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Ya Digg?

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Everything posted by Ya Digg?

  1. If Watt goes to Pitt, Cleveland, Tampa, Seattle, I’m going to need one of the “no way can Buffalo afford Watt” people to explain to me how those teams can afford him then
  2. Uhhhhh, you spelled what wron........ohhhhhhh I see what you're doing there!!
  3. There are a lot of eternally butt hurt people in this thread. Brady didn’t play well in the second half because he didn’t have to. He played great in that first half when they needed him to. Did the defense also play well? Yeah they definitely did, but it’s the Super Bowl, I’m pretty sure the defense helps every team get to the Super Bowl. If the throws that Brady made could have been done by any QB in the league, why is he the only one who does it at such a high level consistently year in and year out? as far as the penalties are concerned and I said this in another thread-there wasn’t one penalty called on KC in that first half that wasn’t a penalty. They probably couldn’t ruled the PI to Evans at the end of the first half uncatchable, but there was definitely PI on that play. No those calls weren’t made consistently throughout the year, but they were penalties. As much as I don’t like him, there’s no denying he is still one of the top QB’s in the league and no, there are not 20 other QB’s in the league who would’ve won that game
  4. If they had picked up the flag because they ruled it uncatchable I could definitely see that, but it was pass interference if it was a catchable ball...they do definitely need to be consistent. While I don’t want to see 20+ penalty games every week, if it’s a penalty one week then call it every week
  5. There was literally not a single bad call by the refs in the first half. Each KC penalty was blatant and an easy call for them to make
  6. Rings are definitely part of the discussion, but not the whole discussion. It’s what makes the debate fun (if people are actually allowed to debate things any more without getting offended)-you can make the debate for Manning, Rodgers, Marino, all of these guys, but Brady does have a nice trump card on his side. Let’s be honest, it’s just a lot of bitterness as to why most of us don’t want to say he’s the greatest-maybe not the most talented, but he’s the greatest
  7. Exactly-always made me laugh when people on here continue to say things like “he’s a team player” or “I read he’s a minimalist so he doesn’t really care about money” as if having money doesn’t make you those things. What is he supposed to say anyway-“you know what, I would really like to get paid less than what I feel I’m worth”
  8. I can’t tell if you guys are joking, but I really hope you both are...putting Tannehill and Josh in the same category is a terrible take
  9. Haha I'm sorry I don't mean to nitpick and I actually agree with a lot of what you are saying, but when I read that part right there it made me laugh out loud - like it's some amazing skill to hold the ball on a field goal or extra point!! 😆
  10. So part sarcasm here, part honest question - do you have ANY idea how the salary cap works? I'm going to venture a guess that these front office guys understand it a little bit better than you do. Let the front office do their jobs - they are paid to figure these things out. The fact that you are worried about this 2 days after those 2 just had the greatest seasons in Bills history is a little dramatic. There are ALWAYS ways for teams to work around things like this
  11. I'm not sure if I'm entertained or annoyed with all of the hot takes that have happened since last night
  12. I don’t know, just because someone wants nice things doesn’t mean they lose focus and aren’t a good competitor. Didn’t he also have a game where he had a separated shoulder or something like that, went back I to the game, and ran the ball in on 4th and goal? as an organization when you screw up having arguably both a top 2 or 3 running back and a top 3 or 4 receiver and have really nothing to show for it, that’s on the organization, not the players
  13. She admits she's not good enough (and doesn't have the drive) to play every week...still a scratch golfer though. If you listen to her talk she's actually VERY self aware of what she brings to the table. She's actually really smart (and yes, insanely hot)
  14. I like the enthusiasm, I hate the comparison...let the guy make the pro bowl before we compare him to an arguably top 3 linebacker of all time
  15. Alright let me ask you-which team impressed you more this past weekend, Green Bay or Buffalo? I ask because both teams won by 14, but my guess would be most people would say Green Bay because they scored more points
  16. And the rest of the things I said?? Or are you just going to conveniently ignore those parts?
  17. Brady also didn’t start taking team friendly deals until after his second contract ended. Brady has made more money than anyone else ever besides Brees, and after next year (assuming he plays and Brees retires) he will have made more money than any player ever. So if Josh wants to start taking team friendly deals towards the end of his second contract then do it...but don’t expect him to take less now “for the good of the team.” Leave that up to the GM and the front office, that’s their job to make the money work
  18. Ahhhhhh yes, the ONE outlier ever. He also could because he wasn’t the bread winner in his own family! If you ever listen to the players, they NEVER want their teammates taking less money than what they can get. They want their teammates to get paid. Pay Josh what he is worth, don’t think that he’s going to take some sort of hometown discount because he seems like that kind of guy. I’m telling you if you short change your quarterback, guys know and guys don’t want to play for teams that are cheap
  19. No, no, no, no, and no. It’s not his job to make the deal team friendly-don’t go cheap on your quarterback. Guys around the league watch that stuff. He might go 5-10 million less if he gets a bunch more guaranteed, but he’s not taking $30 million if the other guys are getting $40+ million now
  20. I think those 2 jobs are going to be really hard to fill. Think about how many coaching careers were ruined because they took a job in Cleveland all those years, including Mike Pettine. Those 2 organizations really have nothing to offer, especially if Watson ends up getting traded.
  21. And that right there is the problem with journalism and analysts now. Gotta say the one thing that gets you clicks-you dont necessarily have to defend yourself, find the stats and plays that fit your narrative and stick to it. In this particular case, no mention of the elements and wind, no mention of him completing around 65% of his passes, just talks about the 200 yards passing and the fumble. Vick was terrible with his takes as well. He mentions Lamar’s receivers weren’t visible and he needs more help. They have used 1st, 2nd, and 3rd round picks on people to help him out-no one mentioned that. It’s all very lazy analysis on their parts to make sure they emphasize only what they want People like this Nick Wright guy, Stephen A Smith, Skip Bayless have all shown you don’t get big gigs by being objective-it does make watching these things for more than a couple of minutes very hard to do
  22. So for the first probably 10-12 weeks of the season, I couldn't stand seeing him out on the field. I know a lot of people on here like to bash Edmunds and Oliver because of their draft status, but to me Johnson was absolute garbage and one of the biggest reasons why the defense was looking so poor. It just seemed that every ball thrown in his direction was a catch and most likely a first down. He's making me eat a lot of crow right now, he's played really well the past 5 or 6 weeks I would say.
  23. In almost every game though the talk is always why one team lost, not why the other team won. Playing the blame game on tv makes for more debate and better tv, that’s all
  24. Alright someone had to explain to me what else Lamar could’ve done o. The interception return...I’m seeing way too many people on here and on social media in general saying he could’ve or should’ve stopped him and Hill could’ve/should’ve stopped him. Johnson had a lead blocker, they tracked Lamar’s speed, he went as fast as Johnson did, as soon as he took on Tre’s block he was out of the play. And don’t give me the he was making a “business decision” bs either, because we all know who those comments are directed at
  25. So what I find interesting as I'm listening to these guys talk this morning on tv and radio is how good the Packers looked in their win but the Bills looked shaky. I just wish that the Bills had won their game by 14 points as well with a dominant performance on one side of the ball like the Packers did....
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