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Giuseppe Tognarelli

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Everything posted by Giuseppe Tognarelli

  1. Honestly? I want no part of playing playoff games in Buffalo. It's become abundantly obvious that this team thrives on the road, and I don't think it's just because of better weather. They get something out of bonding together on the road and trying to get the job done together.
  2. What are you talking about? They're healthy back there now. This is going to be a blowout loss.
  3. Dawson Knox can play like he did tonight and yet I have a strange feeling that there will be a long line of adoring fans at his autograph signing at Dave & Adam's on Friday.
  4. Yes, the only one with the balls to ask real questions.
  5. It was not a good game. It was literally the worst possible game.
  6. This team is getting absolutely killed in Tampa and will finish 10-7 or 9-8, possibly missing the playoffs.
  7. Did you watch it? Hyde was aggressively bullying Sullivan.
  8. What the hell are you talking about? It was a totally fair question; finally a tough one. Hyde acted childish in response.
  9. McDermott says he's embarrassed by every loss, takes it personally, and expects his players to do the same. But they don't. They're still smug and arrogant and think they're better than they are. They were spoiled by success. What will it take to humble them?
  10. There are tons of Pats fans here at the Holiday Inn Express at the airport. It's very annoying.
  11. Went to see T.O. at The Bills Store today. Not a good vibe. Was right in front of him next in line and his entourage stopped us and said we have to buy something from his clothing line in order to take a picture with him. I said I'm not doing this stupid idol worship and left.
  12. What is up with those temperatures? Lol. 6-5-4-3-2-1? That's not right.
  13. Because the Lord wants the Bills to have a dome and He keeps sending bad weather to try to send a message to the Pegulas and give them a chance to make the right decision.
  14. For those coming to the game, I have a keep-warm tip. Buy packs of Hot Hands and put one on each groin muscle against your bare skin. Game changer. That part of the body has a big impact on heat distribution.
  15. AccuWeather says "breezy with a flurry in the evening; otherwise, partly cloudy." Should be able to trust it at this point. Shouldn't really be any precipitation, just some wind. This is said tongue in cheek.
  16. I'd actually be down for Chandler. The snow shoveling thing is legendary.
  17. This is, of course, a comment. The players are leaving no doubt of their preference. Watching this unfold is extremely frustrating, knowing Terry and Kim could easily afford a dome without affecting their lifestyle in any way but are simply choosing not to do it. The team is better in a dome, Allen is better in a dome, future generations aren't going to want to play in the elements any more than this one is, and the elements provide no advantage whatsoever to the Bills.
  18. I can't believe you of all people have this phobia. If I said this, you'd be all over me!
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