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Ya Digg?

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Everything posted by Ya Digg?

  1. Def line shouldn’t get a game ball, not for how they played against the run
  2. There are multiple holes, how can he fill 3 of them at once? I’m not saying Edmunds is having a good game, but make sure you’re calling out how bad of a game the def line is having against the run too
  3. The defensive line is playing terrible against the run-not defending Edmunds necessarily, but you can’t say that the line isn’t playing like garbage against the run too
  4. Why is Edmunds the only one being called out? So many missed tackles and it’s not all Edmunds
  5. Every single one?? There are multiple lanes on almost every run. Why is all of the blame on him? Where’s the blame on the def line?
  6. Dude are you seeing these giant holes Green Bay has to run through?? How is that Edmunds fault?
  7. Did you watch him throughout college to know if his body Lange is any different? Please name one report that says he wants out of Buffalo this definitely has to be up there for worst post of the season
  8. Not sure why, but I’m not a big fan of Justin Jefferson. Doesn’t have anything to do with the trade or anything like that, I just don’t really like him
  9. This isn’t specifically at you (just using your quote) but what have the Chargers shown over the last couple of years that shows they aren’t just a bad to middle of the pack team? Herbert gets a lot of yards, but so did Stafford for all those years. As I’m writing this i think there are a lot of comparisons between the Chargers and how the Lions have been for years-lots of talent but they aren’t very good. I honestly think the Chargers might be the most overrated team in football.
  10. that's his entire career, not the last 3 years. Had a great rookie year, hasn't been able to match that since
  11. Yeah you gotta hate it when the wife wants the husband to make money in the business he is in 🙄 if only she would come out and say she just wants him to be paid fairly…oh wait, she has
  12. I’ve heard if you also add in Moss and a 5th teams are just lining up to give you their best players!
  13. Sorry it’s hard to tell through reading…is there sarcasm in there somewhere? If so I don’t get it. If not…..uhhhhhh what??
  14. He’s doing a great job of using his hands and length to disrupt things and beat his guys. He does have some moves but I think those are still developing-as he works in those though just his bull rush is getting so good! So many times he is just taking his guy and pushing him backwards
  15. In regards to these 2 points...as much fun it is to watch Josh, it's definitely a lot of fun to watch Mahomes as well. I was not comfortable at all with any of the third down situations, no matter how far away from a first down it was. He also had one throw that he made across the field (he was on the left side of the field, threw it all the way across to the right side on a guy cutting away from him) that was just outstanding I've mentioned it a couple of times in other threads but I'll mention it again - Johnson had a flip switch a couple of years ago. He was terrible - getting beat constantly for first downs and touchdowns, missing tackles....I wanted him gone. Then it just flipped. He had that pick 6 against Pittsburgh and ever since that game, he's been amazing. Gladly eating crow about him and glad I was wrong!
  16. There’s also a HUGE difference between who Josh threw to his first year and who Pickett is throwing to
  17. They’re probably kinda close talent wise, so give me the team with the better QB. The Eagles have done a really good job of jumping out to leads but then they just sit on their defense and running game. I don’t believe Hurts can bring that team back if they are down 14+ points and the team knows he has to throw
  18. Yeah because playing the third string QB really poses a real threat. Teams have been complaining about this situation for years, but since this is the first time you’ve heard about it then it must not be true. You’re completely off your rocker if you think the temps had nothing to do with how the Bills played that day. But go ahead, keep going on this really weird crusade
  19. Are you skipping everything everyone is saying to you intentionally? Most people responding to you are saying that wasn't the only reason they lost but it is a HUGE disadvantage - to the point of it being potentially dangerous. Why are you choosing to ignore what others are saying? You don't think that temperatures at close to 120 degrees isn't dangerous? Or it being 30+ degrees cooler on the other sideline as an unfair disadvantage? Read the comments before responding, that's all
  20. But the owners aren’t building these things just for football any more because they know they can make even more money if they can host events year round. College football playoffs, NCAA tournaments (meaning final 4’s), huge wrestling events like wrestle mania, huge concerts at any time. These owners think outside of the 8 dates a year they host football games
  21. The point that’s trying to be made is you can pretty much say that about every team for every game. I’m sure Chiefs fans are saying the same thing- “if Elam doesn’t make that interception” or “if Dawkins had been called for that hold the Bills wouldn’t have scored later”
  22. The results are different than the effort. You are saying you are surprised they haven’t tried to get him a #1 and that’s not true. They have tried-they didn’t draft Brown in the first round to not be their top guy (the same applies to Bateman) it just didn’t work out. I agree that Brown isn’t a #1 but they thought he would be. I don’t think Bateman is a #1 but my guess is they think he will be/is. They have tried to trade for guys, they try to get too guys in free agency, but Lamar doesn’t have the ability to raise the ply of those guys to the top of the league
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