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Everything posted by ProcessTruster

  1. Agree. T White will be expensive. Remember McBeanes have a philosophy of paying their own. LBs , DBs all need to get locked up. Plus, No home town discounts in BLo. Will be very expensive to keep guys from listening to their agents and blowing out for LA or NY or FLA. Not sure who needs to get paid, but be assured a pile of $$ will be saved up for them. Having said that, I see several solid FAs getting paid to come to WNY this off season.
  2. Agree. Spend $$ on OL. OL stirs the drink in the NFL. No OL, no winning.
  3. New OL coach will watch all the tape , see him in mini camp , etc. and make a judgement. OL guys are hard to come by, so be careful b4 you start shooting everyone in the offseason
  4. you have to think Indy, KC, Cleve, Bills at least are in the ascendency (is that a word?). My guess Houston has or is about to have cap issues. Chargers and Steelers will be there bc you cant hit the QB and they can play forever.
  5. yeah good for him. such a good choice he made. same for Woods, Watkins, Goodwin, that whole receiving crew needed to get the h-ll out of B Lo and they did it and are so much better off for it.
  6. Patriots just please lose. Just lose. Simple as that.
  7. the over / under is 8 with today's roster based on how they exited the last quarter of the season; clearly it is 9 post-draft and FA as they are not losing anyone (other than Kyle) to FA this year who matters. So its only gain in terms of next years roster vs the roster that performed well for the last 4 games. I'd go play next years schedule with the current roster and probably win 8 games. The only thing that happened bad this year was they needed about 3 or 4 more games to play.... Trust the Process. Barring serious injuries to irreplaceable players like QB or half your o line (which trashes any teams season) , next year is going to be great.
  8. Agreed. Trust the Process. I am all in on the Billies. McBeanes are really building something real. This is totally Bill-ievable now.
  9. did his family live in WNY ? that will answer your question. I don't think they did? if they staying in Louisiana (?) , forget about the coaching thing
  10. Kugs! Yes he had some success here, got washed out when HC was fired, can't remember who the HC was..
  11. means nothing. pro bowl is a joke. if you don't win , you don't get in
  12. more picks is always going to be good for a team that will always struggle in free agency. the draft/locking guys up for 4-5 years is the key for a franchise in WNY
  13. nah, don't think so. but hey , anything is possible
  14. Perhaps Robiske and Castillo being out and replaced by coaches better liked by potential free agent WRs and OL is all part of the process. Interesting how the coaches in charge of areas of greatest need in FA are let go and replaced well before free agency starts. Trust the process. McBeanes know what they are doing
  15. I not sure i understand what "aren't eligible for extensions "means? by contract? They can't cut a 5 year contract with Tre White today? I don't want that guy getting within 2 years of free agency.. totally agree. re sign our own guys now.. don't wait until their contract expires , their agents will pull them out of Buffalo in a heartbeat. Its happened too many times in past to count.
  16. my sense is they will mostly spend on extending guys they drafted and like on their own roster, Milano, Tre White, Foster, Jones, Hyde, Poyer, Johnson, Lawson
  17. not a TE oriented offense. he's like Shady, if he's healthy and not too expensive for his position, keep him. Although I am guessing that knee is simply just not right and hasn't been right for a couple years..
  18. yeah RB is not a high draft priority, probably in the 4th or 5th. Fix the O Line and RB takes care of itself
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