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Everything posted by whorlnut

  1. This is actually good for us. Addison would be a perfect compliment to Diggs and he might fall a little now. Don’t let the combine eliminate the fact that addisons game tape is elite and he’s one of the best receivers in the draft.
  2. You left out John Michael Schmitz. I think he will be in heavy consideration based on his versatility and experience.
  3. The difference between Reid and McD are substantial. One is offensive minded and the other is defensive minded. This is an offensive league that caters to the offense. Advantage Reid…
  4. I don’t know if it was one play in particular, but I was an 11 year old kid growing up in south central pa, right in the middle of the Steelers, eagles, and redskins triangle. I didn’t succumb to liking one of those teams, but when the bills beat the raiders 51-3 in the afc title game to go to their first super bowl, I was hooked.
  5. I honestly think our “excellent roster” argument has been overblown. In theory it SHOULD BE good, but there are holes everywhere. Our oline is a disaster. The WR depth is horrendous. The dline has first and second round picks all over it but we can’t sack the qb in the biggest moments. The secondary gives up too much. I just think we were all brainwashed into thinking this roster was “loaded” and we fail to recognize it really wasn’t after all, except for Allen, Diggs, and a few others. I’ll say this…the secondary is mainly on the coaching philosophies. They play way too far off the ball and allow the opposing offense easy throws so some of this argument is on coaching.
  6. I urge you to go listen to Bruce Nolan’s podcast entitled “10,000 rats”. He put it out within the last week and it explains very well why the draft pick allocations are still an issue. It’s not nearly as simple as you make it out to be.
  7. I get a feeling Beane will opt for someone to protect Allen. I also think he will fall in love with the versatility and experience of John Michael Schmitz.
  8. Both Allen and Diggs are starting to take the gloves off. Before this year, there was never any indication that they were upset and they shouldn’t have been. The offense was fairly well stocked in 2020. The oline was pretty solid and Beasley and brown were humming. Diggs was in his first year. Davis was rolling as the fourth or fifth WR. It was a good unit. Then the off-season happened and we doubled down on DEs in round 1 and 2. We added sanders to a 1 year deal and a few other pieces on offense. Then last year, we threw some one year deals to some vets and re-upped with McKenzie. We took cook in 2 and Shakir in 5, but also spent our first on another defender and a third on a guy that can’t get in the field. My point is that Diggs and Allen have seen enough. Allen petitioned for brown and Beasley at the end of the year cause he didn’t trust his “weapons”. That’s on Beane and it’s a huge black eye considering his qb was begging for help during a possible SB season. Never mind the fact that Davis had one of the worst completions % of any qualified WR and Allen clearly didn’t trust his awful line. Diggs is no different. He can also see the resource allocations are insanely lopsided and is a huge reason he isn’t targeted as much as he should be when defenses figure us out. I think it’s to the point where you won’t hear as much of the “we love each other” talk and you will see more focused talk about winning. I just hope we don’t get into a situation where Allen is bitter like Aaron Rodgers about not getting help.
  9. Underappreciate? No way…if anything, they overappreciate him. He was handed the number 2 job without any competition, which is something the FO is usually emphatic about. They broke their own philosophy and it but them.
  10. I’m thinking day 3. If the defense takes a bit of dip in ranking at the benefit of the offense, then I’m all for it. If our d is top 15, that will be good enough as long as we build a wall of an OL and get a WR2.
  11. Unfortunately, our version of “luck” is “bad” luck…
  12. I’m not angry at all. You’re missing my point, but whatever. I’m not gonna argue with someone over a “bottom feeder”.
  13. No? Well, signing guys like Saffold and Bates kept us from adding oline and adding crowder and resigning McKenzie kept us from drafting receiver till the 5th.
  14. Maybe we will dumpster dive on defense and spend premium assets on offense for once?
  15. I agree. He seemed like a guy that had no answers. He realized his “vision” of always adding to the defensive line caught up with him in regards to avoiding the offensive line and supporting Allen on the offense. Now he will have to go outside his comfort zone and keep McD off his back on draft day by adding to the offense that he largely neglected.
  16. Very clear that Allen didn’t trust his line or “weapons”. Hence the broken plays and forcing throws.
  17. I get the same feeling. I think Beane realizes his defensive plan has pretty much shat on itself and his star qb is getting frustrated. You could see it in his press conference. Just didn’t seem to have a lot of answers and was very defensive (no pun intended) when rightfully criticized about the lack of offensive help. I do think Beane will realize he needs to have an offensive heavy off-season to balance things out a bit otherwise his job might be in trouble if there is another collapse.
  18. Not sure they would have taken Justin Jefferson. I think they wanted Tee Higgins, but saw something at his pro day that didn’t sit well with them. That in itself is unsettling as a fan, considering they need another WR this off-season. If they didn’t see something in Higgins thay told them he was worth a first round pick then should we have much hope this draft?
  19. Well said. If McBeane can’t see the reason the chiefs won last night is their oline and replicate it this off-season then I have no hope.
  20. I can’t even imagine what was going through our star qbs head last night while he was watching that game. He saw 2 dominant OL’s completely handle the other team’s defensive front and give their qbs the time they needed to do their jobs. Allen is a team first guy and would NEVER throw his guys under the bus, but I can’t imagine for one second he isn’t envious of the Mahomes and hurts. This is why Beane has no choice this off-season other than to overhaul the wall in front of Allen. His defensive heavy offseasons haven’t been the answer in the playoffs. This is an offense first league and good offensive lines can negate a good to great defensive line.
  21. Spoiler alert…Davis is not “fine” as the number 2. Not even close. Very limited skill set and elite tree. We can upgrade there for sure.
  22. The eagles have a good defensive line. Maybe the chiefs oline was just really good?
  23. Then he needs to ask himself…do I want to win? His philosophy hasn’t worked and I don’t think it ever will at this rate. Beane needs to make sure they even this thing out and draft elite offense. Allen deserves that. The team deserves that. The fans deserve that. If I’m pegula, I’m telling him he either changes some things or next offseason might have him on the hot seat. Being stubborn is one thing, but being stupid is another.
  24. Not saying I disagree, but it’s getting harder and harder for McD to justify all the defense after each year. He’s gotten so many resources and yet they continue to crap their pants in big games. Tonight illustrated exactly why you need to change course and do right by your qb.
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