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Everything posted by BillsfaninSB

  1. Joe Marino is great. I have yet to hear a guy from another team’s Locked On during the crossover segment that I feel is even close to Joe. Would not be shocked to see him on a national sports program someday.
  2. I feel better about this game then I did the previous 3. In no way shape or form I’m confident of a win. Not even close. But with a freaking normal work week finally (as of today) and guys getting healthy I think the Bills will look better on both sides of the ball. Hopefully it will be enough to get the job done. If Brown is still out then I’m not going to feel as good.
  3. Exactly. Beat the Pats and the Bills are back on schedule. I know that is looking at things in a vacuum but can only focus on the game in front of them.
  4. Doesn’t seem like Beane’s style to make in season trades of any significants.
  5. Couldn’t care less how they do it. Just win. It is a big game. I think the Bills will maintain a huge sense of urgency. No overlooking the Pats despite the record. Getting back to a normal week will be very helpful.
  6. Consider my expectations now managed. I just want them to win the next game. I don’t care how they do it. They don’t get extra points for style. Just win. I would take a 2019 type of win with score 17-13.
  7. I think this is huge. The Titans scheduling debacle knocked the Bills off their axis. Hoping a normal work week gets them back on track.
  8. I have a bad feeling too. These lousy teams win something at some point. This might be the Jets best chance.
  9. Pretty sure he played against the Raiders. I think he missed the Patriots game.
  10. Yes, if his name comes up in a spelling bee.
  11. I’m taking COVID plus the points. Something will get messed up over the next four weeks.
  12. Color analysts has to be one of the best jobs going if your are good at it and can stay relaxed when live.
  13. Getting a bad feeling about this game. I know it is the Jets but these bad teams seem to get their win along the way. This maybe their best chance. I wish our bye week was next week.
  14. Lately it seems like every time I check-in with TBD it is lousy news. Need this to stop.
  15. Eric Kendricks. Vikings are not going anywhere this year.
  16. Do we need to add yet another injured player?
  17. I will gladly take a 17 to 13 win with Milano and Brown on the bench and no additional injuries. Need to be as healthy as possible against the Pats.
  18. He has been excellent when he can kick away but on short punts where he has to drop it into a zone he hasn’t been so good.
  19. I wonder if the Titan reschedule debacle was a blessing. Those guys were not available for TN obviously. They my not have been available if the game was tonight.
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