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Ya Digg?

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Everything posted by Ya Digg?

  1. The results are different than the effort. You are saying you are surprised they haven’t tried to get him a #1 and that’s not true. They have tried-they didn’t draft Brown in the first round to not be their top guy (the same applies to Bateman) it just didn’t work out. I agree that Brown isn’t a #1 but they thought he would be. I don’t think Bateman is a #1 but my guess is they think he will be/is. They have tried to trade for guys, they try to get too guys in free agency, but Lamar doesn’t have the ability to raise the ply of those guys to the top of the league
  2. This - there are mistakes made every game by every team. Getting a little tiresome reading "if _________________ didn't drop that ball" or "if they hadn't fumbled" I know we have been spoiled by the amount of no punt games, but it's almost as if the other teams have guys who are paid to stop the offense from scoring every time
  3. But they have tried to give him a #1...they have used multiple first round picks on guys (to go along with multiple draft picks in other rounds as well), they have traded for guys, they have signed guys, none of them have worked. They have tried to get him a #1, but because none have worked people keep saying "yeah but they haven't given him a true #1" which is a false statement I like Lamar, he can do things with his legs most/all other quarterbacks can't do - but he does have his limitations as a thrower
  4. Taron’s play gives me a lot of hope for the young guys though. Taron was NOT good to start his career-he would give up touchdowns and first downs left and right. Then all of a sudden it clicked. It seems ever since he had that pick 6 against the Steelers a couple of years ago his mindset has completely changed. The young guys just need that time and experience which will give the Bills a ton of ball hawks in that secondary
  5. The one drop I won’t really hold against him-ball was high, behind him, and he got lit up (if we are thinking of the same drop) the other one I agree he needed to catch
  6. This-1:04 with 2 timeouts is better than 1:40 with no timeouts
  7. He is also a rookie with one good hand. Not saying he couldn’t do his part, but I hope they wouldn’t put him on Kelce too much
  8. Why the Chiefs or Ravens? Neither can afford him and neither needs help on the offensive side of the ball
  9. The glory of social media-“at the very least he can do is apologize” turns into “yeah he apologized, but it’s definitely not sincere” to “he did it on purpose and walked right past him, he needs to be suspended” sensationalism and fake outrage get clicks and make money
  10. My brother put his seats for the Titans game in the club section up on Ticketmaster-got almost 4 times the cost for them
  11. I haven’t seen or heard a single person say Fitzpatrick cleanly had that ball. Davis had it, they were then fighting for it, and Davis came away with it. I honestly have not heard one person say that it was a clean interception
  12. Don’t forget Shakir better than McKenzie/crowder, Elam/Jackson better than Tre, and Hamlin/Johnson better than Poyer/Hyde
  13. Why do you insist on going with Einstein as your handle? I have never once read something you wrote and thought of it being genius level …stop dirtying the actual Einstein’s name!!!
  14. That’s never his intention though. He gives takes that make people react, he goes to the extremes for a reason-it’s made him a lot of money
  15. My wife and I went to the zoo a couple of years ago and she asked Thurman to take a picture of us. She didn’t know who he was until i told her after. I felt awkward asking for a picture with him after so I just shook his hand and told him I am a big fan. He seemed genuinely entertained that he was asked to take the picture and to not be in it. He was really nice
  16. I’m talking more about the flip flopping some people do here. Less than 2 weeks ago people were ready to trade the farm for any CB because they believed the Bills were thin there. Now, we have such a surplus of talent it’s being suggested we trade away a guy. Gives a guy whiplash trying to keep up sometimes
  17. How did we go from “holy crap we have no depth at CB” to “we have too much talent, we need to trade away one of these guys”
  18. What’s worse-this or the guy who sued the Bills after he fell over the railing?
  19. Running over guys isn’t Lamar’s game. He avoids big hits, doesn’t take them on. When he realized he wasn’t going to score he got down
  20. I think you forgot a couple of over and overs
  21. He has played really well-obviously he will get tested against KC, but he has definitely looked the part…although he’s no Breece Hall 😉😂
  22. Show me where I said that. You continue to make comments and have nothing to say. I said Josh would not have made the mental error of missing the wide open guy. As a couple of people have said, there were actually 2 wide open guys on that play. Show me where I said he is incapable of making mental errors
  23. I generally agree with everything said here, but I really like that they weren’t trying to bleed the clock earlier. I was nervous that they were just going to try to get into field goal range and not keep pushing forward. Even though all kicks were made, hitting a 35+ yard field goal was no gimmie, and pushing the pace just a little bit gave the sense they may be pushing for the touchdown as well. I liked that they got out of the huddle a little bit quicker, gave Josh a chance to look things over, and at the very least push for a closer field goal. They played it perfectly though
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