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Ya Digg?

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Everything posted by Ya Digg?

  1. So if I’m correct, we need back up safeties and more linemen, my guess being either higher draft picks or free agents, but also somehow getting Josh more weapons….sounds reasonable
  2. Just stop, right now…you’re embarrassing yourself down several starters on defense, lost a ton of guys to injuries/cramping/heat. Relax, give yourself and hour to post, then come back
  3. So you're upset that they haven't done a better job of addressing "back up safety." Are you suggesting they use high round draft picks on players who are going to be back ups? Throw a ton of money in free agency at guys who will likely never see the field? In other words you want them to use assets on other areas of need (back up safety hasn't been a need) just in case Hyde or Poyer goes down with a season ending injury...you're absolutely right, why didn't they plan for Hyde going down with a neck injury that would take him out for the rest of the season! You think the Titans will give us Byard for a 6th and he can come play here for cheap too! That would be amazing don't you think?
  4. Dude I’ve been reading your complaints all day, what’s your solution?
  5. If the Bills always went for 2, then that opens up a roster spot-no need to have Martin on the team at all since he wouldn’t even be holding!!! Although I do miss all of the absurd holding threads….
  6. Unless I have missed it somewhere, who/what/where/why trade for a vet? Who is available? Why do people just assume Johnson and Hamlin can’t handle it? it boggles my mind that people think bringing in a completely new guy and putting them out on the field is a better solution than playing the guys who have been here for a couple of years
  7. So you give all sorts of credit to other teams head coaches and then immediately put down McDermott and give all of the credit to his OC…nice also can we pump the breaks on giving so much praise to teams that have only played 2 games with a new head coach?
  8. The goal is to win the Super Bowl…I’d rather be the Giants than the Patriots
  9. Wait I’m confused-you think them signing Blackshear means they want to get rid of CMC?? I get the preseason love the guy got, but wow
  10. Please enlighten us all-if it’s 35, stretch out a little, give us the first 40 that are better than him
  11. Plus they have way too many good players who want to get paid!!! Don’t they all understand they every one of them should take team friendly deals????? This franchise is doomed!!!!!! (was that too much?)
  12. Could be nitpicking, but tt wasn't 4th and 1 - they took a delay of game penalty so it was 4th and 6. I think we all would've liked to have seen them run a play instead of taking the penalty, but on the flip side they have been pretty aggressive going for it on 4th and short, so maybe they thought they could get a guy to jump
  13. I love how you still take a shot at him when he makes a good play. "Yeah, he got the sack, but it was unopposed so it's still not that good." As if other guys on the team don't get sacks "unopposed" and then get called out on it here. Never once have I seen Milano, Hyde, Poyer, etc get called out when they get to the QB on a blitz because they weren't blocked...isn't that the idea behind a blitz?
  14. At first I thought you were joking, but then it became apparent you just went full on troll! If you were trying to be funny you definitely missed the mark. Also, let’s say that Josh stayed in the game-why would they continue to throw the ball at that point? This isn’t college football where guys are playing podunk state late in the 4th quarter to try and pad their heisman stats
  15. This may have already been mentioned, but why do guys insist on releasing the ball the instant the cross the goal line? Dude almost literally threw away the win for the cardinals
  16. There’s no spin in my comment-you are ignoring the 3 terrible quarters they played and focused on the great one. Yes they won the game and yes they had a great 4th quarter, but you’re not going to win a lot of games by playing only one good quarter.
  17. What did Buffalo show in their first game that shows they have regressed so much? Miami needed an absolutely crazy comeback in the 4th just to barely win today and did not look impressive last week-not really a recipe for easily winning divisions
  18. Miami has played 6 meh to bad quarters and 2 good quarters (1 very good quarter today). They are 2-0, can't take that away from them, and very few on here think the AFCE is going to be a cakewalk, but none of the teams in the division have shown they are taking away the division from Buffalo. The AFCE still goes through Buffalo
  19. Davis had an ankle injury last year as well right?
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