kyle2.5
  6. At this point we all know the fan base the Bills have. When I saw the thread name I immediately thought of that wolves vs sheep analogy. Wolves don’t worry about the opinions of sheep. Bills fans are certainly wolves, fox sports are definitely the sheep
  7. Well sure if you want cornerback machinery, but for wide receiver machinery….yeah, I have no idea what I’m talking about
  8. I highly disagree with this-if you want him to “practice” calling plays you do it in the preseason and/or practice. At no point should the coaching staff even remotely consider letting him call plays because he might be calling them next year. You would be messing with chemistry, potentially losing games, just to give him a chance to call some plays? No, he calls plays WHEN he is the coordinator, not if he becomes coordinator
  9. Throwing it in reverse?? Everyone knows if you want to be a professional field stretcher you put the clamp on the back and go forward!!! Amateur....
  10. So if/when a team has to forfeit a game this year, what do you think the players will be more upset at their teammates for? The fact that they have to lose a game or lose a game check?
  11. I took a quick scroll but didn’t see it so I apologize if I’m repeating, but in what world is JC Jackson ranked 50 spots higher than Tre?!?!
  12. I don’t think the Bills need to be too concerned about Hodgins…he isa 6th round pick from last year, didn’t play, and hasn’t been exactly tearing it up this preseason. I feel they could get him onto the practice squad without too much trouble
  13. You don’t give Trubisky all that money and then have him sit on the bench all year!! 😉😬
  14. Wait am I missing something? The dolphins went undefeated in 1972 You kept nothing real-you can’t possibly believe that the Chiefs are frauds. You went for the troll comment, got called out, then doubled down. Love the enthusiasm, but I find it hard to believe you actually believe what you’re saying
  15. So I certainly appreciate the title of the thread (the whole idea is to get a response from people and that certainly worked) but the premise is off. They won the close games and in the games I watched they never seemed to not be in control and you were always nervous that they were 1 play away from the game being a blowout. They are beatable for sure, but they are still the team to beat in the AFC
  16. This would be a terrible move-is your thinking to stash him there all season? Would be a horrible use of a second round pick in his first year. They didn’t pick him in the second to stash him on the PS (would never make it through waivers anyway) or the IR
  17. Not sure if this was meant to be a comment for or against Basham, but that would be great if he played like Lawson-set the edge against the run, can situationally put pressure on the QB (I doubt he will be the target of very many double teams), high energy/motor guy for the next couple of years-sign me up for that
  18. Uhhhhhhhhh yikes This, this is…something - you went just zipping right past hot take there didn’t ya?!
  19. Now it is possible he is these things, or could it be that as Josh has continued to progress his opinion has changed and he sees how good Allen actually is? We rag on national pundits who never change their tune, so finally we see someone who does change what they originally said and now he gets dumped on for that? My comment is not meant to dump on you guys either, just an observation and a genuine question
  20. I know! I think Josh should’ve taken even LESS money than his rookie contract! I just hate it when teams pay their good players a decent and fair salary and actually make the front office and coaches earn their money!!! 🤬🤬🤬 See how ridiculous this sounds??
  21. If this has been mentioned already forgive me, but I doubt any of the QB’s want to sign a deal this year. That cap is going to JUMP over the next couple of years and their agents (and Lamar’s mom) all know it. Not saying a deal won’t get done, but I’m betting that their agents have told them unless the team comes in with an absolute monster deal to hold off until next offseason
  22. I understand the concern in losing both guys, but I think the fans focus on them more than the rest of the league does. Hodgins is a late round pick from last year, not sure how many teams are really looking at him. Kind of the same deal with Stevenson-he was a late round pick for a reason as well. I think both have more value to the Bills than other teams. Think about it, are any of us thinking about late round picks from this year or last year from other teams and hope they get cut so we can pick them up?
  23. I hope he doesn’t go 5-5 in a game, that’s too many field goals for this offense! and beast he just wants to make sure it’s known that he cares some, but like, not a lot, could be more but it isn’t, just enough to announce how much he cares….my guess is though the first practice that Bass misses multiple attempts this dude will be all over it saying Bass needs to go!
  24. I’m not a fan of this argument-teams do the same thing to players all the time. Just look at the threads on here calling for the Bills to cut Addison, Morse, Ford, etc… not saying I want the Bills to get Howard, I definitely don’t, but the whole contract thing is a two way street that only the players get run over on by fans and media
  25. So are you saying we let Kingsbury get away like we did with Bell??
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