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Everything posted by Freak-O

  1. By all accounts the Bills seem to have a great locker room and great team spirit. They have one of the beat quarterbacks in the game and is one of the favourites to win the super bowl. But yeah, McDermott is scaring players away. By the way, his record as a coach for the Bills is pretty good.
  2. Fair enough. I've never really set foot in the other sections.
  3. If you’re losing interest in the NFL yet still have an interest in this message board then something is just weird.
  4. Those half time shows are a real killer for someone trying to watch the Super Bowl in Europe. The game starts around 1 am and I usually fall asleep during the endless half time show and miss the second half of the game...
  5. Totally agree with this. She had a great voice but I really don’t care for performances like this. Totally agree with this. She had a great voice but I really don’t care for performances like this.
  6. Maybe they should reduce the number of teams then, since there aren’t enough good QB’s for all the teams? A 16 team league maybe? Or no, 8 would probably be even better. Only the best of the best of the players. But no foreigners!!
  7. Step forward. They lost a few lacklustre games, and some players’ stats might have gone down, but when it mattered and everyone went 100% they were better than last year. The losses/stats I think might be down to underestimating their opponents in some games.
  8. Personally I'd rather watch a sport where every goal matters than something like basketball. Penalty kicks are only used in playoff situations in the big international tournaments btw.
  9. There might not be any Tyreek Hills in the drafts, but maybe we can find one if we scout some prisons?
  10. It’s a nice gesture and he’s a good guy, but he recently signed a quarter of a billion dollar contract and now gave away two tickets to a game. It’s hardly thread worthy. And yes, I am fun at parties.
  11. Betting companies have no interest in fixing games. People who claim they do don’t understand how betting companies work. All they want is that people bet. The more people and the more bets the better.
  12. I remember people not liking the Rams’ new logo. I always thought that looked okay. This one however, is just plain boring. It’s just a font. Who wants to root for a font?
  13. Don’t be so sure. Bill Cosby is quite the controversial figure these days.
  14. It’s not though, if the employer is already set on someone else and just interviewing you because they have to. I also doubt such an interview is very good practice for the next time. What I really can’t understand is why anyone wouldn’t hire the best candidate available regardless of colour when billions of dollars are on the line.
  15. You’d think that in a multi billion dollar industry like the NFL the most competent coaches would be hired regardless of skin colour and this rule wouldn’t be needed. I don’t know what would piss me off more, not getting a job because of being a certain colour or being interviewed for a job as a good will token and nothing more.
  16. First a sack, then another sack, then almost an interception and then an actual interception. Mahomes is turning out to be anti clutch in this game.
  17. I don't understand this. It could be an historical game. Just put on all the clothes you own and get to the stadium.
  18. ***** it, now you've convinced ME to read it, which I really don't have time for...
  19. I guess I'll be betting on the overs for Knox' receiving yards and Josh's rushing yards then...
  20. So THIS is why they didn't let him pass against the Bills...!
  21. The Bills lost by four points to what is right now one of the best teams in the league in a game played in a storm which made every passing play and kick somewhat of a lottery. If that is "a discgrace all the way around", then what was the loss to the Jaguars? The end of the world? The overreactions on this forum is tiring. We'll get them next time in a few weeks.
  22. We're only leading an away game against potential playoff team by 10-0 at half-time. This is a darn disaster!!
  23. It's called getting older. Everything feels less important than it used to.
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