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Everything posted by Freak-O

  1. Yellow cleats and gloves should be against the rules. I'm seeing flags everywhere.
  2. Either the 3-7 Football Team has a great all around defense or the Cowboys offense is pretty bad...
  3. Plus Beasley can actually catch the ball.
  4. I like Kroft. He's made some good important catches. All Knox has ever done is one single powerful stiff-arm.
  5. From year one to year two he got better. From year two to year three he got better. He's still very young, but of course he won't get any better during the next ten, fifteen years. Everyone peaks at 24, everybody knows that.
  6. So name some good teams in the NFL if the Cardinals and Seahawks aren't.
  7. I feel sick. What a ridiculously ***** way to lose a game. Maybe we should be thankful that it wasn't a playoff game or something, but damn this hurts. ****!!! Trying to see some positives... If you exclude that circus number of a last play the defense looks better the last few games than they did before. It's not a stone wall like you'd want it to be, but at least it's a swamp and not a golf green like it was earlier. Bass looked great. I think we can live with him missing a few his first year with the potential he has in that leg. Josh wasn't at his best today, but when it really mattered, when the game was on the line, he delivered. Beasley, Diggs, Brown, just great receivers all of them. They deserved to win this game. And some bad things... The running game is just awful. I don't understand how the offensive line can give Josh so much time, but as soon as they run the ball the running back gets tackled behind the line of scrimmage by several dudes. The penalties. Some were questionable, some just stupid. Singletary's was horrible. Roberts had a bad day, but we know what he can do, so he's forgiven. We need a new punter. I don't get it, what's the hard part of punting? You just kick the ball. Get a soccer player to do it or something.
  8. I think I'm over Singletary. I think I want a big, fast tank of a man as RB instead.
  9. I think that McDermott's left hand might be slightly bigger than his right, something I really don't feel comfortable with. I don't even know if that's necessairly true, I'm just trying desperately to find something to complain about for some reason.
  10. Yeah he's obviously on route to keep this team out of the playoffs for another ~20 years, anyone can see that.
  11. The defense was good in the first half and caused the fumble that won the game.
  12. Leading at half time against the Patriots and nothing but complaints here. I really hate this place on match days. It's a great place for keeping up with team news, but seriously, some times it's hard to be a fan of the same team as a lot of you guys.
  13. Watching the Patriots being outclassed at the same time as Brady and Gronk are doing really well in the Bucs game makes me feel good somehow.
  14. The stupidity of that interception is hard to grasp. Everyone involved are millionaires because of their ability to play or coach this game and they do that... Mind boggling.
  15. I don't get it. It's mostly the same people that were part of the previous years' defenses and it's gone from solid to awful. Running game looked great last year too, not so much anymore. Passing game last year? Not very good, but this year it has been excellent. And across the board it's basically the same people (sure, Diggs helps a lot, as do Davis). I find it very odd that the entire defensive unit, all of the players, have gotten worse. Maybe the DC has gone mad? That's pretty much the most reasonable explanation I can think of. But what do I know, I've never played.
  16. The O-line does quite well when it comes to pass protection, but as soon as we try to run the ball it feels like trying to run through a wall.
  17. Defense - Awful. No need to further explain this. Has been pretty bad in the previous games but this was unacceptable. Special teams - A couple of good punts, but Roberts fumbled and Titans had a really long punt return. Offense - Not very good, but not the main reason we lost. looked much worse than previous games though. This game was like a really foul bowel movement. Get it all out at once and then start anew, fresh and hungry. So many unnecessary blunders. Penalties, fumbles, wrong routes, interceptions, drops. They all looked like graduates from clown college today. I also don't understand how that last TD could stand. Didn't even think it was close. If Josh gets his mojo and John Brown back the game against the Chiefs might set some sort of scoring record.
  18. Today the Bills play like an entire team drafted from clown college...
  19. How about just one sack today? Just one. Or at least pressure Tannehill once? No? Well, how about not letting Tannehill overshadow our RB's with his running then? Still no?
  20. The Bills are bad tonight, but the refs are not helping. Some really good plays by the Bills in very important situations erased by soft flags.
  21. Looked like AJ Brown slipped when he changed direction. Very bad PI call.
  22. The defense wasn't that good in the beginning of the last match either, but they woke up in the second half. Let's hope that happens again.
  23. I'm really not impressed with the Chiefs. They're constantly a step behind, missing tackles, dropping balls. The Bills have not been this bad such a large part of a game this season.
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