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Everything posted by Freak-O

  1. Such a fun idea ruined by too short a format and lightning quick editing. We got to see the Bills logo what? Half a second? And side by side with the real one. Same with many of the others.
  2. If you get paid that much and then risk a large portion of it trying to hit the jackpot with crypto, you’re either stupid or greedy or both.
  3. He was on the brink of making the team, did everything he could to do so and got caught. I feel for him. I mean, it’s not like everyone (anyone?) else is clean.
  4. What’s the point in trying to discredit people in your own team’s organisation while the team is very successful? I just don’t get it. Can’t be much fun being a person so desperately looking for flaws instead of enjoying life.
  5. I guess the Chiefs must have found out something about a criminal record no one else knows about...
  6. This is a pretty big upgrade. Now we have a young stud kicker and a young stud punter. We might be set for a decade in the kicking department. 😊
  7. Everyone knows the Lord communicates exclusively through underwear.
  8. This “story” really wasn’t a big deal. He helped some people with their luggage. Wow. It’s almost like I like him less because of this becoming “news”, although not his fault.
  9. Would rather have a hungry rookie than a guy who didn’t want to be here before. We want players who are hungry for titles, not hungry for money.
  10. This offseason won’t end until there are no good players left in the NFC...
  11. Baker Mayfield was #1 overall, would you take him over Josh? When someone was drafted is hardly important once they’ve proved themselves in the NFL.
  12. Hill with a mediocre qb on a losing team will test him. Let’s see what kind of locker room guy he is in a 6-11 season. If he’s smart he stays in KC and accepts a slightly lower ENORMOUS salary, keeps winning and enjoys life.
  13. We want players who really want to come here, not players who wanted to leave when they were.
  14. No one can save the season if Allen gets hurt, but someone like Fitz can keep the team afloat for a few weeks until Allen gets back.
  15. Cheap, versatile, experienced and someone who obviously fits well in the group. I don’t understand how you can whine about this. He has a part to play and he’s done so well these last two years. Get used to what? Being a super bowl contender? The people in charge know more than we do and they know what they’re doing. By know you’d think people would have more faith in them.
  16. Piano fingers are long, in other words not small hands. Weak perhaps, but not small.
  17. Gronk doesn’t strike me as a diva, nor as a locker room cancer. He’s just a big dumb jock with lots of talent. I think he’ll fit the culture just fine.
  18. If I were the Cardinals I would try to get as many picks as I could for him. He’s a good talent and a big name, but he’s no one I’d build a team around.
  19. Murray is a talent, sure, but is he an established super star? No. I mean, we’re shown the Hail Murray pass in pretty much every commercial break when the Bills play, but he’s far from Mahomes level. This statement oozes Kanye West megalomania.
  20. The offence works just fine. More than fine, it works great. We don’t need another superstar on the offence. We should spend the cap money on more urgent needs.
  21. The combine is VERY important! We need it for someone to run an extremely fast 40 yard dash so all the Tyreek Hill fanboys shut up.
  22. By all accounts the Bills seem to have a great locker room and great team spirit. They have one of the beat quarterbacks in the game and is one of the favourites to win the super bowl. But yeah, McDermott is scaring players away. By the way, his record as a coach for the Bills is pretty good.
  23. Fair enough. I've never really set foot in the other sections.
  24. If you’re losing interest in the NFL yet still have an interest in this message board then something is just weird.
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