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Everything posted by BillsfaninSB

  1. Dang I wish the NFL did not allow that 3rd team this year. A bye would have been so nice.
  2. I was thinking the same thing. He has hobbled after several games this season. The thing that worried me is that he went to the locker room. If it was just a routine ding I assumed he just would have hung out on the bench.
  3. I still believe Edmunds has not hit his ceiling. I want him around for another 2 seasons. If he plays lights out in year 5 I guess they can tag him. This is assuming that exercising his 5th year option is not detrimental to extending Allen.
  4. Now that we have a good sample size, what should the Bills do with TE this off-season?
  5. Like posted earlier, if Bills medical staff had any reason to believe there was structural damage I don’t think they would have let him walk to the locker room. With that said, if it wasn’t that bad of an injury seems like they would have let him stay on the bench for the rest of the game.
  6. Similar to the Cleveland game last year. They perked up after that stupid loss.
  7. Appears Bills will have to play everyone in week 17.
  8. I get the fans frustration but you can’t be mad at the players. They don’t tank. They are always playing for a job. They might not be back on the Jets next year so they just care about playing their best at the moment.
  9. Win the game in front of you. I think the Bills did not do themselves any favors laying an egg against the Jets last year. They went into the playoffs 1 - 3. If a starter is really banged up, fine, sit him.
  10. We need a guy that can win games when Josh gets hurt. Does anyone think Barkley can go 2-2 if Josh is injured and is out for a month? I would be skeptical. Josh has graduated from needing a mentor.
  11. Isn’t the other way around? Jags get it because of the weaker SOS. Never mind. I did not read your post correctly. Sorry.
  12. Play to win unless someone is pretty banged up. I agreed with not playing starters last year against the Jets but in hindsight I think that did us no favors against Houston.
  13. kind of like the Cleveland game last year. Tough loss but they played so much better after that game.
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