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Everything posted by BillsfaninSB

  1. So glad I can ignore that game now if I choose.
  2. Mark Schaleth is the analyst. Forget the announcer. Not good though.
  3. Great write-up. So nice to see how meaningful these games are for the Bills now. Prior years it would have been “why bother”. Good times at the moment.
  4. While I hate the all red uniform I’m still very grateful the Bills abandoned that monstrosity from the 2000s. I cringe every time I see highlights from that era. Anything they throw out there is okay by me.
  5. Watching the NFL, especially AFC match-ups, is way more enjoyable when the Bills are doing well. Looking forward to the game to see if the Browns are legit or if the Ravens are not going away. Balt. have a very good chance to win out if they get over the hump tonight.
  6. Not giving up on Knox. Want him around another season. Too much potential and cheap.
  7. Thanks. Did not know the Bills own the tie breaker with the Browns. That helps.
  8. Conflicted about tonight. Don’t care that much about locking in a playoff spot. More worried about the Browns challenging the 2 seed then the Ravens being a threat. I think I want the Ravens.
  9. I’m not sure about tonight. Conflicted. Browns are bigger threat to the 2 seed then the Ravens.
  10. This makes me way more happy than a 300 yard game by Josh.
  11. Also a walk-on at Alabama. He is resilient. Plus he is going to get picked on a lot because of Tre. Life is hard being a CB 2.
  12. Edmunds and Bass gave the TE position some competition. Same with Norman.
  13. And we have a winner. Knox is the bad guy this week. Last week it was Lee Smith. Who is up next?
  14. Vintage defense! I love it. Would have been less points if it were not for the TOs. Getting their swagger back.
  15. Pretty funny actually. Effective but not a mean spirited prank.
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