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Everything posted by Udubalum07

  1. A yard deeper and the d doesn't have a shot at it
  2. Three drops for first downs now. Allen looked like he could have run there too.
  3. If everything is able to start clicking for Kaiir and the way Benford has been playing, the future at cb looks really bright. I'm extremely impressed with Benford and Kaiir has the physical tools, but needs to figure out the mental and gain confidence.
  4. Wow... that loses a ton of credibility for them. The line has definitely passed the eye test, and the numbers have shown that as well. I can't imagine how they could be so low.
  5. I do think with Bernard, it is more about not feeling good about anybody they put out there than him playing great and winning the job. McD said he was disappointed with the overall play from the position both vocally and physically. He likes the way Klein communicated, but he doesn't seem to have the ability to play the position how he wants it played. Reading between the lines, he really hasn't loved anything he had seen, but Bernard seems to have the most upside. I believe he will have Kirksey starting around week 4 if Bernard can't be serviceable.
  6. Filthy is just Stephen A's TBDs moniker. Just trying to get a rise out of everybody, or if he truly believes it, then he is again outed as one of the most emotional people on the board. Just following what the national pundits say.
  7. It was a great game! This counts toward Josh's film study right?
  8. I was a huge Michael Jordan fan growing up, and he is unanimously known to be one of the most dedicated athletes of all time. It turns out he would eat fast food, drink, smoke cigars, stay up hours gambling, and played lots of golf. He is arguably known as the greatest athlete of all time. The point is all these guys live lives outside their sport. It doesn't mean they aren't putting in work when they need to, and probably need the breaks to rejuvenate and so they have the energy to dominate when they need to.
  9. The Bills didn't bring him in to be a superstar. What they have seen so far in camp is probably some of the worst middle line backer play in the NFL. So, it is too late to make it a strength so this signing is a hope for at least a return to below average for that position. I'm guessing they will target the position in a major way this coming offseason, either through free agency, the draft, or with a year in the system giving Williams every rep to have him ready next year.
  10. Looks like he made around 52 million in his career. As long as he wasn't blowing money, that would be enough for a lifetime.
  11. Luckily, guard is not in too bad of shape with one or two injuries. Edwards and bates are both solid at guard, and wouldn't be too far of a drop off.
  12. I thought that Arizona was planning for him to start at safety this year. That seems like a really low value for an athletic freak like Simmons.
  13. If he can keep it around 9 to 10, that would be a good improvement. He is never going to top the charts for least amount of interceptions, but if he is in the top half, that would be an mvp type season.
  14. They are wanting to give Isabella more kickoff return practice.
  15. Wouldn't they be going after some type of criminal investigation if he was drugged and basically taken against his will? then died due to the prior listed activities. The fact his family has already received money through settlements is crazy to me. How many more lawsuits are they filing? I'm guessing he didn't take care of them with a solid life insurance policy.
  16. He reminds me of a kid in my high school that just can pick up anything and was better than most anybody. All state football, basketball, and baseball. Partied all the time. Ended up playing d1 baseball. Didn't hardly see him practice. Johnny football was just the best of the athletes like that so it took him to really high levels.
  17. The last time he was a true play calling OC was at Colorado under John Embree. That team had huge problems with being organized and even setup for plays. He was terrible as an OC for them, bit that was quite a few years ago, and he has had a great person to work under. We will see how this goes, but my money would be on little to no improvement.
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